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  1. The Wanderer

    General Zelda The Return of Bosses Returning As Common Enemies.

    I believe it could work well under certain circumstances. Do I want developers to throw these guys in willy-nilly? No - I think that's a form of laziness, in that they'd rather recycle a bunch of older bosses than add something original. Used smartly, though, it could be an excellent test of...
  2. The Wanderer

    Somewhat Disturbing NPCs

    While we're at it....
  3. The Wanderer

    What's Your View on HMs in the Pokemon Series?

    My view is that HMs should bow out of Pokemon. I understand the desire or need to keep players from entering areas they're not ready for, but it's getting pretty ridiculous at this point. I really, really want to use all six of my Pokemon slots for battle without reserving two or three for the...
  4. The Wanderer

    The Future of the Pokémon Franchise

    ...Eheh. Heheheheheh. HehehehehHAHAHAHAHAHH!! HAAAAAHAHAH - ...Ahem. Asking me this question is usually not wise if you don't want five or six pages of personal monologue. That being said, I will try to keep this as brief as possible. Where do I see the Pokemon series going? Well, ten, twenty...
  5. The Wanderer

    EV/IV Training

    I like the idea, since molding your Pokemon into your own personal engines of destruction is a nice touch to say the least, but I never use it. I'm a busy guy. I have a job, a girlfriend, outside obligations, a future to build, books to write, friends to visit... I really don't feel like...
  6. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild Why is Realism Bad?

    Well, to be fair, he does label himself Zelda Dungeon's biggest troll. Certainly not saying it's right, but I'm not surprised by it. I don't know, I think I have to go with Ver-go-a-go-go on this one. Back during the inception of the 7th gen, the argument that full realism looks too disjointed...
  7. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild Who Do You Want As the Zelda U Villain?

    So far, Ganon and a new villain are tied evenly with 27 votes each. If this is the way most Zelda fans feel, would it be a good idea for Nintendo to make a Zelda game that features both a new guy and Ganon? I think most fans are reluctant to try a servant-to-Ganon approach again ever since it...
  8. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild How Many Item Slots

    To some extent, it depends on what control scheme Zelda U goes with. Assuming we're playing predominantly or only with the GamePad, I'm a fan of having just one or two slots to use with buttons, swapping out items with the touch screen. So long as you've got it all at your fingertips, why not...
  9. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild Why is Realism Bad?

    Honestly, realism in Zelda isn't bad at all, and I can easily see many arguments against it falling through. Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Twilight Princess - the majority of Zelda's big-budget 3D games - all adopted graphical styles close to realism, and it really wasn't that bad. If...
  10. The Wanderer

    General Zelda Is Zelda Sexist?

    Short answer...nah. Zelda's pretty open. Deep answer, every game has at least tiny pockets of sexism here and there. The classic trope of hero-rescues-damsel could be considered somewhat sexist since it seems to assume the woman can't or won't actually defend herself. And yeah, in the games...
  11. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild Who Should Voice Link in ZeldaU

    Goofy as that may sound to the casual observer, I'm perfectly alright with it. Would you look silly recording your grunts and screams? Yes. Would it be awesome? Yep. Unless this is more a question of which seiyuu I liked best, I'd rather we get an entirely new voice actor, or keep the latest...
  12. The Wanderer

    WW-Wii U Wind Waker HD Has Remastered Music.

    Seems like The Wind Waker HD is giving me the same dilemma Ocarina of Time 3D did. I really do like the improvements, and the music is a big one since The Wind Waker does have an amazing soundtrack that deserves to be fully realized as an orchestra. At the same time, though, are all the changes...
  13. The Wanderer

    General Zelda If You Could Make Up a Zelda Item, What Would It Be?

    Me thinking up a brand new item that doesn't suck would probably take way too much time. One thing I have given a good bit of thought to, though, is the ability to alter your current items, not just improve them. Let's say for the sake of argument that the new boomerang has to be manually...
  14. The Wanderer

    General Zelda Why Does Everyone Like Non-linearity So Much?

    My view on non-linearity is pretty varied, so I may be all over the place here. Why do so many people want non-linearity back in Zelda? #1: It's a founding concept of Zelda. Notice I said people want it BACK in Zelda. Linearity, while not necessarily a bad thing, is actually somewhat...
  15. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild How Many Dungeons Do You Want in the New Zelda?

    [insert "It's Over Nine Thousaaaand!" joke here] I voted 8, assuming that we're only talking about mandatory dungeons to complete the game. I would love to see Nintendo adding multiple optional dungeons to the game, which hopefully they're working on with the future Zelda games. So long as...
  16. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild Who Do You Want As the Zelda U Villain?

    ...Wow. I wasn't even paying attention, and this poll became pretty popular. Ganondorf kind of walks a fine line. On one end, he risks becoming too familiar and losing his luster, like Bowser from Mario or Ridley from Metroid. On the other, he represents a primal human fear: inescapable death...
  17. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild What Are Your Worst Fears of Zelda Wii U?

    I actually thought Skyward Sword was the most challenging 3D Zelda game since Majora's Mask, though it wasn't exactly straying into Shinobi territory. As much as everyone brings up the "hand-holding" argument against Skyward Sword, its combat felt a little freer to me - "gimmicky," yes, but...
  18. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild What Are Your Worst Fears of Zelda Wii U?

    I have confidence in Zelda U's success (still haven't met a Zelda game I didn't like), but I suppose there are a few concerns I have. #1: A "unique" art style we've already seen. An example would be using The Wind Waker's cel-shaded graphics. We already have The Wind Waker HD, so I dearly...
  19. The Wanderer

    Did You Lean More Toward the Law or Chaos Sides of Shin Megami Tensei IV?

    I'm pretty sure I know which boss fight you're referring to. I felt horrible doing it, too, and to make matters worse, I kept picking the questions that made the boss angrier. To both its discredit and benefit, SMT IV shows you that total law and total chaos will both result in misery, though it...
  20. The Wanderer

    Did You Lean More Toward the Law or Chaos Sides of Shin Megami Tensei IV?

    Shin Megami Tensei IV strikes me as more of a niche kind of game, so perhaps the response to this thread won't be overwhelming. SMT IV, like other games in the series (so I've heard), uses a decision-based Law vs. Chaos system that determines how the story plays out. While avoiding as many...
  21. The Wanderer

    Why is Mario and Luigi: Dream Team Rated E10+?

    Such may be true, and I have read the ESRB description to get some basic info. That said...I wasn't aware simple slapstick warranted any real concern. Overt slapstick can leave negative impressions on the littler ones (possibly instilling in them that causing pain in others in real life is...
  22. The Wanderer

    General Zelda Why Don't the Villains Try to Kill You More?

    The simple answer is "Because it's inconvenient for Nintendo." To some extent, it may be inconvenient to the villains as well. It's a huge world filled with giant, ugly monsters. Surely one of them will do the hero in. No need to lift a finger. Zant may not have killed Link right away because...
  23. The Wanderer

    Why is Mario and Luigi: Dream Team Rated E10+?

    I made a similar thread a long time ago about the Halo series. Something's struck me as a little odd with the latest Mario and Luigi installment. Mario has always been a cheerful, happy-go-lucky series. No matter the game he's appeared in - even Super Smash Bros. - things never got too mature or...
  24. The Wanderer

    General Zelda How Do You Pronounce Nayru?

    This, exactly. Any time you're confused as to a Zelda (or any Japan-based video game) word's true pronunciation, look to the original Japanese spelling. Each Japanese character can only be pronounced one way, so as long as you have a basic grasp on Japanese lingo (which I understand isn't...
  25. The Wanderer

    Pokemon Number 666

    This guy. Definitely this guy. I say this as a dedicated, committed Christian: that's one of the stupidest things I've ever read. Thankfully, I think Pokemon is mostly past all that (and how many of us have sacrificed our siblings to Almighty Pikachu? No one? Oh, okay). Anyway, it's...
  26. The Wanderer

    General Zelda Is the Story an Unnecessary Distraction in Zelda?

    Arguably, I think part of the reason Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc. sell so well is not particularly because of game quality, but simply the "hardcore" feeling of it all. I obviously can't speak for all of these gamers, but think how many "squeakers" (a.k.a. prepubescent, short-tempered M-rated...
  27. The Wanderer

    General Zelda Is the Story an Unnecessary Distraction in Zelda?

    The title is going to mislead only too many people if I don't elaborate, so let me elaborate. I got into a discussion with someone in GaroXicon's How Zelda Has Dropped Out of Mainstream Conversation article about the importance of developing story and gameplay side-by-side with equal attention...
  28. The Wanderer

    The Legend of Zelda Why the Series Should Never Look Back to Legend of Zelda

    Your points in and of themselves are valid, Ventus, and I agree with them. Nevertheless, I think it's the "idea" of some of those problems that players want to go back to. My idea of exploration is not randomly bombing every stupid rock to find a path, either. We have to go back and ask why...
  29. The Wanderer

    General Zelda Introducing Fog into Dungeons

    It does sound like an interesting concept, so I'd like to see it in a dungeon/overworld area or two. This would probably be best suited to a few little tweaks in the formula, like an emphasis on listening to an enemy's movements or enemies that require fog to survive and give away their...
  30. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild ZI Says Zelda U Will Drop Motion Controls!

    Wow, Cfrock. In spite of me originally holding a differing viewpoint, that actually makes sense. It is nice to see someone thoroughly excavating and showcasing their points to the fullest. (That's not sarcasm, I'm being honest.) In this light, it's difficult to make a Zelda game which utilizes...
  31. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild ZI Says Zelda U Will Drop Motion Controls!

    I don't think the quote is any real confirmation at this point. It just means Nintendo is waiting and observing. Previously, they've said at different times that they "couldn't go back" from motion controls, and that they were somewhat doubtful motion controls would return because of some...
  32. The Wanderer

    General Zelda What's Up with the Linearity Hate?

    I've never been particularly bothered by linearity, either. Actually, for a long time, I'd only played more-linear Zelda games the same way over and over, so I wasn't aware of what I was missing out on. And to be perfectly honest, I wouldn't be hugely bothered if the next games were linear, too...
  33. The Wanderer

    General Zelda What's Up with the Linearity Hate?

    Firstly, to any "Non-linearity would ruin the story!" or "Non-linearity makes dungeons boring!" statements that might crop up, I've already answered this. The article doesn't answer every potential question, though, so I might as well elaborate. So why should Zelda return to non-linearity at...
  34. The Wanderer

    What's Your Opinion on Canned Laughter?

    "Canned laughter," in a nutshell, is the effect in a TV show when somebody says something "funny" and a bunch of laughter suddenly appears as if to remind you it's humorous. My personal opinion is that canned laughter is annoying and unnecessary; if anything, it's kind of insulting to my...
  35. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild Who Do You Think the Zelda U Villain Will Be?

    This poll is in contrast to the "Who do you want as the Zelda U villain?" poll. In the latter, you vote for what kind of villain you'd prefer in Zelda U. In this poll, you merely vote on which kind of villain you think Nintendo will wind up going with in Zelda U as of now. Funnily enough, my...
  36. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild Who Do You Want As the Zelda U Villain?

    This poll is in partnership with the "Who do you think the next Zelda villain will be?" poll. Naturally, in this poll, you vote on which villain you personally want to appear as the main antagonist in Zelda U. In the aforementioned poll, you vote on which villain you think Nintendo will go with...
  37. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild Villain(s)

    Not to sound unoriginal, but yes, I want Ganon to be the villain of Zelda U, both in human and beast form. The last game we saw Ganon in (not counting ports and remakes) was Twilight Princess, already seven years ago. Assuming Zelda U is released in 2014 (which is probably too early), it'll be a...
  38. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild More Aggressive Enemies

    I most certainly want more-aggressive enemies. I've done a bit of thinking on this, and upon recently playing through DmC: Devil May Cry, I have some observations. Zelda should be exactly like DmC: Devil May Cry! No. I'm kidding. It's a good game, but the two are separate. That said, I noticed...
  39. The Wanderer

    A Link Between Worlds Drawing on Wall System, Good Idea or 3DS Gimmick?

    I don't know enough to make an informed decision. My gut feeling is "Oh noes, it's teh Zelda gimmick!!1", but who knows, it could turn out to be something deep. If traversing terrain is the full extent of this new ability, then yes, I believe it's a mere gimmick to separate it from other Zelda...
  40. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild Minor Things You Do NOT Want in the Game

    Much of what the others have said. However, I'll try and conjure up a few of my own: #1: Rupee/treasure notifications. For Din's sake, I KNOW what a red rupee is! WHY do you need to tell me AGAIN!?! #2: Showing off every new place you go to. Impatient gamers will get annoyed by it. Observant...
  41. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild ZeldaU May Not Have Multiplayer

    I'm not hugely surprised. I do think Nintendo is missing out on one heck of an opportunity by opting out of multiplayer functions, however. I've mentioned the possibilities before, but Zelda's formula and gameplay lends itself hugely to all kinds of multiplayer scenarios. I hope to see such...
  42. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild Zelda Wii U- Why Would It Have "stolen the Show" at E3?

    I do have to agree with Yeti on this one. Actually, call me an uneducated rube, but I'm not sure why showing Zelda Wii U at E3 would have been a bad thing for the other Nintendo games at all. I'm not going to spontaneously forget Nintendo's remaking The Wind Waker or releasing Mario Kart 8. I'm...
  43. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild Worried Zelda Wii U Will Be Rushed

    I'm not particularly worried, since Nintendo isn't really known for rushing their products much (actually, in some ways they may stall too much). They occasionally make poor design choices, but that doesn't always mean the game was rushed. That said, it's worth taking one of Aonuma's quotes...
  44. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild Could This Be a Sneak Peek of ZeldaU Link?

    Do I think this is a sneak peek at Zelda Wii U Link? Eh... 50/50 at this point. It's entirely possible Skyward Sword's general graphical scheme could be reused in greater detail in Zelda Wii U, but there are few guarantees at this point. As many have pointed out, this looks like a blend between...
  45. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild Brand New Idea!!!!

    I don't see the problem with it. I'd even be perfectly fine if they made Link a woman, or gave him a new black haircut (not like game companies have ever done that, of course). I don't particularly see what's wrong with change in a video game series so long as it adheres to its core roots, and...
  46. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild Possibility of a Twilight Princess Game.

    When you think about it, Nintendo's done a sequel/prequel to every Zelda game except Twilight Princess and, so far, Skyward Sword. That they would deviate from this formula for so long is a bit strange. Zelda Wii U could, of course, be the next installment in any one line of Zelda games - A...
  47. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild Do You Think We Will Get Another Four Swords Game?

    Four Swords is one of those good Zelda ideas that should never completely die. Every iteration so far (not counting The Minish Cap, but you don't exactly see "Four Swords" in its title, do you?) has been kind of half-baked, like Nintendo wasn't really trying that much. What we need is another...
  48. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild Unexpected Elements?

    And furthermore, we shall have no more of that pansy "observation" and "position" to our combat - all action shall be replaced by quick-time events! That's exactly what makes for compelling adventure gameplay! (Sarcasm, in case the reader couldn't tell.)
  49. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild Unexpected Elements?

    Almost certainly multiplayer. It was one of Aonuma's two big points when talking about Zelda Wii U. Zelda's dabbled in multiplayer before (Four Swords comes to mind), but the Wii U is very much a social device. Players could explore caves together, leave clues and markings for other players to...
  50. The Wanderer

    Breath of the Wild Running on a Week

    I'm not necessarily opposed to it, but I also don't see a blatant purpose so far besides padding the game (a major complaint in Zelda these days). Awesome as Majora's Mask was, I actually hold the limits of its three-day cycle as a negative point. Want to play at the shooting gallery for kicks...
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