The Pokémon series currently consists of six generations, each one bringing new aspects into the series. Generation VI probably had the largest change so far, with the addition of full 3D battles, a new type, and several other new concepts that had never been seen before. I have yet to play the games, but they definitely seem like worthy additions to the franchise.
So... what's next? Is there really much else that they can do to the series now? My main question is what do you expect out of future games in the Pokémon series? What kind of things would you like to see that was not put into place with the most recent titles? When/if Generation VII comes along, what could they do that hasn't already been done? Feel free to discuss!
So... what's next? Is there really much else that they can do to the series now? My main question is what do you expect out of future games in the Pokémon series? What kind of things would you like to see that was not put into place with the most recent titles? When/if Generation VII comes along, what could they do that hasn't already been done? Feel free to discuss!