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  1. Mikey the Moblin

    "AAA" gaming and your wallet

    Game was released unfinished and didn't get finished for half a year, more if you count arena pvp as part of the game
  2. Mikey the Moblin

    What is your unpopular Zelda opinion?

    Congratulations or sorry that happened
  3. Mikey the Moblin

    What is your unpopular Zelda opinion?

    So in other words, your word on the series holds more weight than the creators themselves
  4. Mikey the Moblin

    What is your unpopular Zelda opinion?

    While the downfall timeline probably didn't exist from the beginning, SMS did a bit of research iirc that supports the theory that the downfall timeline was an internal consistency by the time wind waker was released
  5. Mikey the Moblin

    Zelda Can fight with a sword

    It gives me indie game vibes which I'm kinda here for
  6. Mikey the Moblin

    Zelda Can fight with a sword

    okay this is definitely not a zelda game but wow that looks fun, I do actually want it
  7. Mikey the Moblin

    What is your unpopular Zelda opinion?

    A link to the past exists as a prequel to LOZ. You can't just put ALTTP after LOZ and say "see it works now" the same ganon exists now in two completely different time periods, and in the wrong order
  8. Mikey the Moblin

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Mario kart+ Mario party makes me think it's a thing Also golf too no?
  9. Mikey the Moblin

    What is your unpopular Zelda opinion?

    Oot is also homeless Both those games exist as prequels of what came before. If you move zelda 1 to the front, their stories are no longer contextually relevant to the series as a whole
  10. Mikey the Moblin

    What is your unpopular Zelda opinion?

    but then a link to the past becomes homeless
  11. Mikey the Moblin

    Last person to post wins

    It's a projection, clearly!
  12. Mikey the Moblin

    Breath of the Wild How come this phenomena didn't happen in the immediate aftermath of the Calamity?

    "Phenomena" is the plural form of the word "phenomenon". When you refer to a single unusual event or behavior, it's a phenomenon. Several strange behaviors would be a group of phenomena. Now you know!
  13. Mikey the Moblin

    April Fools day; pranks are so foolish :p

    my mom replaced the salt in the saltshaker once with sugar joke's on her, though- the flavor of the canned peas still improved with sugar on another year, I made my mom scrambled eggs and then recorded her eating them. There was nothing wrong with them, the prank was that they were delicious...
  14. Mikey the Moblin

    What Made You Happy Today?

    your emo phase is just around the corner dw
  15. Mikey the Moblin

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    bro thinks he's the joker
  16. Mikey the Moblin

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Normie take tbh I agree We must tend to the garden
  17. Mikey the Moblin

    Sign Ups PLAYER SINE UPS: Bug Fables Mafia

    Find me a place to live and the game starts! [Hold please]
  18. Mikey the Moblin

    The Nintendo Direct News And Discussion Thread

    I felt a sudden disturbance in the force, as if a million voices cried out, "Silksong?"
  19. Mikey the Moblin

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I didn't know it was possible to miss the Midwest more than I already did
  20. Mikey the Moblin

    Your first Zelda experience

    I have the faintest impressions left of memories of playing zelda 2 as a child and just thinking it was fun to play a game (I had no taste) I had an equivalent amount of fun playing wind waker and never leaving outset island I suppose me, my dad, and my siblings all agreed silently that we...
  21. Mikey the Moblin

    Best Zelda sequel?

    looking at this in the context of how these games act as sequels just makes me think zelda sequels are bad lol the best game here is majora's mask though personally I think wind waker acts as a neat little time skip sequel to ocarina of time. It feels like the dark souls 3 to dark souls, or...
  22. Mikey the Moblin

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    "I don't want to be the next Faker. I want to be the first Showmaker." -showmaker, mid laner for damwon gaming
  23. Mikey the Moblin

    What are Aftertastes You Can't Stand?

    Mac n cheese, diet pop, eucalyptus
  24. Mikey the Moblin

    Last person to post wins

  25. Mikey the Moblin

    Stuff Happens.

    0/100, it's high probability to be a dolphin, and even if it's something other than a dolphin, it's unlikely to be aggressive towards me. Would actually feel very lucky if this happened to me irl You're getting ready for work in the morning and realize you can't find your wallet anywhere
  26. Mikey the Moblin

    Favorite Real Life Cities You Have Traveled To So Far ?

    Amazing joke had to read it twice to get it
  27. Mikey the Moblin

    Favorite/Least Favorite Zelda Games

    I really like seeing people appreciate skyward sword for what it does well Fi's farewell also makes me tear up
  28. Mikey the Moblin

    Tears of the Kingdom Your Fighting Style

    Well, in dark souls you push a button to roll actually
  29. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Man, I thought Canadians were all nice???
  30. Mikey the Moblin

    sloggy slog or give up??

    I try to stick to it. Usually if I can't get through a book it's a me problem
  31. Mikey the Moblin

    Tears of the Kingdom Did you use the item duplication glitch in ToTK?

    Honestly the game wasn't really playable without it Using the zonai devices with cruddy battery power was so frustrating. It was much more fun to just duplicate the necessary items and travel around in the underground without having to stop constantly to recharge the battery. Same with...
  32. Mikey the Moblin

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    does it say he has no abs
  33. Mikey the Moblin

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I wore glasses and had a six pack in high school smh
  34. Mikey the Moblin

    How soon will game graphics reach a plateau?

    Yeah, i mean cgi in 2013 and earlier looked photoreal, so games are capable of it as well. It's just a question of what you're willing to do to render realistic graphics and whether that's worth it
  35. Mikey the Moblin

    Hopes For Pokémon Legends Z-A

    I hope I can collect a bunch of cute and cool monsters and watch them grow stronger
  36. Mikey the Moblin

    TPHD-Wii U Are the Zelda game remakes on Wii U worth getting?

    specifically WWHD- I think the only significant addition to the game is the gyro controls, which are great, but don't compensate for the tingle item downgrade. Everything else is personal preference/sidegrade, they really increased the bloom a lot and smoothed out the models. It makes...
  37. Mikey the Moblin

    What kind of a person are you?

    Yeah, that's what I mean. They use general broadly appealing statements/human commonalities that you read and think "oh that's true" because it's true of many people Same way horoscopes work In this sense, the pokemon personality test is way cooler because it gives you a pokemon association
  38. Mikey the Moblin

    What kind of a person are you?

    Saying they're just for fun is not letting people enjoy them?
  39. Mikey the Moblin

    What kind of a person are you?

    I usually get the virtuoso when I take this But mbti doesn't have much scientific backing; it's just for fun This test doesn't define your personality any better than someone here could
  40. Mikey the Moblin

    What kind of a person are you?

    Relax, it's fake
  41. Mikey the Moblin

    Tour of Hyrule Trailer!

    it just looks a little out of place, like the game feels more traditional than the sheikah tech of botw so I don't know why the UI matches that sort of modern tech feel
  42. Mikey the Moblin

    TPHD-Wii U Are the Zelda game remakes on Wii U worth getting?

    I kinda prefer the original tbh
  43. Mikey the Moblin

    Tour of Hyrule Trailer!

    Zols are back??? Downfall timeline
  44. Mikey the Moblin

    2024 Paris Olympics

  45. Mikey the Moblin

    Internet bloo...

    Do it overnight
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