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What are Aftertastes You Can't Stand?


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend
I really like eating oatmeal or mac n cheese, but I can't STAND the aftertaste it has afterwards. I find it so repulsive that I have to go brush my teeth, no exceptions. I'm pretty much the only person in my house to do that, so I'm wondering if any of you have food you enjoy that does this? Maybe not to the extent that you physically go brush your teeth, but you wish you get the taste out of your mouth.


I want a kitty!
Mar 13, 2024
Lon Lon Ranch
My meds after swallowing, *retches*, and lemon flavored things. Not that enjoy the taste of my meds, they just make me wanna throw up.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Food wise, actually not a lot. Any artificial watermelon flavours leave a bad aftertaste, but I tend to just avoid those.

For me, I have to say mouthwash. Perhaps it's just the kind I use, but I find it has quite a pleasant initial taste, but the aftertaste is really strong and lingers for a good while.

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