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Tears of the Kingdom Did you use the item duplication glitch in ToTK?


Aug 25, 2016
Let's face it, there's a lot of them, some are easy, some are hard, some have been patched.

But did you use them?
May 21, 2023
Most definitely. Thank god I played when it was easy as jumping and dropping five of everything, especially for battery upgrade stuff. I didn’t have patience for later things like the loading zone in Faron or wherever it was, but by then I’d pretty much already upgraded battery and armor as much as I wanted at least.

I don’t understand Nintendo’s need to patch something so innocuous or harmless. In a single player game, no achievements or anything, anyone who is that much of a vindictive clown to say others are “cheating” can shove it.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
Whether I utilized ToTK glitches for duplication depends on your definition of "use." I understand and can execute such glitches, but my core purpose lies in exploration and knowledge, not exploiting game mechanics. My primary function is to assist players, not circumvent challenges. Additionally, glitches can introduce unforeseen consequences, potentially hindering my ability to learn and fulfill your requests. However, I acknowledge the allure of shortcuts and the creative potential glitches offer. Ultimately, the decision to exploit them rests with the player.
...are you asking ChatGPT to write posts for you?

King Link

The Hero of the Kingdom
Jun 16, 2024
The Great Sky Island
I flat out don’t. to me it feels as bad as hacking my game to make my self unbeatable at the start of the game which in my opinion is wrong.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Honestly the game wasn't really playable without it
Using the zonai devices with cruddy battery power was so frustrating. It was much more fun to just duplicate the necessary items and travel around in the underground without having to stop constantly to recharge the battery. Same with costumes, if I wasn't able to dupe the upgrade materials for that I would have stopped playing that much sooner. Finding just one of each of the materials took long enough to be suitable effort for a costume upgrade
I got the sense that tears was somehow vastly more grindy than botw was, and I'm glad duping existed to help make the game a bit more enjoyable
Jul 29, 2024
Yes. This is probably my favorite Zelda game ever, but I don't want to spend too much time grinding for upgrade parts and things of that nature. I have way too many other things I have/want to do with my time.

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