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  1. H

    The Wind Waker Weakest Link in the Series, Literally?

    Wait. Majora's Mask? That's the hardest of the 3D Zeldas. Well, that's what I think anyway...
  2. H

    WW-Wii U I Dislike the Faster Text Speed

    Well, there's no real voice acting in Zelda anyway... so you can sort of create it yourself haha.
  3. H

    WW-Wii U I Dislike the Faster Text Speed

    At first I thought: "Well, have you seen how fast the text is in Majora's Mask?". Then I though that I might as well check out a walkthrough... wow. I did not expect the text to be THAT fast. That's kind of ridiculous... Though, I was watching ZeldaInformers walkthrough on Youtube and he(she?)...
  4. H

    General Zelda Best Zelda Sidekick?

    Midna, obviously :).
  5. H

    Ocarina of Time VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 69!

    I voted Kakariko Village :).
  6. H

    What's Your Favorite Zelda Game?

    Well, I actually started with Twilight Princess. And yes, I admit, it had a little bit to do with me liking the graphics... Either way, I remember it starting out kind of boring(you all know how the beginning of TP is :)), but I started liking it more and more, and later I really loved the game...
  7. H

    Twilight Princess Fixing Twilight Princess Via a Remake

    Higher resolution textures and orchestrated(BUT STILL THE SAME SONGS!!!) music :). That's all I'd want them to "fix" about the game. Twilight Princess is one of my favorite Zelda games.
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    General Zelda How Do You Supplement the Zelda Drought

    Eh... Zelda Classic? Hehe Otherwise I guess RPGs, like Xenoblade.
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    Breath of the Wild What Are Your Worst Fears of Zelda Wii U?

    You even hate Skyward Sword more then me lol. OK, seriously I actually don't hate SS, but it's definitely not my favorite Zelda game.
  10. H

    Breath of the Wild What Are Your Worst Fears of Zelda Wii U?

    1. More linear then SS(is it even possible? lol) 2. A small disconnected world 3. "The Legend of Zelda - The Return of Fi" 4. Impressionistic art style OK, so yeah, Skyward Sword isn't exactly my favorite Zelda game. But I don't hate it.
  11. H

    Breath of the Wild U Needs Happy Mask Salesman

    Damn, I could really see it in my mind :).
  12. H

    General Zelda I Had a Dream About the Art Style of the Wii U Zelda

    It seems your dream is... sort of true. No not like that, but like this: Website: http://3dnes.blogspot.com/ Youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3ow0dZDbMM Haha, it's a real 3D First Person AoL fan game :). It requires the Unity Web player if you actually wanna play it though(both...
  13. H

    Skyward Sword SS. Why So Much Hate?

    Huh? I'm no fan of SS, but this I don't get. I'm just curious, why do you think that? :) Because those annoying bokoblins keeps blocking your(aka mine lol) attacks? I thought that was really annoying, but it was part of the combat in SS.
  14. H

    General Zelda VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 64!

    I care more about the actual music then if it's 8/16 bit, MIDI, or orchestraded. I'd much rather listen to a "good" 8 bit song then a "bad" orchestrated song. Besides, MIDI has come a long way. At least if you actually use samples and not General MIDI or something like that...
  15. H

    General Zelda Best 3D Art Style

    Where the heck is TP? OoT and TP have pretty different art styles.
  16. H

    Skyward Sword SS. Why So Much Hate?

    Subjectivity... Songs I personally can actually remember are: Ballad of the Goddess(which is just Zeldas Lullaby backwards and edited/extended a little), Skyloft, Fi's theme, and the sky theme. Now, yes, if I actually listen to other songs(on Youtube), I can remember them, but not by just...
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    Skyward Sword SS. Why So Much Hate?

    When Link changed something in the past, and then went back into the future(the present? lol), he entered a new timeline :). Both "present realites" already existed. Hehe...
  18. H

    Majora's Mask Is Great Bay Temple Really Confusing or Rather Simple?

    I like the temple :). I think it's just perfect in complexity and puzzles :). Really, I have nothing else to say... I actually remember finding Snowhead Temple more confusing...lol. Thinking specifically about that snow piller/punching stuff... Had to use a walkthrough at that part. Btw...
  19. H

    General Zelda Overworld or Dungeons?

    I think most people will vote for the third option, but that's boring, so I voted for the first option :). I REALLY like a nice big varied overworld :). One reason I like TP better then SS.
  20. H

    WW-Wii U Triforce Quest

    I voted undecided. It got a little boring, and paying all those rupees to Tingle wasn't very fun...lol, but in some kind of way I actually liked it :). It was relaxing, and I got to explore the sea a bit :).
  21. H

    General Zelda Voice Acting

    NPC's: Talk! Link: Shut up!
  22. H

    Majora's Mask Doing the MM 6 Day Challenge -_-, Any Advice?

    I just have a simple question. Are you allowed to slow down the time using the inverted song of time?
  23. H

    Twilight Princess What Exactly Happened in Kakariko Village?

    Wow, I never even thought about that. I always thought something like this: "OK, so these abandoned houses must have had people in them a long time ago..." Like the Hidden Village, I assumed Kakariko Village was just getting less and less popular...lol. But the rest of the population... actually...
  24. H

    Majora's Mask Gyorg - Why So Infamous?

    First time: "Of f*ck!!!" Second time: "Huh? Why did I found it so hard the last time?" I think the problem just was that I didn't understand how to beat him/her. Just like with those dragon bosses in Zelda 1. Yes, even a level 1 aquamentus lol. I hadn't even been born back when Zelda 1...
  25. H

    General Zelda Favorite Version of Hyrule Kingdom?

    Twilight Princess! I love Hyrule Field(so what if it's a little empty?) and all the different areas like Lake Hylia, Death Mountain, Snowpeak, Hyrule Castle Town, etc.
  26. H

    General Zelda VikzeLinks Weekly Sunday Poll 61!

    Well, I ALWAYS visit every single house, and talk to every single person. Other people don't do that?
  27. H

    General Zelda How Much Change is Too Much Change for You?

    Honestly I'm one of those boring kids who freak out when instead of making the world bigger and denser, they introduce a weird wall mechanic... Yeah, I guess I'm no "true Zelda fan" because I don't like how art styles, controls, and "mechanics" keeps changing all the time. It kind of feels...
  28. H

    General Zelda Being Able to Play After Completion

    YES! I remember when I finished TP(yes, TP was my first Zelda), and I thought that something had happened to the game. Like if I hadn't saved or something. I really thought I would get to play after. I wanted to see how things had changed in Hyrule, but no... :(. I went back to the main menu and...
  29. H

    General Zelda Is Exploration Really Gone from Modern Zelda Games?

    I think people are talking about OPTIONAL exploration. You were forced to collect those tears or kikwis to get forward in the game. Also, as musicfan said, there was dowsing and the map. Exploration should be more about being surprised. "Oh, what is this? A secret cave? (later) Oh damn, I found...
  30. H

    General Zelda VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 60!

    I came in late with TP as my first Zelda game... and that's also my answer :).
  31. H

    Skyward Sword SS. Why So Much Hate?

    I don't like linearity, but for some weird reason I have always liked seeing a cave for example, and not being able to go there until I get a certain item(for example the hookshot). (Going through a dungeon) "Oh, I got the hookshot, now I can finally visit that mysterious cave. WOHOOO!!!!"...
  32. H

    Skyward Sword SS. Why So Much Hate?

    ...I hate the game, but it's definitely not my favorite Zelda game. TP and MM are my favorite Zelda games, with Oot, and then WW following. Pros: * The controls - they were pretty cool actually :) * Difficulty - more difficult than TP but easier then MM(except on Hero mode :)) * The upgrade...
  33. H

    General Zelda What is Your Favorite Zelda Soundtrack?

    Twilight Princess without a doubt. I'm tired of people saying "Oh, this is just MIDI stuff and no real orchestra and therefore sounds like crap". Sure, SS has better "quality"(you know what I mean), because it's a real orchestra, but I thought the songs were pretty boring, and I only liked a few...
  34. H

    Breath of the Wild Gameplay - 2D/3D, or Traditional 3D?

    HAHAHAHA!!! There's my answer... Full 3D definitely :).
  35. H

    Breath of the Wild Can We Have More Than One Item Slot?

    Have all the items and other stuff on the gamepad, and just touch the item you want to use... and use it :).
  36. H

    Breath of the Wild Zelda Wii U Should Go for a Realistic Art Style!

    All I hope is that it doesn't look like this again: http://www.zeldauniverse.net/forums/members/5375046-albums3224-picture29041.jpg I really like how blurry everything in SS looks...lol. OK, seriously, as you can tell that image looks much worse then it actually does in-game, but I just...
  37. H

    Shadow Triforce?

    Doesn't it just represent the Dark World?
  38. H

    Breath of the Wild HD Visual Preferences

    Fantasy with detail. There it is! That's what I want. But I don't wanna call SS blurry because then this thread will turn into a flame war. Oh, too late...
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    A Link Between Worlds Brand New Trailer for New Legend of Zelda on 3ds

    Oh... I thought you meant there was a new trailer for the game :(.
  40. H

    General Zelda Looking It Up Vs. Figuring It Out

    I try first, but if I just can't figure it out, I look it up :). Oh, and as a few others have said, yes, when I started playing Zelda I definitely looked things up a lot more.
  41. H

    General Zelda Best 3D Zelda

    I have always loved TP, because it was my first Zelda game(yes, I started late lol), but also there were some things I really liked. Like Midna, and Hyrule(yes, even though it was pretty empty), and the graphics and the music. And that it felt really "epic". To me at least. But, I had to vote...
  42. H

    Worst 3D Zelda

    Skyward Sword. I remember hyping myself up like ****, and then getting really disappointed. I didn't like the graphics, the music, and that the world was split in 3 parts, with no way to travel through them. I hated that. Also the sky felt really empty. Oh and FI!!! GOD, I hated her. Also, there...
  43. H

    Skyward Sword What Do You Think of the Goddess Harp?

    I remember being like: "Eh... how do I, you know, actually play? What buttons do I press to play the right notes? Oh, right, this game doesn't like to use buttons, so I guess I need to swing a certain way with the Wii Remote. OK, eh, that's it? I think I'll need to check online, just to make...
  44. H

    General Zelda A Lot of Talk About Dark and Serious and Mature...

    I do not mean dark graphics(like in Twilight Princess), I mean more like in Majora's Mask. Meaning pretty twisted and terrifying lol. Imagine actually feeling scared in a Zelda game :). But I shouldn't lie. Yes, I do want darker graphics, but TP was maybe a bit too dark. Like the Zelda Wii U E3...
  45. H

    General Modern Do We REALLY Need a "Darker" Zelda?

    The end of the world is not dark? Huh? Or if we're talking about the graphics, the only "dark" Zelda game really is TP. Majora's Mask actually had some colors in it...
  46. H

    Breath of the Wild What Will Zelda U Look Like and Most Importnatly How Will It Play?

    Ehm..... Dolphin? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68_AmTPfgpg
  47. H

    General Zelda Any Graphical Styles That You Would Like to See?

    I'd REALLY like too see the E3 Demo art style. And also the Majora's Mask Wii U fan video :). Also, what about Xenoblade's art style? Somewhat detailed and realistic but still has a lot of colors. I think I'd really like that in a Zelda game :). Hyrule Field :).
  48. H

    Breath of the Wild Are You Anticipating Another Shock/Twist?

    Nothing this year. But when it does get revealed... a 2D side scroller with blurry textures, even though Wii U can handle a LOT more? Lol... OK, but seriously, yes I do think that. Yet again, people will except something like the E3 demo and instead we get another SS...
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