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WW-Wii U I Dislike the Faster Text Speed


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I don't yet own a copy of the WWHD the wii U bundle comes out october 4th here in the UK. From what I have seen of videos in the game the text speed when people are talking is just a bit to fast. In the original the text appeared at the speed I imagined the characters talking at. I'm a quick reader, I read the words as soon as they appear and at this new speed I can't help but imagine the characters rushing the way they talk. For those who have played or are knowledgeable about the new features in the game, do you know if there is an option to change text speed like in TP for instance. Also does anyone else feel this way about the new text speed or is it just me?


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Yeah, I guess it's a little annoying...dunno why they didn't add a skip option instead. XD


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Oddly enough, that's exactly how I see it as well. The original TWW's text speed was just right; I read as I imagined the words yaknow. Now, things are just way too quick ;p


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
People said they wanted more challenge in Wind Waker. ;) Maybe it'll go even faster in Hero Mode.


May 18, 2013
If you played OoT 3D, the sped up the text speed from the original N64 version as well, so I guess it's a trend for them to speed it up with every remake.

Yeah, I guess it's a little annoying...dunno why they didn't add a skip option instead. XD
Yeah that's what we needed. Just let me skip everything from the get go, and we're all good.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
I'm not even sure why people complain about slow text speed or fast text speed... It's text speed. The rate at which letters appear in the dialogue box on your screen should not affect the quality of the game or the quality of your experience. I do see where you're coming from, but to me, it just doesn't matter. To me, worrying about the text speed would be like worrying about the text color or font. It's just not important. I really don't care if the text speed is faster than in the original. I wouldn't have cared if they'd made it slower. And naturally, I wouldn't have cared if they kept it the same speed. But, that's just how I feel about it.


May 18, 2013
To me, worrying about the text speed would be like worrying about the text color or font.
That actually does matter in some circumstances, like I know of a game, it's font was so bad it was barely readable, they had to update and patch it up, so that depends more so on the game than anything else.
Jul 22, 2011
I hate books, whenever I turn the page the words are already there, people can't say things that fast! It ruins the pacing!
Last edited:
Jan 13, 2013
At first I thought: "Well, have you seen how fast the text is in Majora's Mask?". Then I though that I might as well check out a walkthrough... wow. I did not expect the text to be THAT fast. That's kind of ridiculous...

Though, I was watching ZeldaInformers walkthrough on Youtube and he(she?) chose Hero Mode, and I don't know if that makes the text even faster...


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
To me, worrying about the text speed would be like worrying about the text color or font.

Actually that's another issue I have...the blue text-box are a hell to read. It's tough reading the white letters and a strain to read the red letters.
Feb 15, 2013
It might help to learn how to read without subvocalizing the text. It sort of like coming up on a stop sign, in that you don't have to say the word "Stop" in your head to know what the sign says.

Then again one might argue that you simply know what the sign is, because of its shape and color, however that's not the point.

Burning Beast

Go to Hell 4 Heavens Sake
Dec 6, 2012
Zelda Dungeon
I agree with Azure. I don't really care about the speed of the text. I think that a skip option would've been nice, if only for second and subsequent playthroughs. But as far as the text speed, I think I'll like it better because I've played Wind Waker already many times and I already know the story. Sure I'll read it, but I like that I won't have to wait for the text as long. I'm a really fast reader.

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