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Breath of the Wild Are You Anticipating Another Shock/Twist?


Jul 1, 2012
So with E3 nearing I'm certain that we will get some indication on just what type of game Zelda Wii U will be and what direction it will go in.

Question is though will it be another shock/twist? Games like The Wind Waker generally shocked a lot of people, people saw the tech demo at Spcaceworld 2000 and ultimately thought we where going to get a "more realistic" Zelda however that was not the case. Same thing happened with Skyward Sword , again Ithink ppeople where anticipating something different graphics wise. Looking more recently we have A Link to the Past 2 which again was a shock to fans as the general consensus was that the 3DS installment would be a 3D game.

Nintendo likes to throw in a curve ball now and then, in fact more than just now and then however to what extent do you think they will do the same with the next installment on the Wii U?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I highly doubt we'll be seeing anything this year about Zelda Wii U, but when the time comes I'm expecting something mind blowing: either some wacky art style that doesn't "agree"* with the console, or some grandiose art style that makes people start crapping bricks just like Twilight Princess did on its reveal.

*That isn't to say one style is better than the other, but that the viewers at the E3 floor will not like them just like The Wind Waker was massively panned.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Well, if we do in fact see something on Zelda Wii U this year, then I think it'll be another disappointment for fans. People were initially disappointed (not me) when Skyward Sword was first shown, but most ended up growing to love the graphics!

Now, when I say it'll be another disappointment for fans, I mean like SS. It'll probably start out with a general hate, then start growing on people. That said, it is also possible that it will end up with a 'realistic' style, similar to Twilight Princess's style. However, I do not anticipate this since I actually love the cartoony graphics that we have been treated with recently.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
It's impossible to say what they will do. Know that it will not look like the WW HD because they have stated the style will be very different. They could do a few things to shock us. The positive shocks for me would be they could actually give us the art style the majority wants. They could include voice acting for once. They could give us a really dense Hyrule with lots of emphasis on exploration. Negative shocks could be they could go back on their word and give us another Toon Link game or Zelda U could be a 2D title.
Jan 13, 2013
Nothing this year.

But when it does get revealed... a 2D side scroller with blurry textures, even though Wii U can handle a LOT more? Lol...

OK, but seriously, yes I do think that. Yet again, people will except something like the E3 demo and instead we get another SS...
I really think we'll be getting something akin to OoT and TP since this Zelda really needs to appeal to a majority of gamers who only care about dark themes and stellar graphics to shift WiiU units.

I would like a shock though, perhaps a female Link or we play as Zelda etc, what i like about the Adult Timeline are the grand notions they have to move the series along like flooding hyrule and discovering a new continent, i'd like something grand in the story to shock us conceptually. Whatever we get though no doubt we won't be expecting it.

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