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Breath of the Wild Gameplay - 2D/3D, or Traditional 3D?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
With A Link Between Worlds upcoming and ZeldaU on the rise, I thought we should look at the gameplay. Would you rather the game be atraditional 3D title like what we've been having, or would you like the blur between 2D/3D to come to life just like it will in ALBW, with perspective changes coming on the fly?


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
I would still love to see ZeldaU to be only in 3D, mainly because I don't want to keep on switching my eye focus from 2D to 3D from time to time as it does get bothersome. Eventually, my eyes start to hurt every once in a while if my eye always shift during gameplay. Besides with a great home console such as the Wii U, Zeldau should be played in only the 3D format to show us the full potential that the Wii U can handle and still be able to function a highly advanced game such as ZeldaU.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
I definitely want to see a full-on 3D Zelda game for the Wii U come our way, and partly because I've been burnt out by the Sonic Generations' 2D/3D switcheroos!

I don't think that the 2D/3D style is necessarily a bad thing, as it seems to work pretty well with the "overhead" 3D style of ALBW; it's just more of a personal taste issue with me. Like Fig said, I think that the full-on 3D gameplay can utilize and show off the Wii U's potential well.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
Traditional 3D, however there should be items in the game that cause it go into an overview perspective in order to them properly to solve certain puzzles. Like say for example, the boomerang, you might need that reach something you normally can't reach, where using the boomerang will turn the game into overview mode so you can direct where the boomerang goes with your stylus, kinda like how you would do it in one of the DS Zelda games, only a little different, as this time, you would actually be able to aim at which level/layer of the area you want the boomerang to go. :)

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
I definitely think that the game should be full 3D. I mean, the Wii U was designed for HD, and you just can't experience HD for a 2D game the same way you can with a glorious 3D game. Like people above said, the game should take full advantage of what the Wii U is capable of. We can't just let all that awesome technology go to waste.


May 18, 2013
They have to make a 3d game for console, and give us a 2d new legend of Zelda to go along with it.
Last edited:
Jul 1, 2013
I usually prefer the top-down games, but it'd be a shame to let all of that glorious hardware go to waste. So.. 3D!

'Sides, we have the 3DS for top-down stuff.

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
We're already being graced with 2D/3D (AKA 2.5D) by A Link Between Worlds. There's little reason not to take advantage of the Wii U and create another completely 3D game. Not doing so would make Nintendo look like they weren't trying very hard with it in development, that is, of course, it's not a good 2.5D experience.

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