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General Zelda A Lot of Talk About Dark and Serious and Mature...

When you think of a darker/more serious/more mature zelda, you think of:

  • More violence/blood

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More romance/kissing

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  • Characters dying and staying dead

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  • More sense of danger

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  • Other

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  • Total voters


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
What I think of whenever I throw these terms around when referring to The Legend of Zelda, is a sense of reality. Now sure, The Legend of Zelda is supposed to be a fantasy game, but that doesn't mean it can't treat it's world with the laws of life. Such as characters: dying, feeling emotions, and dealing with the dangers of the real world. I guess what I would like to see in at least one Zelda game, is a darker, more serious tone that depicts tragedy. Link has faced tragedy before, but it's not believable. I want to see human reaction, some character development. Tomb Raider is a great example of what I'd like to see from a Zelda game.
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Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
Well...it's been a long time since I saw that cutscene. But when you fight him in the battle of beasts(wolf link vs boar ganon)it looks like he's bleeding through that wound.

Yeah but in the end of WW you stab a sword in his face, Never before has it been like that, everytime the final hit causes a freak out and he dies, in WW he gets a FREAKIN sword to the face and is turned to stone, Now thats Sick. As in Awesome!


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
Well in OoT you do slash his face a couple of times and then plunge the sword right in it with blood spewing everywhere...

yeah you do dont you.... LOL as if i could even tell that was supposed to be blood, i get fooled by LoZ anytime I see something come out of an enemy when you slash it, never see it as "blood"! Kinda like in the game Tekken, a GOOD fighting game that parents allow cuz instead of Blood, you get lil burst of Energy or lightning or what ever it is, giving parents a sense that there is no "Real" violence in the game. I have always seen Zelda the same way!
Jan 13, 2013
I do not mean dark graphics(like in Twilight Princess), I mean more like in Majora's Mask. Meaning pretty twisted and terrifying lol. Imagine actually feeling scared in a Zelda game :). But I shouldn't lie. Yes, I do want darker graphics, but TP was maybe a bit too dark. Like the Zelda Wii U E3 demo or the Majora's Mask Wii U fan video would be awesome :).

I really just want something much more serious and... dark :). It should feel really dangerous.

Oh, and btw even if it sounded like I don't like TP that much, the truth is that TP, and MM are actually my favorite Zelda games :).
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The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
I think of a mixture of the more violence/gore, sense of danger, and people dying/staying dead. I really don't care about the romance factor, because I can never take romance seriously. A more serious game shouldn't be afraid to display violence and gore, and even give the player a sense of danger and insecurity. I also believe that, instead of having characters remain in a supernatural state, the franchise shouldn't be afraid to have dead characters stay dead. This is if the Zelda Franchise went this route, however.

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