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Worst 3D Zelda

Worst 3D Zelda

  • Ocarina of Time

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Majora's Mask

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Wind Waker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Twilight Princess

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Skyward Sword

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


That 3D Guy
May 25, 2013
I had to go with Twilight Princess, not because I didn't like the game, or that it isn't good, it's because it doesn't reach the same bar as the other games. Twilight Princess had it's moments where it was truly epic and there were some really nice gameplay elements thrown in that make the game more interesting (I love Bomb-Arrows). But ultimately, the game tried a bit too hard to be dark and Hyrule Field was too empty.
For the sake of comparison, take Termina Field; it had loads of secret areas, enemies and things to do and find. It never felt empty, it felt alive. TP's Hyrule felt a bit too lifeless, mainly due to the 'darkness' of the game.


May 18, 2013
^Yeah i was wondering about that myself.

I've voted undecided, cause I couldn't chose between SS and TP, they're not horrible games by any means though.
Nov 28, 2011
Twilight Princess was the only one I'm disappointed in. But that's all it is, a bit of disappointment. I by no means think it's a bad game, even though I rag on it all the time. :)

I wonder when this poll will be moved...? 0.0


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
OoT mostly becouse it did not live up to the expectaions that I had from what I was hearing here and on other sites. No other 3d zelda games were hyped (for me at least) as OoT.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
-Off Topic-
Can someone please tell me why this thread is under the "Zelda 3DS" section of the forums and not the "World of Zelda" where it belongs and best fits in? What does this have anything to do with Zelda 3DS? Seriously, can someone please move this thread to "World of Zelda" so it's not so confusing?

-On Topic-
As for worst 3D Zelda, I'd say neither cause I just love them all so much. :)


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Boy, you sure convinced me there.

I cannot begin to express my opinions regarding Surfer's obviously persuasive post. I mean, through his angelical usage of the word "objective" in conjunction with his masterful mannerism with the word "fact", he must've crafted the perfect post ZD and DGN have ever seen. ;)

Just kidding, he's obviously posting for flamebait :I

Or maybe he just has an opinion, we don't know.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
I voted for Twilight Princess. Although not my least favourite Zelda game of all, it is my least favourite 3D Zelda game, and also the one I find to be the "worst."

Don't get me wrong on this, I still love Twilight Princess, and I still think there are tons of things it did right, but it also had a lot of flaws.

For one thing, the enemies were much too easy. Most of them were simple "slash away repeatedly" enemies, and the ones that weren't didn't even do significant damage. I am sorry, but I would like to lose more than a quarter of a heart at least once, especially against the final boss.

That actually ties in with my second point, being that the final boss was introduced poorly. Now I know Zant said over and over that he had a god, but we didn't even know it would be Ganondorf until we saw him in the Mirror Chamber cutscene. Even after that, we didn't see him at all until the very end, so for a while, it seemed to me like they weren't even going to put him in as the final boss. I thought for sure that they showed him in that cutscene just to tease us.

Lastly, is the between-dungeon quests. From the completion of the Arbiter's Grounds until the completion of the Temple of Time, there is almost no time used up between dungeons. It was just a simple case of "warp here, explore here, solve a puzzle here" for both the Snowpeak Ruins and the Temple of Time. Fortunately, the really lengthy quest that precedes the City in the Sky kind of makes up for it, but then the time spent outside of dungeons from the City in the Sky until Hyrule Castle was again reduced. Granted, you could add more time by completing side quests, but that is not required.
Jan 13, 2013
Skyward Sword. I remember hyping myself up like ****, and then getting really disappointed. I didn't like the graphics, the music, and that the world was split in 3 parts, with no way to travel through them. I hated that. Also the sky felt really empty. Oh and FI!!! GOD, I hated her. Also, there were a lot of smaller details that I really didn't like, but I'm sure if you google "skyward sword worst zelda game ever", or just read what other people have written in this thread, you can find out for yourself lol...

But really, I can understand why a lot of people love Skyward Sword, it's a really subjective game :).
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