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The Wind Waker Weakest Link in the Series, Literally?


The Golden God
Sep 28, 2013
The Sacred Realm
I purchased TWWHD and beat it and the second quest 100%, and although the game is beautiful and amazing, I felt that everything is toned down gameplay wise, even in the original TWW. I feel that it was the shortest game in the series, and that despite the huge world, there is nothing to do. Does anyone even remember how difficult TLoZ was? It pretty much coined the term "Nintendo hard."


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
If this is about the easiest Zelda game...really it's a tie between TWW, TP, and SS. Those games are just ridiculous as far as difficulty is concerned - and not in the bad way. Things are always spelled out for you, enemies are mash-em-ups or close to it, and the puzzles aren't puzzles. :/

But, this isn't really new information. Hero Mode doesn't actually make the game harder unless you get hit a lot. :)


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Yeah, it's pretty easy...I'd say it's tied for easiest with MM, but what do you expect? It's Zelda.


Nov 25, 2012
The Underground
Why did you use TLoZ as difficulty comparison? ZELDA II MAN. As for TWW being the easiest... I can't really argue with that. The 3D Zelda games are the easiest compared to like ALttP or LA. As Ven said, everything is always spelled out for you in the 3D games. It feels as if they're making the games easier as they go on. :I


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Wait. Majora's Mask? That's the hardest of the 3D Zeldas. Well, that's what I think anyway...

Eh, I see it was one of the easiest. Very short, the bosses are just oversized enemies, and some of the OP sidequest rewards are too easy to find and obtain. The mini bosses were decent though.


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
Eh, I see it was one of the easiest. Very short, the bosses are just oversized enemies, and some of the OP sidequest rewards are too easy to find and obtain. The mini bosses were decent though.

Really wind waker is 10x easier. Also the point of MM is not the destination like most 3d zelda games it is the stuff in between


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Really wind waker is 10x easier. Also the point of MM is not the destination like most 3d zelda games it is the stuff in between

When I judge difficulty, I judge the main game...not 100%ing it. If I did, Wind Waker would be among the hardest, mainly due to Nintendo Gallery.


The Golden God
Sep 28, 2013
The Sacred Realm
You guys pretty much summed it up. I found TAoL on par with TLoZ, but you can farm xp early on, so the difficulty varies. As for MM, I think it was in the middle difficulty-wise.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I don't think TWW was necessarily designed to be easy, it's just the AI are moronic. Hero Mode doesn't help if the AI aren't any smarter.

Part of the right answer. However, TWW's dungeons are also pathetically easy, with the key to each puzzle staring you in the face 100% of the time, no if ands or buts about it. Hero Mode does not fix enemy AI. TWWHD does not fix enemy AI. The game is just dirt poor easy...


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Actually the enemies in TWWHD seem to be a little faster and more aggressive than before. Of course...the combat itself is fixed, so that sorta evens it out.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
WW was average Zelda difficult for me. Not too difficult yet still particularly challenging. The easiest is varying between SS and TP. I Personally say SS because despite how easy TP may be, it doesn't tell you how to beat the game which SS does through Fi, sheikah stones and other various ways. I partially believe that the farther back you go, the more difficult the games are, though I'm pretty sure a first time Zelda player would find any game pre-TP to be extremely difficult... shoot, perhaps just any Zelda game in general. I refuse to call OoT or MM easy (my first Zelda games) and I think many who do forget the time frame in which those games arrived.

LoZ, AoL: Very Hard
ALttP: Hard
OoT through MC: Average
Other Games (I've played): Easy
TP and SS: Very Easy
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Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Actually the enemies in TWWHD seem to be a little faster and more aggressive than before. Of course...the combat itself is fixed, so that sorta evens it out.

I run TWW in Dolphin with a Double Damage code so I'm effectively playing Hero Mode...I compare it side-by-side iwth TWWHD and notice no difference. That may just be me and my super ego, though. Even so, the combat is only one part of the equation; the puzzles of TWW are easier than even TP's imo...


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Yeah, Zelda in general has easy puzzles. I'm just grateful they didn't nerf TWWHD's puzzles like they did to OoT3DS.

Anyway, the speed was most noticable for me when I fought the moblins.
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