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General Modern Do We REALLY Need a "Darker" Zelda?


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I don't understand why the fandom is *****ing about having a darker storyline. Would it be cool to have another one? Sure. But we REALLY DON'T need to have yet a another dark Zelda game, and I'm really getting tired of fans saying:

"Oh but MM and TP don't count!!! pl0x i am a n00b!!11"

Guess what, technically, they do count as dark Zelda games. Everyone's just so hellbent on having yet ANOTHER dark Zelda game that we can't appreciate what we already have. I'm getting reaaal tired of this "darker Zelda" ********, if it wasn't obvious enough.


...Sooo...what's wrong with another dark Zelda?


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
Id personly prefer what windwaker did. Have a semi dark story with a care free art style adding to the darkness of it.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Dark Zelda game = Fanboys dream
Cartoony Zelda game = People like me's dream
In between = the biggest battle in internet history

Whether a new game is dark or not, I don't really care. I don't really think we need more dark Zelda games, but I wouldn't complain if we got it. The thing with Zelda is that there is a huge riot no matter what the game is like, which doesn't make any sense to me.
I like Majora's Mask a lot, but not because it is dark. I like it because of it's uniqueness: Transformation Masks, The end of the world, 3 Day Time Limit. Without these little things, I would probably dislike MM because of its darkness. Same goes for Twilight Princess. If it weren't for things like the Twilight, The epic final battle, and the Wolf Link transformation, the game would be lower than eighth place (which is already quite low).

Unfortunately, the Zelda fanbase is one that is full of people that are "I want this, or it's a terrible game." Nobody wins no matter what kind of game it is. Go ahead, give us a dark game. I'll still play it, and enjoy it. I just don't anticipate having more dark games.
Jan 13, 2013
Dark Zelda game = Fanboys dream
Cartoony Zelda game = People like me's dream
In between = the biggest battle in internet history

Whether a new game is dark or not, I don't really care. I don't really think we need more dark Zelda games, but I wouldn't complain if we got it. The thing with Zelda is that there is a huge riot no matter what the game is like, which doesn't make any sense to me.
I like Majora's Mask a lot, but not because it is dark. I like it because of it's uniqueness: Transformation Masks, The end of the world, 3 Day Time Limit. Without these little things, I would probably dislike MM because of its darkness. Same goes for Twilight Princess. If it weren't for things like the Twilight, The epic final battle, and the Wolf Link transformation, the game would be lower than eighth place (which is already quite low).

Unfortunately, the Zelda fanbase is one that is full of people that are "I want this, or it's a terrible game." Nobody wins no matter what kind of game it is. Go ahead, give us a dark game. I'll still play it, and enjoy it. I just don't anticipate having more dark games.

The end of the world is not dark? Huh?

Or if we're talking about the graphics, the only "dark" Zelda game really is TP. Majora's Mask actually had some colors in it...
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