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  1. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Glancing at Roun he mouthed the words, ‘Follow me.’ at him hoping he would help him to get Neera back.
  2. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Skidding to a stop Ventara dropped his sword to the ground an turned to Ganon and Neera.
  3. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Ducking Gabon’s arm Ventara ran towards Zant charging him with his sword whilst inwardly counting his heartbeats knowing that Ganon had harmed him severely and his minutes where numbered. Crying out loud as he charged, “Neera I love you run quickly!”
  4. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Ventara leapt up with his sword slashing at Ganon hoping that he was helping.
  5. Demon Link

    That too I understand for I was and still am a king just on a hiatus as a demon for October.

    That too I understand for I was and still am a king just on a hiatus as a demon for October.
  6. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Feeling the crushing weight of Ganon upon his back Ventara squirmed whilst shouting in agony. He knew that he was right because they wouldn’t have appeared just as he finished his sentence. With possibly his last breath Ventara hoped that Neera would escape and survive.
  7. Demon Link

    Thanks for the follow oh great king of lorule lounge.

    Thanks for the follow oh great king of lorule lounge.
  8. Demon Link

    What Got You to Join?

    I know I counted maybe we should get someone who knows the place really well and is very sane. My pick is @Rubik
  9. Demon Link

    What Got You to Join?

    Yeah last time I checked that if you use all the letters from Zelda Dungeon Forums you get the name Home for the Insane. Or that was when I last checked.
  10. Demon Link

    What Got You to Join?

    What is the meaning of this Reaper? :eyes:
  11. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Addressing Neera, Ventara stated, "I too have a bad feeling but all is not lost yet, yet we must be ready for treachery.", gazing at the throne with Zant upon it he suddenly realized the danger of Midna's plan. For if Midna sat on the throne the final fused shadow would appear but Zant could...
  12. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Walking towards Link, Ventara saw Roun appear and Neera, Midna and him walk off somewhere. Puzzled he walked after them.
  13. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Ventara leaped up slashing down with his sword cutting one beast clean in two.
  14. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Ventara ducked swinging his blade at Ganon's ankles hoping Link was dealing with the chest. In his head he thought, 'I must protect Neera yet I should stay calm and not get ahead of myself'.
  15. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Seeing Ganon Ventara leapt forward with his sword ahead already doubting his ability to fight against The Demon Lord but praying to keep Neera safe.
  16. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    "Quick, we must run Neera otherwise it may be too late."' lifting his sword behind him Ventara began to run in the direction of the shouting.
  17. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Cheeks a bright pink, Ventara smiled at Neera then said, "Well that was something wasn't it.", pointed ears perking up Ventara heard music suddenly stop in the distance. Turning quickly he pointed and stated, "I think we should go that way, someone is in trouble.".
  18. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Simultaneously Ventara leaned forward as well ready for a kiss. Heart racing he gazed into her wondrous yellow eyes.
  19. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    "I love you Neera.", stated Ventara with enough love an conviction no one could have ever doubted him.
  20. Demon Link

    Hey Sidon let off with the doom and gloom... save it for the 31st.

    Hey Sidon let off with the doom and gloom... save it for the 31st.
  21. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    "I agree, I... just want to say something...", Ventara replied staring straight into her beautiful eyes thinking 'This is my chance Hylia aid me'.
  22. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    "Neera should we go with Midna,", Ventara asked seeing her holding his arm he suddenly blushed but quickly turned away to mask it.
  23. Demon Link

    What BOTW kingdom would win a all out war

    I would actually place my bets on the rito because they can fly to avoid attacks, rain down bomb arrows and finally if in danger retreat back to Hebra.
  24. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    “Oh Princess of Twilight you were a hero once why should we destroy you.”, trying to appear calm and collected Ventara was really full of excitement and fear. Fear that he could have just died. Excitement that he was still alive and could live to spend another day with Neera.
  25. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    "Okay here is my song listen well, now I shall gaze upon a Twili's eyes." Ventara then moved towards Midna and breathed possibly his final breath and gazed deep into her eyes. “Dear Neera I shall do this for you.”
  26. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    "Twili I shall look into your eyes but please let me sing one song.", Replied Ventara.
  27. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    "Do you jest Twili.", Ventara stated to Midna with an eyebrow raised. Glancing around, Ventara looked trying to see where his sword could be of use.
  28. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Ooc: Who shall be the victor of the love wars? :D ;)
  29. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Seeing Neera in trouble Ventara leaped forward drawing his sword readying his sword he shouted, "Get behind me, quick!".
  30. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Ooc: Correct you got it.
  31. Demon Link

    Happy Birthday! :party: :party:

    Happy Birthday! :party: :party:
  32. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Welcome to roleplaying. :D Its relatively easy as long as you can withstand the long typing sessions.
  33. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Ventara asked the gerudo lady, "I don't believe I have your name fair lady.". Glancing at the fortune tellers tent he wondered fearfully who and what would bring the fearsome lord Ganondorf to the festival.
  34. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Ooc: Hello welcome to the game have you Roleplayed before (sorry if I sound rude).
  35. Demon Link

    Halloween 2024 Avatar & Signature Competition

    Sig: The demon pumpkin Profile picture: Skull Link
  36. Demon Link

    Help this RP needs more players

    Thank you @Prince Sidon for your help.
  37. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Ooc: I don’t know
  38. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    “I too are from Hyrule,so you say your name is Roum.”, said Ventara. Hearing his request and having a nagging suspicion in the back of his mind he stayed silent to see what happened.
  39. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    “Hello there possible friend. My name is Ventara what is yours.”, replied Ventara to the other hylian with ease.
  40. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    “Thank you fair maiden for this great gift for it is almost as beautiful as you. How much should I pay for this fine specimen in front of me.” Replied Ventara.
  41. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Ventara opened his mouth to speak but all that came out was the words, “Your beautiful, I mean I would like to buy a amulet.”. He felt incredibly embarrassed about what he said really hoping she hadn’t heard.
  42. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Ventara saw a gerudo women standing behind a stool selling wares from the desert. Walking other he realized she was in conversation with another hylian. Blushing he stared at a talisman dangling above her head hoping for her to finish soon for up close she really was remarkably beautiful.
  43. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Name: Ventara Gender: Male Race: Hylian Backstory: Ventara doesn't really know what he's doing at the festival or how he got here but he really liked the place and decided to say. He gets angry if he loses a mini game.
  44. Demon Link

    Game Thread The Mask Festival

    Can I join as a custom Hylian?
  45. Demon Link


    Just realized I hadn't posted yet on day, whatever it is now, so from what I can see there are a few people who to me are acting more like scum and less like town. @A Link In Time your replies to me have seemed very lackluster and all times you pushed onto a wagon they were all town. @Princess...
  46. Demon Link

    [ATTACH] This image is amazing!:ham: It combines my favorite video game series and my favorite...

    This image is amazing!:ham: It combines my favorite video game series and my favorite movie franchise. Simply devine.:cool:
  47. Demon Link

    King Link makes Graphics

    Now realized I made a spelling mistake but who cares
  48. Demon Link

    King Link makes Graphics

    My new sig made it on Gimp got a cool Botw font and then made it.
  49. Demon Link


    I agree with you @Killjory KoD could still be 3p but to me at the moment it seems ulikely.
  50. Demon Link


    Here's my answers to your many questions @Killjoy262. I have played 3 Mafia games with friends all were very short due to lack of numbers My read on KoD due to him being poisoned is Town, unless it turns out that scum both has a poisoner and can poison members of their team.
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