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Game Thread The Mask Festival

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Wolf was escorting Princess Boo, he felt frustrated that his blaster at his side was gone. See a club with spikes laying by a fallen Stalfo, he grabbed it and said,
"This will have to do. You have any idea where these fused whatevers are?"
TA @Dizzi

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
"Okay here is my song listen well,

now I shall gaze upon a Twili's eyes." Ventara then moved towards Midna and breathed possibly his final breath and gazed deep into her eyes.
“Dear Neera I shall do this for you.”
Neera reached out with her hand, grabbing Ventara’s, when it was too late…
Midna looked with her deep red eyes into his and… nothing happened, he was not turned to stone, nor sent out of the game.

Midna smirked,
“You see Zant wishes you to collect the Fuse Shadows to eliminate me.”

Neera looked at the Twilight Princess, her beauty beyond compare.

Boo pointed out an area she had sensed other things when she was casting 'we should head over there??'
Wolf nodded,
“Lead the way.. I will use my nose to smell danger.”

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Falling from the sky outside the palace was a figure with white hair, and red eyes and black cap and matching tunic. Ascending the steps. Two Shadow Beasts with their black threaded hair charged, and The Daku drew his black steel blade and cut at the heado of one and the underbelly of another, making them fall wnd break into crimson glowing sqaures.

Dark Link had come…


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Boo and Wolf found themselves in a large room with a plinth on it was a glowy white stick and approached cautiosly...

Demon Link

The Bane of the Kingdom
Jun 16, 2024
The Depths
“Oh Princess of Twilight you were a hero once why should we destroy you.”, trying to appear calm and collected Ventara was really full of excitement and fear. Fear that he could have just died. Excitement that he was still alive and could live to spend another day with Neera.

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ganon felt the entrance of the link. and turned. something to avoid.
Dark Link made his way through the fog of the main throne room, he slashed through two Shadow Kreese that flew at him and made his way, following the trail of Power.. the aim was to find these Fused Shadows, and yet he also intended to find Ganon.

Boo and Wolf found themselves in a large room with a plinth on it was a glowy white stick and approached cautiosly...
Wolf saw the stick and raised a brow over his good eye,
"What is the stars is that?"

“Oh Princess of Twilight you were a hero once why should we destroy you.”, trying to appear calm and collected Ventara was really full of excitement and fear. Fear that he could have just died. Excitement that he was still alive and could live to spend another day with Neera.
Midna tilted her head in a playful manner, smiling:
"I became a hero thanks be to Princess Zelda and Link, they showed me that there is light in Twilight. Now, we must make haste and stop the others from serving Zant!"

Neera held on to Ventara's arm, his act of bravery and risking himself for her had made The Gerudo not only impressed, but attracted to him..

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