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Game Thread The Mask Festival

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Art from Pininterest

Rolling into Clocktown is a festival most strange.. everyone wears masks and whispers things most deranged!

Join the Masquerade if you dare, for on October 31st there will be a great scare!

Welcome to The Clocktowm Mask Festival! Starting October 1st to 31st join in fun and folly! Be anyone from Link to Luigi.


You can pick any character and their different versions from the Legend of Zelda games or create your own. You may also pick a crossover character from those allowed cross overs.

Allowed Cross Overs:

You can be characterw from these games or wear masks that transform you into them.

Fire Emblem
Super Mario Bros.
Jetiforce Gemini

The Criteria for a cross over is it has to be Nintendo and have a spooky aspect
Mario has Boos & Haunted Mansions, Jet Force Gemini has Zombies, Star Fox has Venom Planet and creepy Redclaw Clan, and etc.


The Happy Mask Salesman is arranging 24th annual Clocktown Mask Festival. All manner of people have been invited to carnival to participate in The Games, The Thirteen Riddles, and a chance to win The Unmasking. All is going as planned when one of new carnis is seen wearing the forbidden Majora’s Mask which has prompted a hunt to find and take the mask and throw it into Syrup’s Cauldron.

The Six Unlucky Mini Games

Each game centers around a world, in which the characters will all be transported to face mischief and spookiness. This could mean going to Luigi’s Mansion, Venom, The Shadow Temple, or any place that is randomly chosen. Those characters from that world will have an advantage. Those who win three Mini Games get an award, those who win all six win an award.

The Thirteen Riddles

The Riddles start thirteen days out from October 31st, and with each solved you come closer to The Unmasking. Those who solve six of the riddles get an award, those who solve all thirteen get an award.

The Unmasking

This is a hunt to unmask Majora, the one who has Majora’s Mask, he or she or they who appears among us, but who they are is unknown. A player is told in PM they are Majora, and must not tell other players. They can swap the Mask of Majora with other players. At the end, October 31st, the real Majora is revealed. Those who discover via the riddles ans guess correctly will receive an award.


Daku Rinku -Neera The Gerudo Gypsy
Prince Sidon -Roun
King Link -Ventara
Dizzi -Princess Boo
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Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
I’m going to be some Gerudo, Makeela Riju (Totk 19yrs old) for sure.

A part of me wants to be Star Wolf.

Going to decide. :D

Prince Reaper

Twilight General
ZD Champion
Apr 5, 2024
The Twilight Realm

Race: Hylian
Gender: Male
He was a spy in the Hebra region but is on medical leave and decided to go to Termina 24th clock town festival.

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Name: Neera
Race: Gerudo
Gender: Female
Neera is part of gypsy tribe of Gerudo who travel from place to place. They make their living selling wares and setting up carnivals, and running games and shows. Neera juggles scimitars, can blow fire, and throws knives in the blind fold throwing at contestant on a revolving target. She is headstrong, mouthy, and has a heart as gold as her eyes, she just needs someone to look past her rough presentation.

Prince Reaper

Twilight General
ZD Champion
Apr 5, 2024
The Twilight Realm

Race: Hylian
Gender: Male
He was a spy in the Hebra region but is on medical leave and decided to go to Termina 24th clock town festival.
(In the Backstory)

Race: Hylian
Gender: Male
Backstory: He was a spy in the Hebra region but is on medical leave and decided to go to Termina 24th clock town festival. He is cold and hard to break as Ice.

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