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  1. Mikey the Moblin

    Spoiler Totk Dragon Ending Theory

    "Of course it wasn't foreshadowed, nobody is saying it was foreshadowed" "Wait, I misread what people were saying" "Of course there was foreshadowing"
  2. Mikey the Moblin

    Sign Ups PLAYER SINE UPS: Bug Fables Mafia

    @GrooseIsLoose you need to allow PMs from me to play this game by the way If anyone can reach out to lain and kod that would be awesome. Kod also needs to read the OP before we can start
  3. Mikey the Moblin

    Spoiler Totk Dragon Ending Theory

    Man, you say that, but just wait till the other guys wake up The story depends on the emphasis mineru placed on draconification. you're writing more fanfiction but this time your fanfiction retroactively worsens the source material for its existing
  4. Mikey the Moblin

    Spoiler Totk Dragon Ending Theory

    so we can all agree that it was never foreshadowed good enough for me
  5. Mikey the Moblin

    Games That Should Exist

    Elden ring except it's 25% smaller and half of the legacy dungeons are completely linear
  6. Mikey the Moblin

    Spoiler Totk Dragon Ending Theory

    don't argue with bowsette. Their reading comprehension isn't the greatest, and they're also prone to fits of disingenuity and I disagree that zelda's reversion is foreshadowed/ "built up to". Any instance of recall being used is more prominently showcased as an example of the expected plot...
  7. Mikey the Moblin

    Spoiler Totk Dragon Ending Theory

    but this isn't evidence. Nobody in the story says, "to drop a teacup is the last resort! Once you drop a teacup, there's no turning it back into a teacup." Explaining how recall works doesn't explain how it's able to reverse an irreversible change
  8. Mikey the Moblin

    Spoiler Totk Dragon Ending Theory

    After thinking about it, I can see why someone would like the ending if they like, have a relationship with zelda? Which I don't understand what that would look like but if you get the happy ending and then on top of it you're like WOW, AND ZELDA'S ALIVE AGAIN! Sure much easier to ignore the...
  9. Mikey the Moblin

    Spoiler Totk Dragon Ending Theory

    like I'm pretty critical of parts of the elden ring story too, especially the DLC. I think you could draw a lot of parallels, like the fact that both games' storytelling styles suffer from the open world presentation
  10. Mikey the Moblin

    Spoiler Totk Dragon Ending Theory

    Do it
  11. Mikey the Moblin

    Spoiler Totk Dragon Ending Theory

    I also didn't mind it. It's objectively bad
  12. Mikey the Moblin

    Spoiler Totk Dragon Ending Theory

    I think watching the ending of tears and thinking "oh, yeah, that makes sense" is the opposite of critical thinking lol can't express how big of a difference there is between using evidence in the game to come up with a theory and spitballing that something happened to fill in gaps that exist...
  13. Mikey the Moblin

    Spoiler Totk Dragon Ending Theory

    Great so we're back to fanfiction
  14. Mikey the Moblin

    Spoiler Totk Dragon Ending Theory

    Kintsugi/wabisabi isn't my point, it was just an illustrative example. Broken things can be mended. Physical changes are reversible. Chemical changes are irreversible. This isn't always the case, but it usually is. If you're told something is a chemical change, you wouldn't expect it to be...
  15. Mikey the Moblin

    Spoiler Totk Dragon Ending Theory

    There's an entire Japanese art style that disagrees with you, not a real argument And if collecting zeldas memories is a big deal, why is it entirely optional? Why is saving zelda from becoming a dragon not tied to recovering her memories?
  16. Mikey the Moblin

    Spoiler Totk Dragon Ending Theory

    That's literally fancy talk for time travel
  17. Mikey the Moblin

    Will they ever return?

    I wouldn't expect anything original to the DS titles to make a comeback. One of the all time greatest features, writing on your map, was discarded simply because it came from the ds games. So I think it's unlikely that a race that isn't overwhelmingly popular would return in a mainline title
  18. Mikey the Moblin

    Spoiler Totk Dragon Ending Theory

    The real issue with it has always been the emphasis the story places on that transformation being irreversible. If there was a side quest to unlock a true ending where you learn there is a way to save zelda that would be one thing, but it happens literally non sequitur
  19. Mikey the Moblin

    I Like Listening to Zelda Music, am I Weird?

    Yeah man it's weird to not listen to REAL music like cardi b or Katy perry
  20. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Ppl gotta be horny on main like why tho Keep it to yourself
  21. Mikey the Moblin

    Spoiler Totk Dragon Ending Theory

    The oot time travel gets a pass because link ages along with it And I'm not sure if demise was ever a baby
  22. Mikey the Moblin

    Spoiler Totk Dragon Ending Theory

    So they could have gone back in time to kill baby ganon
  23. Mikey the Moblin

    Sign Ups PLAYER SINE UPS: Bug Fables Mafia

    I imagine there will be room for you. I'll put you as a substitute for now but if someone doesn't respond to their ready check then you'll be in. Make sure you fully read the OP though
  24. Mikey the Moblin

    Sign Ups PLAYER SINE UPS: Bug Fables Mafia

    Make sure you read the OP Make sure you read the OP For everyone else, I'm having some issues with my PC that I'll hopefully resolve by the end of this week. We can still streamline the startup process by having everyone check back in and making sure they're ready for the game to start this...
  25. Mikey the Moblin

    Getting into a new-to-you franchise

    I started fallout by playing fallout 1
  26. Mikey the Moblin

    Getting into a new-to-you franchise

    I really like starting with the first one. If I don't like the first one all I have to do is say I didn't like it and the fans will make it quite clear whether or not the other games are similar or not
  27. Mikey the Moblin

    New timeline dropped

    I think the hullabaloo exists because some people don't agree with the timeline or find "faults" in it that don't really matter in the grand scheme of things
  28. Mikey the Moblin

    Rank the remasters.

    In terms of visual improvement: Tphd Wwhd Oot3d Mm3d Sshd The visuals of all these games bar twilight princess have aged pretty well. Wind waker HD added a bloom effect that really makes the overworld feel hot, and all the textures just look a bit smoother and lifelike. Oot and mm had the low...
  29. Mikey the Moblin

    Hey, I didn’t know I could do that!

    I knew this but forget it from time to time. In gen 3 pokemon double battles, you can toggle your hp bar to instead show the number of hp you have left by pressing start
  30. Mikey the Moblin

    A big fan without ever playing a game of a franchise

    I consider myself an earthbound fan. I was afraid to play earthbound for a long time because I wanted to like it, and my experience with certain games "inspired by earthbound" made me worried that I wouldn't like the game because the games it inspired were all so terrible. So I think I was a...
  31. Mikey the Moblin

    So what would a post-atomic Hyrule be like?

    The bit about link and zelda makes me think maze runner It's still a bit generic but I like the idea that things we perceived as magic and mysticism are grounded in this world's physical laws
  32. Mikey the Moblin

    What Made You Happy Today?

    No lol
  33. Mikey the Moblin

    The Instrument You Love the Tone of the Most.

    It really depends almost entirely on the embouchure and technique being applied, like you get some really unique sounds out of a trumpet or saxophone if you have enough control
  34. Mikey the Moblin

    New timeline dropped

    Well, yes and no The fire brought disparity, but as the fire fades, things like "linearity" become more like suggestions, so bits and pieces of all the dark souls games take place at vastly different times in the same locations. The high wall of lothric is not meant to be there, it just...
  35. Mikey the Moblin

    New timeline dropped

    It was just one that came to mind because there are like 30 games in the ff universe, including kingdom hearts and such I picked three series that I know have loosely interconnected games and that I don't know the exact timeline of
  36. Mikey the Moblin

    New timeline dropped

    Without looking it up please tell me the chronology of the metroid, pokemon, and final fantasy series
  37. Mikey the Moblin

    anyone ever ate at a Pizza Ranch?

    This particular pizza ranch is different Normally pizza ranch isn't like that at all
  38. Mikey the Moblin

    New timeline dropped

    The most psychotic thing in this psychotic rant is the equivocation on display stubbornly insisting that a timeline can only exist if it's planned out ahead of time as a master plan Did you know that if I relayed the events to you of my morning getting ready for school, they would exist on a...
  39. Mikey the Moblin

    New timeline dropped

    Really though, the story feels like a continuation of botw but it feels like it takes place in a parallel universe where details are slightly different Wonder if there could have been some kind of weird inciting incident in the beginning of tears that caused it to diverge from the main timeline...
  40. Mikey the Moblin

    New timeline dropped

    I knew it
  41. Mikey the Moblin

    New timeline dropped

    One of these days the "it's just a story!" Excuse will send me off the deep end and I will actually sudoku over it
  42. Mikey the Moblin

    New timeline dropped

    Why is there a new timeline without Echoes of wisdom on it
  43. Mikey the Moblin

    Real Adult Link?

    You have a penchant for phrasing things in the worst way possible
  44. Mikey the Moblin

    "AAA" gaming and your wallet

    Game was released unfinished and didn't get finished for half a year, more if you count arena pvp as part of the game
  45. Mikey the Moblin

    What is your unpopular Zelda opinion?

    Congratulations or sorry that happened
  46. Mikey the Moblin

    What is your unpopular Zelda opinion?

    So in other words, your word on the series holds more weight than the creators themselves
  47. Mikey the Moblin

    What is your unpopular Zelda opinion?

    While the downfall timeline probably didn't exist from the beginning, SMS did a bit of research iirc that supports the theory that the downfall timeline was an internal consistency by the time wind waker was released
  48. Mikey the Moblin

    Zelda Can fight with a sword

    It gives me indie game vibes which I'm kinda here for
  49. Mikey the Moblin

    Zelda Can fight with a sword

    okay this is definitely not a zelda game but wow that looks fun, I do actually want it
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