oh hey i see just joined zelder dungeon liek anime welcome im DARK MASTER and i LOVE ZELDA, don't tell anybody but I'm actually the owner's little brother
Yeah, I am alive (for what that's worth). To be clear, you added the correct Discord account (DARK MASTER#5671), but when you added me initially I could not tell who you were--I don't check this forum nowadays very often--so felt confused (if you told me in a DM who you were I may not have...
@A Link In Time I suspect people incorporate what console they play, especially if that's the only one they could afford as a child, into their identity making them defensive, because criticism of the choice of console is tantamount to criticism of their identity in general, but getting over...
hey Djinn, hope you've been well, I've been away a lot traveling with my girlfriend and studying, which is why I haven't been around, and I also took the time to watch the entirety of One Piece, that was an ordeal but the show is surprisingly deep
I think the feeling for most of us is less about 'need', or necessity, and more about what feels like the best synthesis for BotW's potential. The fact something works does not then preclude it being better, right? So if you accept that, the next question is can the weapon system be better? If...
They could also add more kinds of material. Now that the developers built a framework with BotW I am hoping that they really are able to expand on it for BotW2 and realize BotW's great potential. BotW is an amazing game, but what's even more amazing is what it could be if its potential is realized.
Fundamentally I like the system, but it ought to be more refined. Weapons break too quickly and there ought to be better ways of balancing the game than designing them to break so quickly.
Thanks. We have actually been dating for about two years now. Our relationship is exceptionally healthy because in all the years of us dating we have never truly had a fight. Sometimes we argue, but it's always in a productive way to problem solve. We also go on a lot of camping trips, which is...
Awe that's awesome. Congrats on the marriage. When did you start seeing this partner? And yeah I am still studying a lot and traveling with my girlfriend. Our relationship is super healthy and it's awesome. We love each other very much.
Not if I have outgrown it, but there's a difference between media I have actually outgrown and media people tell me I've outgrown. The question we ought to ask ourselves when evaluating this is, what does X piece of media give us?
I literally want all those disgusting mouth breathing troglodytes to stumble into a volcano — no, guess you could say I'm not fond of babies. With young children and teens, at least they're capable of a conversation.
I love @Misty but in an autistic way where I cannot determine what my actual feelings are. @Jimmu is my second choice, not only because of our friendship with benefits, platonic love, or just generally because he's one of the best admins (no brown nosing here folks), but really because of what...
Hello, I am DARK MASTER of the Zelda community forums. I are am wondering, whether I could have a Golden Key Award to keep my very important reputation. Now. You might be wondering why I am asking? Well. You must understand, what the Zelda Dungeon community thinks of me is highly important for...
I proactively refuse to do what presents itself as a drain upon my priorities per efforts to follow said priorities. Could study more of the antidisestablishmentarianism movement, or I could review The Phenomenology of Spirit and materials around it? Just do what you believe helps you best...
Perhaps George Michael, but I don't particularly care about celebrates. This might sound cliche, but as one that follows world affairs, I've a tendency to care more for butchered children and elderly in underdeveloped regions.
Why comment with an obvious statement when it isn't even very relevant to this thread? This thread is asking whether it's "weird" for girls to like Zelda, not if it's "wrong".
My favorite 3D Zelda game is Twilight Princess, because probably its impact on my media life, but that could be said about most of my favorite Zelda games.
Nah, you're busy like the rest of us, understandable. Misty and I miss you though, but we understand, though hopefully we can spend time together in the VC soon. We're starting to get a lot more active, thanks to ZD's forum contest.
@Hero of legend technically Zelda Rupee Game Watch Training Tracker Adventures (name is amalgamation of RS games cuz y nawt) was the poorest selling Zelda game (yeah get you were only referring to main series games, but something that often makes certain Rare Seldas rare is their poor sales).