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  1. magnann

    N64 Major's mask vs the 3Ds one

    Worst part was I started the fight as soon as dinner was done. Everyone was waiting and getting pissed off, meanwhile I was saying "One more minute, just gotta finish this boss. It has to be done any second now." Everything feels SO much longer when you're in a rush.
  2. magnann

    Favorite 3D Zelda Game

    The more I go back and play the games, the more I find I'm undecided on which is my favourite. At first it was Twilight Princess, then at one point Ocarina of Time. Majora's Mask is brilliant, and so is Wind Waker. I love them all a lot. All I know for sure is that it definitely isn't Skyward...
  3. magnann

    F4F KoRL

    I would've loved to have ordered this and most of the other F4F figures, but alas, being a student on a tight budget does not allow me to drop ~ $400 on pretty much anything. Did you order one yourself? Or are you just trying to pick out houses you wanna loot? :p
  4. magnann

    N64 Major's mask vs the 3Ds one

    If you don't already own a 3DS, and you have the N64 version, just play that one. The 3DS version did improve many things, like: -graphics (many minigames and puzzles are easier to complete due to upgraded textures and crisper colours) -time can be skipped ahead 1 hour at a time, instead of 6...
  5. magnann

    The thing in Zelda you love but everyone hates

    The opening to Twilight Princess... I liked how slow paced it was and how it set up the story to be more than "Boy, you are the hero. Go save us all." It make Link out to be way more of a believable character than other games, and provided him with a reason to go out on his journey. He was just...
  6. magnann

    Why Four Swords Adventures only works in the Child Timeline

    Damn, Koroks and Chateau Romani in the same game... That's quite the insane-mashed-up-multiverse-backwards-ass-timeline you got there. Thanks Nintendo.
  7. magnann

    Why Four Swords Adventures only works in the Child Timeline

    That's not a timeline. It just shows Nintendo thought of how a few games are related. It explains how MM is related to OoT, but not how MM is related to WW, or how WW is related to LoZ. Nintendo had to throw together something that linked every game because they had not come up with it before...
  8. magnann

    A 1st Person Zelda Title..?

    I can't stand first person sword fighting. There's just no way to perceive depth on a 2D screen. FPSs work because there are cross hairs you can aim with any anything in front of you is getting shot, regardless of range. Plus there are too many flying enemies in Zelda. You wouldn't be able to...
  9. magnann

    How Many of the Zelda Titles do you OWN?

    I own every original game, port, and remake complete in box EXCEPT the original Link's Awakening for Gameboy (cartridge only), and Twilight Princess on Gamecube. I also own all the Tingle games, but no CD-i games unfortunately.
  10. magnann

    Does right vs. Left handed Link matter?

    The only justifiable timeline placement with Link's handedness is if it were the same Link as in SS. His design is similar so it wouldn't surprise me, but the beaten up Temple of Time and the Koroks make it hard to believe that it would be the same Link. Other than that argument I fail to see...
  11. magnann

    Getting Made Fun of for Zelda

    This person sounds pretty unintelligent. So does that mean that Zelda is worth a billion bucks? It's so valuable that someone would pay a billion bucks to own Zelda? Why is Call of Duty (another game franchise) buying Zelda? What kind of lame argument is that? Anyway I assume you're in...
  12. magnann

    Where does Clock Town get its water?

    I believe Miyamoto once stated "There is actually no source of water connected to Clock Town. The giants can drink salt water and convert it to fresh water. Every once in a while when the water is running low, the giants get really drunk, sneak to Clock Town at night, and piss in the streams and...
  13. magnann

    Most legit continuation of the unified timeline?

    I think the most legit timeline so far is the adult timeline: 1. It's a short timeline, so it requires less metal gymnastics to connect all the games 2. WW's backstory directly references OoT, its preceding game 3. ALL 3 games in the timeline are DIRECT sequels to one another. No other timeline...
  14. magnann

    Spoiler Cows on the ranch in MM

    Don't forget the aliens also abduct Romani and **** her up mentally, so you're also helping her. I can't say I feel guilty for slaying the aliens.
  15. magnann

    Reconciling the Master Sword backstories in ALttP, TP and SS

    Well it's obvious that the canon backstory is what took place in SS. We actually saw Link physically forge the Master Sword. The rest I just figured was retconned, and explained through "the story was passed down so much it had lost its validity". Since OoT the sages have had a strong connection...
  16. magnann

    Breath of the Wild Will we see Link's iconic tunic in BotW?

    It'd be cool if they had costumes of all the old Links hidden away in the world, similar to how Hyrule Warriors has separate costumes for SS, TP, OoT, WW, etc.
  17. magnann

    Breath of the Wild Why is everyone ignoring the twin peaks?

    http://zeldawiki.org/Spectacle_Rock Spectacle Rock has been in plenty of Zelda games spanning all 3 timelines. This just confirms the game is in Hyrule like the other games. You can also see it in the background of the title shot in the trailer.
  18. magnann

    Breath of the Wild Nintendo Switch Release Bundle Rumors - What would you want to see?

    If there's a Zelda bundle, that'll probably be the deciding factor whether I get an NX or not. I'd be happy playing Zelda on the Wii U and picking up an NX with Zelda later (I assume the Wii U version will be harder to find in the future, like TP on gamecube), but if there's some bundle with a...
  19. magnann

    Breath of the Wild How Pleased are you with what you have seen

    Not to mention the fact that the trailer and everything shown off has been gameplay. None of this "cinematic trailer" bs that every other game is doing.
  20. magnann

    Breath of the Wild How Pleased are you with what you have seen

    What I've seen so far has just blown me away. It was the perfect amount to tease me and get me to want to explore the rest of the game. Most games these days are too eager to show you everything the game has to offer in the trailer alone and can spoil most of it. I'm happy they showed off a...
  21. magnann

    Breath of the Wild Heart increase methods?

    With such an expansive world there better be heart pieces to collect. It'll probably end up like Skyward Sword where there will be around 16-18 hearts from heart pieces and containers and the rest from certain outfits (like holding the heart medallions). I wouldn't be surprised if they made it 5...
  22. magnann

    Breath of the Wild The Best Improvement We've Seen?

    I remember reading something about how Miyamoto was super proud that in ALttP you could cut up bushes and grass, and it made the world more believable. He then took it a step farther in OoT and let you cut up signs. They wanted to extend this in Ura Zelda and let you cut trees, make footprints...
  23. magnann

    A Link Between Worlds - Underappreciated?

    ALBW is either my favourite or second favourite handheld Zelda (Link's Awakening being the other). I remember when it came out it got a LOT of praise for being so good (91 on Metacritic with user score of 8.9), so I don't believe it's underrated. Basically as highly rated as it deserves. It's...
  24. magnann

    Is spirit tracks worth my time?

    Spirit Tracks was one of my least favourite Zelda games. The plot isn't that good, so missing it isn't a big deal. I'd say unless there's gonna be a direct sequel to ST that you wanna play, don't bother spending the time catching up on the game.
  25. magnann

    Breath of the Wild Do you like the title? Can you come up with a better one?

    When most people hear breath they think of "bad breath" or halitosis or something along those lines. Others in this thread have also said that's what it reminds them of too. "Call" can refer to beckoning, shouting, things of that nature. "Call" isn't as synonymous to "phone call", as there are...
  26. magnann

    Breath of the Wild How useful do you think the handglider is going to be?

    As long as there isn't some sort of meter limiting how long you can glide I think it'll be great. Find the tallest mountain in Hyrule and see how far you can make it.
  27. magnann

    Breath of the Wild Do you like the title? Can you come up with a better one?

    I think they definitely could've come up with something better. Some alliteration like "Woods of the Wild" or "Wake of the Wild" or something sounds better to me. Even something like "Call of the Wild" sounds better to me, as breath makes me think of someone breathing in my face.
  28. magnann

    Breath of the Wild What would you do if this game came out and it completely SUCKED?

    That moment when you decide what to play based on the graphics is probably the same moment you should stop playing video games. 2001 called and it wants its argument to why "Zelda/Nintendo is dead" back.
  29. magnann

    Breath of the Wild Stereotypical what are you most excited for topic.

    I'm most excited about getting lost for hours in a new Zelda game. As much as I love the other games, they feel too sequential at times. I'm just looking forward to picking a direction, heading there, and seeing what I find.
  30. magnann

    Zelda Art and Artifacts Limited Edition

    Basically just cover and a much more limited print run.
  31. magnann

    Breath of the Wild Aonuma may have already CONFIRMED the Timeline Placement! (And it's the biggest mistake ever)

    Ah yes, forgot about the Temple of Time so that does eliminate New Hyrule as a location... If it's right before WW it'd be cool if in the end Link dies and Ganon takes over, flooding Hyrule.
  32. magnann

    Breath of the Wild Aonuma may have already CONFIRMED the Timeline Placement! (And it's the biggest mistake ever)

    That's why I placed it just before Spirit Tracks. "100 years" in both instances can be a rough estimate meaning that BotW can take place slightly before Spirit Tracks in the timeline, unless you believe that both instances of "100 years" are concrete and not some estimation in the lore.
  33. magnann

    Zeldas you've played (in order)

    Probably gonna mess up the order at some point but: MM > OoT > TP > WW > SS > ALttP > FSA > Zelda 1 > Zelda 2 > LA > Master Quest > OoT3D > ALBW > WWHD > OoS > OoA > Minish Cap > PH > ST > FS > MM3D > TFH > TPHD I can almost guarantee that order is wrong though lol. Plus that's the order of...
  34. magnann

    Breath of the Wild Aonuma may have already CONFIRMED the Timeline Placement! (And it's the biggest mistake ever)

    Koroks alone make it seem more likely to take place in the adult timeline. Perhaps 100 years after Phantom Hourglass in New Hyrule, but before the whole Spirit Tracks trains thing.
  35. magnann

    Zelda Art and Artifacts Limited Edition

    I have the hardcover standard edition preordered, but I'm specifically referring to a limited edition such as the Hyrule Hystoria limited edition. Left Collector's, Right Standard http://i.imgur.com/ZX8GyuY.jpg
  36. magnann

    Windwaker HD Help appreciated!

    Tingle bottles are basically Miiverse posts from other players that appear in your game. You can add pictures to the tingle bottles and can save pictures received from tingle bottles. These pictures, along with your own, can be used to make the figures in the gallery, making hard to obtain...
  37. magnann

    A Link To The Past Glitch Compilation!

    Didn't expect the video to go that in depth. Great vid!
  38. magnann

    Hyrule Warriors Hyrule Warriors or Hyrule Warriors Legends?

    As far as graphics/on screen enemies/performance, Wii U. For amount of content and on-the-go play, 3DS. For some reason Nintendo has very recent habit of taking Wii U games, adding more to them, and releasing them again on 3DS (Hyrule Warriors, Mario Maker, and Yoshi's Wooly World). Now, buying...
  39. magnann

    Favorite/Least Favorite Character

    Favourite characters (excluding the big 3): Groose: He's on the loose Tingle: Everyone's favourite 40 year old fairy boy Ghirahim: My personal favourite homoerotic demon/sword Error: I am Error. Bagu: I'm supposed to be Bug. Pretty much every side character from Majora's Mask Least...
  40. magnann

    What are Zelda fans actually called?

    The Church of Tingle
  41. magnann

    Skyward Sword- Imprisoned Glitch???

    Can't say I've experienced any glitches like that in SS but that particular one is pretty funny
  42. magnann

    Zelda Art and Artifacts Limited Edition

    Has there been word when this will be available for preorder? I believe Dark Horse made a statement saying there will be one, and since there was one for Hyrule Historia, it'd make sense for AaA to have one. Just wondering if there has been word when it'll be available for preorder.
  43. magnann

    Favorite/Least Favorite Zelda Games

    I've never tried to order every Zelda game from favourite to least, but I'll try (top 5 will be a huge toss-up)... 1. Twilight Princess - biggest and best Zelda I guess. Basically took everything OoT did and cranked it to 11 2. Ocarina of Time 3. Majora's Mask 4. Wind Waker HD (HD specifically...
  44. magnann

    What Other Zelda Merchandise Do You Own Besides Games?

    I own: - WWHD Wii U bundle - 3 of the 3DS bundles (OoT, ALBW, and MM3D) - The DS Lite bundle - posters - guidebooks/box set - a ~ 3 ft tall cardboard cutout of Link promoting ALBW - Zelda Monopoly collector's edition - 2 replica Master Swords - replica Hylian Shield - various t-shirts and a knit...
  45. magnann

    Breath of the Wild Was the 2014 BotW trailer NX footage?

    I'm pretty sure they've stated there won't be any technical differences between the NX and Wii U versions. I doubt the NX was far enough in concept in 2014 to play the Zelda demo they had. It's likely that the initial reveal was a very small snippet of what the overall game would be, and in the...
  46. magnann

    Breath of the Wild Should i preorder or wait?

    Wait unless you find some preorder deal, like the 20-30% off sales Amazon has at certain times of the year. You can always cancel a preorder when the time comes.
  47. magnann

    October Giveaway Contest: Favorite Zelda Quote

    My favourite quote is probably "My country lay within a vast desert. When the sun rose into the sky, a burning wind punished my lands, searing the world. And when the moon climbed into the dark of night, a frigid gale pierced our homes. No matter when it came, the wind carried the same thing...
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