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Where does Clock Town get its water?

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Well we see in spring that the entirety of the Snowhead mountain thaws out bar the section near the temple, it'd be the most likely cause of it Termina's water.
Yeah but that's during Spring.

A solar still in the swamp would be highly chancy at best, the poison could be retained (unlikely) and it'd depend on the sunlight itself, you'd need a good spot where it's sunny constantly and no impurities would get in..... now that i think on it you could say the Woodfall temple would fall into water generation category, when it's shrine was desecrated the water in the swamp was poisoned, maybe woodfall temple acts as a massive water purifier all the poison is drawn into the temple while the water remains fresh and pure, if the temple's shrine is desecrated or damage then the water source would become poisonous.
Yeah maybe that is it's purpose. We can't be certain though.

As for poisonous waters, yes there'd be minute quantities of Poison in the water throughout the swamp why? Because where the Woodfall temple sits is a dead volcano it's caldera as a matter of fact, even dead there would be enough poisonous gases that'd seep into the water system alone from there.
I figured that, but wasn't too sure.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Yeah but that's during Spring.

Yeah maybe that is it's purpose. We can't be certain though.

I figured that, but wasn't too sure.

plenty of snow in snowhead plus it'd still go downhill as snow or ice and form large icey lakes perfect for when it thaws, Snowmelt can still occur in winter, hell glaciers move on snowmelt year round, enough friction or warmth will generate the water, doesn't need to be a massive heat bloom but a small steady warmth would keep the water flowing.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
plenty of snow in snowhead plus it'd still go downhill as snow or ice and form large icey lakes perfect for when it thaws, Snowmelt can still occur in winter, hell glaciers move on snowmelt year round, enough friction or warmth will generate the water, doesn't need to be a massive heat bloom but a small steady warmth would keep the water flowing.
Hual the snow to the town were it's alot warmer, lol. Yeah I didn't think of that. They'd have to be careful about it.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Hual the snow to the town were it's alot warmer, lol. Yeah I didn't think of that. They'd have to be careful about it.

Not even that ultimately, all it'd take is for the glaciers that'd be bound to form on Snowhead to move downwards enough that comparative warmth hits it, when it does so water will be gotten from it, hell theres the ravine right outside of the Mountain range in Termina field this would indicate at one point a glacier moved through the area as does zones such as near the temple itself the canyon nearby and the lake near the goron village, each of those areas would've housed glaciers and we see that when spring hits it warms up ridiculously fast and high this would lead to a surge of water into the towns wells that'd tide them over year round on it's own, but during the winter time these zones would melt so Towns people would turn to glacier melt, we see that water is available in areas like Ikana and Near the coast so it means theres water further inland which could also mean it's coming off a glacier that's melting. It'd grow in winter and shrink in high summer, providing water near constantly to termina especially during winter.

I love this types of questions because i can think on it.


Jul 3, 2016
Maybe the Great Bay people (Zoras) make their rupees by purifying their water, and selling it to the people of Clock Town.


I'm the B and my boyfriend is the T in LGBT ❤
Aug 2, 2016
Ciel's House
I've always found this question interesting. Where does Clock Town get its water?

There are quite a few places were it's water might come from, but there are issues which make it unlikely that it'd come from certain regions. We can omit the Woodfall Swamp out of the picture immediately. The water is poisoned, so if Clock Town's water came from that area it'd be poisoned too.

Snowhead is frozen over, most of it's water has turned to ice. In this situation a scenario like that in Twilight Princess when Zora's Domain is completely frozen over would happen. The Water in Hyrule Castle Town stopped flowing, the same thing would happen in Clock Town if its water was from Snowhead. The fact Clock Town has flowing water makes me doubt it orginates from that area.

The Great Bay is salt water, there is no way it's the source of Clock Town's Water.

Ikana Canyon has water flowing near the canyon bottom, but we don't even know were it orginates from. I used to think maybe it was the source of Clock Town's Water but there are no obvious channels redirecting water toward Clock Town.

Actually Clock Town has no channels leading toward it in the feild surrounding it. We do know that Clock Town's water flows underground, but still there should be evidence of this in the feild somewere, assuming it leads to some water source in a different area.

More recently I've pondered the idea of Clock Town being built above a underground water source. This would explain the lack of evidence suggesting the water comes from any of the surrounding regions. It also explains why Clock Town is located were it is. Normally civilizations inhabit areas closest to abundant water sources. Considering that it makes me wonder, why wasn't Clock Town built closer the Ikana Canyon? The only explanation is that Clock Town doesn't get it's water from that region, and it doesn't channel water from any regions. It has its own underground water supply.

Do you have any alternative theories? If so please share them.

They probably run out on day 2 with buckets and catch the rain.
Oct 2, 2016
Magical rivers flow from the lost woods. You just rout your pipes into some random forest tree and BOOM! Running water.

Hyrulian Hero

Zelda Informer Codger
Oct 6, 2016
I think the Snowhead theory is actually pretty solid but I would posit the irrational hypothesis that back when, a river flowed from Ikana canyon out past the graveyard, toward clock town and out to the Great Bay. This carved the canyon up which you travel after hookshotting up to the snag.

Eventually, a need arose to divert the river toward what became the swamp. The Ikanan Kingdom commissioned a tunnel to be built to shift the flow of the river to the south. Once completed, the tunnel dumped the river into a patch of land that hadn't previously had such a volume of water running through it. This caused the river to disperse, creating a wetland or swamp.

As you've surely noticed, the river dumps out into the Southern Swamp in far less volume than it entered the tunnel (as evidenced by the tiny ring of water near the Lost Woods at the river's terminus). As time went by, sediment lay down layers of strata over the silt making up the ancient riverbed.

Now, water follows the path of least resistance, which is what the river originally did: flowing downhill into the ocean across Termina Field. The river forecably diverted and channeled, the main flow emptied into the swamp but over manifold centuries since Ikana was in its prime, a branch of water reached out from the river's bulk and once again found its way downhill, following the old riverbed.

As the new branch trickled ever so slowly through the soft silt, it began compacting the soil around it, widening the cavity at a painfully slow rate. The more water that built up, the more pressure pushing the silt "downstream", the faster the cavity expanded.

The river eventually reached the ocean, either erupting under water from its subterrainian journey or filtering out through the sand once the surface beach dropped low enough to meet the water table.

Notice that the water beneath Clock Town in the areas below the Astral Observatory, Clock Tower, and the Laundry Pool seem to flow in that order: East to West, downhill, Ikana to Great Bay.

Obviously, this isn't what happened but wild speculation is fun!
Last edited:
Oct 1, 2016
The water really could come from any of those sources you mentioned, I think. The key here, IMO is the transportation of the water, regardless of the source: Pipes.

If we look to the great bay Temple, there's tons of piping. This indicates that the people of terminal at the very least have access to somewhat modern plumbing technology. It would be a matter of being gravity fed, so most likely it would come from Ikana, since Snowpeak was frozen.
Oct 1, 2016
I believe Miyamoto once stated "There is actually no source of water connected to Clock Town. The giants can drink salt water and convert it to fresh water. Every once in a while when the water is running low, the giants get really drunk, sneak to Clock Town at night, and piss in the streams and fountains. The citizens don't question where the water comes from, and the giants all laugh as the residents drink, play, and wash in their piss."

Source: My uncle works for Nintendo

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