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Breath of the Wild Should i preorder or wait?

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
@Castle sometimes, particularly for consoles, the product can be out of stock. This conversation is kind of silly, because what determines preorder is, desire for product, availability, and quality insurance.

We're long past such days. Nowawdays larger developers or companies produce millions of copies, making sellouts improbable.


The Emperor
Apr 29, 2010
True, but few people actually cared about the Wii U.

Long term, people originally cared. Nintendo has set precedent for good quality games, poor availability (remember the infamous Wii shortages), and clearly @The Omni Triforcer has desire given what he posts on a Zelda forum. This absolutist preorder or not mentality displayed in this thread just seems really silly considering it depends on circumstance.
Feb 9, 2016
Why would you pre order a game in the first place? A decade ago it would make sense because retailers struggled with high demand games and often they were sold out. Nowadays that doesnt happen.


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
i am definitely getting nx at launch

And it launches with Breath of the Wild (as far as I understand). Are you going to buy a console and no games for it?

It's being release simultaneously on Wii U and NX so if you get the NX version you won't be waiting longer than anyone getting the Wii U version.

There is absolutely no point at all in you even considering the Wii U version if you are planning on "definitely" getting an NX at launch.

As for waiting for a bundle, it makes sense. They likely will do one and it'll probably be announced with plenty of time to pre-order. So just do a Gary Barlow and have a little patience.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Are we? The Wii U famously had shortages during launch.
So did the iPhone 7, which also offered preorder. I know someone who pre-ordered it, but the shop she ordered it from ran out, so she couldn't get her iPhone until about a week later. So not even that always works to get the product immediately.
Feb 9, 2016
Its never wise to buy a nintendo console at launch. The pre launch conversation is always the same, as is the end result. You buy nintendo consoles at the end of its lifecycle after a handful of games you really want get released.
Oct 1, 2016
Wait unless you find some preorder deal, like the 20-30% off sales Amazon has at certain times of the year. You can always cancel a preorder when the time comes.


Oct 1, 2016
I would definitely wait for nx. For one it will probably have way more features such as better graphics and game play, and for two by then u will know if the game is as good as it sounds.
Oct 1, 2016
Ok what if there is a sweet bonus item you can get if you preorder. Example. A BOTW T-shirt? Or that bad ass coin from E3? I would definitely be in if that was the case! Oh and I would wait for the NX version for sure. Not going to get burned again like the Gamecube/Wii delay! And you know that the NX will be far more superior that the Wii U version. Just saying...
Oct 2, 2016
Wait. I've been impatient before and pre-ordered a game, only for a cooler looking collector's edition to be announced nearer the time. I also once made the huge mistake of pre-ordering a game on amazon, who are usually known for delivering games on or even before the release date. This time, it came 2 days after release. I'd be gutted if that happened with BoTW.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
Why would you pre order a game in the first place? A decade ago it would make sense because retailers struggled with high demand games and often they were sold out. Nowadays that doesnt happen.

Developers try and push pre-orders, because it gives them an indication of how many copies they'll sell. For the retailer, it's five free dollars. May not seem like much, but multiply that five dollar bill by hundreds of thousands, if not millions of pre-orders.

Does it do anything for you?


Will the retailer run out of the game?

Of course not.

If they know they have some big name game on hand, they'll carry thousands of copies. They'll be prepared for that sort of thing. They don't want to sell out of a game people will be tearing off the shelves, so they'll order enough copies to make sure they don't.

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