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Hyrule Warriors Hyrule Warriors or Hyrule Warriors Legends?

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
Go for Legends. You get a handful more story missions than you get in the wiiU version. There are also more adventure mode maps before dlc than there are in the first hyrule warriors.

Hyrule warriors has looks going for it however. Legends has a lower picture quality and several of the attack visual effects were removed/weakend.
Oct 1, 2016
As far as graphics/on screen enemies/performance, Wii U. For amount of content and on-the-go play, 3DS. For some reason Nintendo has very recent habit of taking Wii U games, adding more to them, and releasing them again on 3DS (Hyrule Warriors, Mario Maker, and Yoshi's Wooly World). Now, buying Legends gives you a code to unlock the extra characters on Wii U, otherwise you have to pay separately for the extra 3DS characters on the Wii U. If you don't care about playing on the go, then get the Wii U version, as it's better in most ways, and the extra content from the 3DS version can be downloaded later.


Angel of Darkness
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ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
I would say go for Legends. It has more maps, and maps are more balanced, you got the my fairy which is extremely helpful plus more options like playing with multiple characters and owl statues to warp. Plus you got the level 4 and level 4+ weapons. But my choice is not yours of course.
Oct 1, 2016
I remember reading somewhere that you can unlock Legends DLC on the Wii U version if you connect the games somehow and have the Legends DLC already. Is this true, or did I get bad info.?

Azure Sage

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I take handheld over console any day of the week, no question about it. It's much more accessible; just have to open and close my 3DS whenever I want to play. I can't sit in front of a TV for more than an hour or so while I can sit on my bed and play my 3DS for hours at a time. If you care about the better visual quality then go for the Wii U version but honestly the difference isnt much to complain about imo, it looks perfectly fine on the 3DS.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
I remember reading somewhere that you can unlock Legends DLC on the Wii U version if you connect the games somehow and have the Legends DLC already. Is this true, or did I get bad info.?
No, unfortunately that isn't true. When you buy the game for the 3DS you'll get a code which you can use on the wiiu to get Linkle, Skull Kid, Tetra, King D and Toon Link and G-dorf's trident. if you want the DLC content for the wiiu (only new characters and some new weapons and some outfits but no new stories or maps) you'll have to buy the season pass (or individual package) for the wiiy. But nope, you can't unlock DLC content by connecting the games.
Oct 1, 2016
That's a shame. I prefer the console version because, and this is the obvious one, it looks better on a bigger screen. I really haven't played handheld games in a while. My eyes aren't very good, in fact I needed a stronger prescription for my glasses, so that might be why.
HW on wiiU is better than legends IMO.

Yes you get extra story with the Wind Waker stuff, but its disappointing.

The new characters are ones you can download, so you wont miss out on them. I also dont think the Legends adventure maps are that great either and i dont like the new fairy stuff.

Plus you dont get to play as Ganon in his monster stomp game mode.

And unless youre playing on a new 3ds the game wont run very smoothly. Plus even on the 3ds the loading feels slow. You can take a keep and he keep boss seems to take a long time to actually appear, there are many instances like that while you play.

AND the viewpoint on the adventure mode map is horrific. You cant see the full map, you can only see a few squares at a time making it difficult to fathom exactly where you are on the map and where unlockables are and how far you are away from things.

Graphics arent great either. Most of it looks like its been downscaled (which it has) but the resulting fuzz and blur on most screens just makes the game feel lazy... like the extra story missions...
Oct 2, 2016
My wife and I were obsessed with HW for WiiU. It was mindless fun. We would spend time with each other playing and joking around. We don't play a lot of video games, but HW clicked for us for some reason. We still play from time to time.

However, some of the mechanics we complained about. When Legends came out it was like the programmers had read our minds. Legends is "better" in every measurable way in fixing these issues.

But we can't play together. So even though the gameplay is improved, for us, what's the point? To me, it's not the kind of game that's fun to play alone.
Oct 2, 2016
Seems like its already been said a number of different ways, but what really came down to it for me was "playability" -- are you freely able to play either the 3DS or the WiiU at any time? If so, I prefer the big-screen HW, but if you're always on the go or have other people who would like to use the TV and you don't want to be stuck to the WiiU Gamepad, then HWL is the way to go! (The differences have already been enumerated above, but the game(s) requires a lot of time to really get through all that's offered there, so you'll want to go with whatever system you'll be able to play most!)

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