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Skyward Sword- Imprisoned Glitch???

Oct 6, 2014
So.....I was at the second battle with The Imprisoned and as I'm trying to defeat the toes so I can sword slash the seal on it's head, it uses its arms to try to climb. Of course, it does this since I've played through before and it's just what it does in this encounter. However, somehow...it got stuck! It was just kind of floating there, I couldn't do anything. Literally. Arrows would just fly right through the toes, when I called for Groose and shot a bomb, it just hits but didn't do anything. I couldn't jump on his head, I would just end up sliding off him and falling down. I actually found it pretty hilarious. I ended up having to just exit out of the game and go back to the last point I saved, which was not too much before that, I just had to get the heart piece from the Goron again.

Anybody seen anything like this happen before? Snapped a picture on my phone of it.


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Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
I thought I was the only one who can't find the last heart piece, now I see I'm not alone.
Oct 6, 2014
Hmm? Wait! WAIT! Lemme ask my doctor, yes, uh huh... @likentro I think you've got a case of Skyward Sword, please contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Skyward Sword is buggy beyond fictional Hell.

I know it's a few years old, but I've played through this game several times since it came out and never had a glitch until this. I happened to find it kind of funny and just wondered if anyone else had seen that happen. Your comment comes off a little rude.
I know it's a few years old, but I've played through this game several times since it came out and never had a glitch until this. I happened to find it kind of funny and just wondered if anyone else had seen that happen. Your comment comes off a little rude.
Lol his comment wasn't rude at all

And yeah, I've had this glitch before. Maybe try turning your wii off then back on and it should fix


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
I've been playing SS again recently and strangely enough this exact thing happened to me at the same point in the game but I'd never had it happen before. Strange little glitch there! I actually just yanked the nunchuck out then plugged it back in and it seemed to work as a fix


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Despite the apparent bugs in Suckward Sword which many people had, I have personally never experienced any of them.
Oct 1, 2016
Can't say I've experienced any glitches like that in SS but that particular one is pretty funny


I'm the B and my boyfriend is the T in LGBT ❤
Aug 2, 2016
Ciel's House
So.....I was at the second battle with The Imprisoned and as I'm trying to defeat the toes so I can sword slash the seal on it's head, it uses its arms to try to climb. Of course, it does this since I've played through before and it's just what it does in this encounter. However, somehow...it got stuck! It was just kind of floating there, I couldn't do anything. Literally. Arrows would just fly right through the toes, when I called for Groose and shot a bomb, it just hits but didn't do anything. I couldn't jump on his head, I would just end up sliding off him and falling down. I actually found it pretty hilarious. I ended up having to just exit out of the game and go back to the last point I saved, which was not too much before that, I just had to get the heart piece from the Goron again.

Anybody seen anything like this happen before? Snapped a picture on my phone of it.

I haven't but sometimes its to do with the console itself

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