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Breath of the Wild Stereotypical what are you most excited for topic.

Oct 6, 2016
I'd have to say I'm most excited for the emphasis on the bow as a weapon. It's always been more of an item rather than a weapon. It's always been my favorite type of weapon in most games. I must headshot all the things.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Exploring. That's one of my favorite parts of playing a Zelda game and BotW has a ton of area to be explored. I'm also excited to find out what the plot is.
Oct 1, 2016
I'm most excited about getting lost for hours in a new Zelda game. As much as I love the other games, they feel too sequential at times. I'm just looking forward to picking a direction, heading there, and seeing what I find.


Biggest Zelda fan this side of the South Pole
Oct 8, 2016
Stuttgart, Germany
I'm most excited about getting lost for hours in a new Zelda game. As much as I love the other games, they feel too sequential at times. I'm just looking forward to picking a direction, heading there, and seeing what I find.
I totally agree. One of the main reasons I love Zelda is because you can go almost anywhere and there's something or someone waiting for you.


"Look at those sideburns...that's true grit!"
Oct 7, 2016
I am most excited to just explore the huge world. Specifically, the rock climbing mechanic. Once I purchase an NX I feel I will be able to get my money's worth out of this game; I should be happy exploring the huge map for a long time and not buy other games for awhile.
Oct 6, 2016
The sheer size of the game. I like linear Zelda games and I like non-linear Zelda games as much as the next guy, but it's been a long time since I last could explore in a Zelda game for as much content as this time.
Oct 11, 2016
I'm excited at the prospect of being able to use magnesis to create a see-saw catapult, and then jump a Mario-like jump (many times your height) into the air as the physics engine will be powerful enough to do it. I'm also excited for the music, I liked what we heard in the released footage up until now...


The beast that dwells within the Shoutbox
Oct 18, 2016
just your imagination
The story, and hearing new music. Also, doing naked playthroughs.

...by which I mean Link is naked, which does not necessarily require me to be either naked or fully clothed during the playthrough. I suppose it doesn't matter.

Also, the giant dungeons! I hope they're big.
The massiveness of Hyrule, the game coming out, the absolute beauty of the game, and the fact that we get such realistic grass. Also Star Wars arrows
Oct 7, 2016
Mm, probably the immersion. The world we've seen is so large and beautiful, I'm really looking forward to getting lost in it. I'm also excited to do different runs with different styles- maybe a pacifist run, a war run, and most excited of all, a "go straight to the final boss and get my butt handed to me" run. Might even do that first lol XD

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