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Breath of the Wild Heart increase methods?

Oct 2, 2016
We've seen temporary hearts added through eating but it seems tedious for that to be the only method of life increase. How do you think we'll add permanent hearts this time around? Will we see the return of heart pieces/containers? Maybe it'll be some completely different/unconventional method? I would state my thoughts but I have no idea.


Oct 1, 2016
I agree with Mmeal23, some outfits may increase hearts. That's pretty logic, how the resistance of the armor could be shown if not by increasing hearts?
I prefer this rather than permanent hearts, so you can play safely with a lot of hearts or in a more challenging way with only a few hearts.

Amy Lu Minati

The Triangle conspiracy
Oct 3, 2016
I would still love to have heart containers. Maybe the spirit orbs will have something to do with it.


"Look at those sideburns...that's true grit!"
Oct 7, 2016
I liked getting a heart container when you finish each dungeon. Hopefully this feature will still be in BOTW if the individual pieces of heart are not.
Oct 5, 2016
I think heart containers and heart pieces will continue, they're staples to the series and it isn't a mechanic anybody was really complaining about. Not to mention that (at least for me) running around searching for heart pieces was fun and a way to motivate exploration.

I do think different armor influencing the amount of hearts you have is a neat idea though.


Captain Kick-ass
Oct 5, 2016
I think a permanent increase item is probably going to be present, whether it's heart containers/pieces or another method, like an RPG element where you get more as you level up. If they add armor that grants extra hearts, I think they would appear yellow like the temporary ones that you get from some foods. That way it could stack with your permanent increase too. I think that's be a good way to handle it.
Oct 2, 2016
I can imagine getting like a 20 heart count and then eating something crazy and wearing something awesome and having like 50

Azure Sage

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I imagine there being heart pieces or heart containers in the field outside of the plateau. I think until we get far enough to reach them we'll have to rely on eating meals. I think there will probably be one or two armors or clothing options that temporarily increase life but I think it's more likely for them to decrease the damage you take. I think, in the demo, we can see defense values on the clothing items when selecting them.


That green 1 on the right is probably indicating defense. I think that's gonna be how clothing works rather than increasing life.
Oct 5, 2016
I believe it will be added with certain types of clothing. Like the steel armor will add a boost in hearts AND def by like 4 each. But say the cloths that lets you go into a hot area will add 1 heart and 2 def.

I think the cloths that have special attributes will offer less than other options to keep you from wearing the same thing all the time.
Oct 1, 2016
With such an expansive world there better be heart pieces to collect. It'll probably end up like Skyward Sword where there will be around 16-18 hearts from heart pieces and containers and the rest from certain outfits (like holding the heart medallions). I wouldn't be surprised if they made it 5 pieces per heart like Twilight Princess too just to increase the collectibles laying around the world.
Jul 23, 2016
We'll at least likely see Heart Containers in dungeons, since there are (according to that 'accurate' rumour) at least four big dungeons scattered around the world. Presumably these have both major boss battles and Heart Containers as rewards for winning said boss battles.

I also suspect they'll exist as rewards for clearing the optional shrines. I mean, we're supposed to have about a 100 of them, right? Well, we certainly aren't getting 100 runes in this game. And getting something trivial like clothing or weapons seems very unlikely. So perhaps the extra shrines all have one piece of heart in them. That would add up to about 20 something hearts, which is fairly close to the standard amount in a Zelda game.

Then again, maybe the dungeons don't just give us one extra heart. Perhaps instead, they give us three or four extra hearts each, like how the new Paper Mario game gives you 25 more HP for every boss beaten. That's possible too.
Oct 19, 2016
I agree with most here that there absolutely must be heart containers and heart pieces. To me, those are some of the most quintessentially "Zelda" elements of any Zelda game, and the game just wouldn't feel right without them!
Oct 21, 2016
Nintendo did confirm heart pieces a while back, but I still would have liked to see something like a level-up system similar to that of games like War in the North and the Batman Arkham series.

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