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Breath of the Wild Aonuma may have already CONFIRMED the Timeline Placement! (And it's the biggest mistake ever)

What do you think of this official Timeline Placement?

  • Don't we already have enough Downfall Timeline games for now?

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I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
I'm still a timeline theorist myself, but most people won't take your argument seriously if you don't use the HH timeline. My argument forms easy anyways, as it only relies on prior games, not later.
Oct 1, 2016
Hyrule was completely flooded at the end of WW. So I would bet against this game appearing right before Spirit Tracks. In BoTW We still see the old ruins of the Temple of Time from OOT. And since King Daphnes wished that the old land was washed away we can only assume that if a game was before ST and Hyrule had unflooded the ruins we have seen could not be present. Therefore this can't be right before ST.

If this does indeed still take place after OOT on the Adult timeline I would imagine that rather than it going before ST it goes either before Wind Waker at some point during the hundreds of years between it and OOT. Or the other possibility is that this game takes place after another split in the timeline where it was Ganon who was victorious at the end of WW and Link was the one defeated.
Ah yes, forgot about the Temple of Time so that does eliminate New Hyrule as a location... If it's right before WW it'd be cool if in the end Link dies and Ganon takes over, flooding Hyrule.
Oct 29, 2016
OK I'm never using the quote feature again._. Basically I think that the timeline placement for botw, until we get the get actual game is all speculation. Personally I think there's going to be a 4th timeline. A new timeline let's a whole new era take place and even more games. A new timeline could also explain the state of t master sword.

My most logical option is the new timeline occurs if ganon kills Link and the 7 sages. Without the power of the sages and master sword is weakened. And all we know is that this new link has been asleep for 100 years. That doesn't necessarily mean he's been dead. He could have easily been put into this state of slumber until it was time.

Also I'd like to point out that Nintendo love easter eggs. Majora's Mask appears in ALBW. With this information it's safe to assume that maybe the Koroks and the master Swords location could just be references to previous games.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
I don't really care, a Zelda Game is a Zelda game. If I don't agree with Aonuma's placement when he actually "confirms" an actual placement, then I'll plat it anyway where ever I feel more comfortable with it being.placed.

Roger Rad

The Fabulous One
Oct 6, 2016
It makes perfect sense to me! That is, if Ganon has been ruling for the last 100 years, when Link was defeated, and has transformed into the calamity. That could possibly explain why the sword is in such bad shape as well.


Apr 3, 2014
For f@@@@'s shake she just said hero of time because it's Link's most known title!
She probably doesn't even know where in the timeline botw is!
Calm Down!
Yes indeed, and there could be an anti-confirmation in that this new Link is right handed, whereas the actual, actual HoT is left handed. Wouldn't HoT wankers find it sacrilegious (and go for Aonuma's head) if the devs made him right handed? Plus it would be annoying if all they ever show is HoT Link, when he is by now... tired out.

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