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Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

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Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
How do you know that's who you need to target? Like I said Cody could be the remaining Mafioso.
True true. It's assuming Cody was lynched town though remember? Blackkirby could be the better lynch option even. Then if he flips town I target Cody. Town win. It's not that hard a choice. I do prefer the Cody idea though just because we have more there than blackkirby

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
True true. It's assuming Cody was lynched town though remember? Blackkirby could be the better lynch option even. Then if he flips town I target Cody. Town win. It's not that hard a choice. I do prefer the Cody idea though just because we have more there than blackkirby
Black Kirby might not be the worst option, there is a chance that he could be the the last Mafioso.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Either way I think whoever will win will be decided in the night. Even if you are the SK why would you want the Mafia to win? assuming it comes between Cody and Me and Cody is Mafia he'd be your best target. He'll probably shoot you as his last move, and you'll shoot him, I remain and the town wins. Cody could shoot me in the night but why would he want the SK to win?

@Cody I just feel like it makes more sense that a Vigilante role exhists rather than another informative role similar to mine, that's my point. Plus I still feel like the 3 Mechons represent the mafia, I can't remember if there was a 4th Mechon, the SK thing would work if there was 4 mechons...


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
I'll be out for a few hours but I do have thoughts on all of your points, will respond when I have the opportunity.


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
Okay I'm going to cover one thing at a time: the first is whether there are inconsistencies about my role.

@Cody I just feel like it makes more sense that a Vigilante role exhists rather than another informative role similar to mine, that's my point.
This is your first game, right? A decent-sized role-madness game like this often has a few roles of each type. If we look at the roles considered normal on Mafiascum (a big Mafia site with a big reference wiki), we have Cop, Role Cop, Follower, Tracker, Motion Detector, Watcher and Voyeur. One informative role is fine for an 8 player game, but I'd expect 2 or 3 in a game of this size. It's not unusual at all.

Plus, here's something about the setup to consider. When Sadia was killed on Night 1 and revealed as a cult stopper that's how we knew a cult was in the game. Recently, a mafia member was revealed as a framer, whose literal only purpose is to mislead cops, and yet we still haven't seen a cop/watcher/tracker in the death list. We have a lie detector, but that's not the same thing - you can catch people out on lies whether they're town or mafia and getting an answer doesn't necessarily help. I also haven't heard of framers affecting Lie Detectors before.


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
Secondly @Spiritual Mask Salesman, on the topic of my defending the doctor on Day 1, I wanted to clear up what I meant. I was going to do this earlier but couldn't find the search, so I had to check manually.

This is what happened: Right near the end of the day the vote was just about tied four ways. I could have easily turned the momentum against musicfan with a vote but didn't and also warned everyone else against doing it. It's not a big deal but I wanted to clear it up since I missed responding properly to this earlier.

Spiritual Mask Salesman (3) - musicfan, DekuNut, SavageWizzrobe
DekuNut (2) - JC-Hurin, Spiritual Mask Salesman
SavageWizzrobe (3) - Frozen Chosen, Cody, pkfroce
musicfan (2) - Diego, Rosa Luxemburg

Day 1 ends on Sunday, July 26th, at 8:00 PM CST time. With 15 players, it takes 8 for a majority lynch.

Pushing through to target someone who's claimed doctor seems like a horrendous move for town if he's telling the truth. As Diego would know generally ZU policy is to allow a claimer the chance to prove themselves.

Who were the other major options again of people who were acting differently? DekuNut and A Link in Time, I think?

In the interest of targeting a suspicious person who isn't also probably our doctor, for now I'm going to go with:

Vote: Savage Wizzrobe

I'm going to give the thread another read though.


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
Thirdly is my post on the night death posts and determining who is who. We actually know who each of the mafia characters involved are thanks to it being flat out said. I know everything can sound interchangeable when it's a big series with lots of characters, so I'm going to use images to show what I mean. Once you know what the killers look like, you'll be able to read through the death posts a lot easier as they describe each character and who did what.

Here are our villains:

Dickson (revealed as player Eoghan):

To read up on his character you can go to http://xenoblade.wikia.com/wiki/Dickson


Lorithia (Revealed as player JC-Hurin)


You can read up on her character here http://xenoblade.wikia.com/wiki/Lorithia


Zanza (Unknown killer, only current confirmed killer alive is Linkdude74)


Zanza's player hasn't been caught yet, but we know he's one of the killers because in one of the death posts someone shouts "Zanza!" and then gets killed by him.

Read up on him here: http://xenoblade.wikia.com/wiki/Zanza


Metal Face (unknown killer, only current confirmed killer alive is Linkdude74)



I'm fairly certain the Mechon mentioned in the kills is Metal Face, by process of elimination. He fits the descriptions, and has claws/blades for hands and is sadistic and follows the main characters around trying to kill them.

You can read up more on him here: http://xenoblade.wikia.com/wiki/Metal_Face


Now with these descriptions in mind re-read the death posts and you'll get a clearer picture of what's going on. I put them all here:
Night 1 Death Post
Night 2 Death Post
Night 3 Death Post
Night 4 Death Post


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
I wanted to clear this up for @Spiritual Mask Salesman also regarding the thing about three mechon from the first death post that he mentioned, I finally realized what he meant. Let me help clear this up.

As night fell, I was elected to keep first watch. I sat by the campfire, staring up at the evening sky. Framed by the sea of stars, I could make out the gigantic figure of the Mechonis, its pair of baleful red eyes glaring back down at me. Though the titan had long since become lifeless in its dual with the Bionis, the very sight of it brought only dread to the surface of my emotions.

A flicker of motion made me push the rising sentiments aside and trace its path. At first glance, it looked like nothing more than a shooting star, but then it veered downward sharply, cutting a line straight for our camp. The closer it got, the more I could make out its features--a rotund frame connected arms and legs, along with a face. I drew in a deep breath. A faced Mechon meant only trouble. "Everyone, wake up!" I cried.

While my friends grabbed their weapons, the metallic freak alighted gracelessly upon the ground. "Well, well, what do we have here? Ain't this a rugged lot?" the Face queried, swinging its arm out exaggeratedly. A series of deadly claws protruded from its hands. "Step aside, pipsqueaks! You ain't my target tonight."

Metal Face/the serial killer is the one with claws.

Behind the faced Mechon another figure materialized, but much like earlier today they were indiscernible. The only thing I could make out from the umbra was rippling muscles. When the figure spoke, his voice rumbled. "Outta the way, you heap of scrap, or I'll blow that hideous grin of yours to smithereens."

This guy isn't a Mechon, you can tell because he has rippling muscles, which robots definitely don't. Fits with Dickson/Eoghan/Mafia kill.

"How unfortunate," yet another voice claimed. The ground shook as the third speaker made impact; I looked back to see the towering Mechon who had encountered us earlier. "The fighting has only just begun. Whenever you worthless Homs come to realize this, you might all survive longer. But at that point, I would have picked half of you off."
This is where I think you got confused, SMS. There was another mechon, right? Yes, it's a Mechon character who was already revealed and killed - Egil/FrozenChosen, the cult leader. He wasn't there for a kill but to recruit, which is why there were only two kills that night instead of three.

In summary, that wasn't three mechons from the mafia, but a mafia kill, a serial killer kill, and a cultist.


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
I'm heading away from my computer again now so will not be able to make big posts like this again until tomorrow probably, but can answer smaller questions. I really suggest everyone read the lore/death post stuff I brought up - I think a lot of our ideas on how the game works have been based on misconceptions.


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
@Blackkirby We don't have the numbers to lynch today without you, have you had the chance to look through the thread? We can give you a summary otherwise.
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