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  1. thane98

    Breath of the Wild How Pleased are you with what you have seen

    I'm very pleased with the gameplay and the amount of detail given to the world. I have no complaints to give there - Breath of the Wild will clearly be a fun game. However, I am a little worried as to what kinds of character we'll actually see in the world. We've already received confirmation...
  2. thane98

    Breath of the Wild E3 Trailer/Discussion

    Whelp, never mind. They just confirmed no partner character on stream - the only thing reminiscent of a partner character is Wolf Link, which can apparently join you using the amiibo from Twilight Princess HD.
  3. thane98

    Breath of the Wild There will be NO female Link

    I honestly couldn't care either way, but I'm glad that we finally have closure on this little issue. It just led to a bunch of pointless bickering every time it was brought up.
  4. thane98

    Breath of the Wild Stamina Gauge

    I didn't mind the stamina bar at all in Skyward Sword. I'd like a way to increase your max stamina at some point, but that's not terribly important to me. Overall, I'm fine with it returning.
  5. thane98

    Breath of the Wild E3 Trailer/Discussion

    Sorry to double post, but I've gotta say - bombs look really different. They're going through a shrine that gives bombs on streams. You have unlimited access to bombs, and they don't explode on a timer - you choose when they detonate. It also looks like you have the ability to use bombs of...
  6. thane98

    Breath of the Wild E3 Trailer/Discussion

    That's what I was thinking at first, but I get the feeling that the voice at the beginning is Zelda
  7. thane98

    Breath of the Wild E3 Trailer/Discussion

    I've missed a good portion of the actual gameplay they've shown on stream. Have we seen any additional characters, or possibly even a companion? I'm going to be a little sad if Breath of the Wild has no companion - everything about the gameplay and world looks spectacular, but I do enjoy having...
  8. thane98

    Breath of the Wild E3 Trailer/Discussion

    More gameplay going on now for anyone interested on the Nintendo stream. I think they're showing off the opening, but it's tough to tell. Edit: Yeah, we're going full-blown RPG now by the looks of it.
  9. thane98

    Breath of the Wild E3 Trailer/Discussion

    It looks like we've also got different tunics and quite possibly the ability to sneak around rather than approaching enemies directly. It all looks really, really different from the old Zeldas. But at the same time, I'm impressed. Overall, this is definitely the best game I've seen this E3 by a...
  10. thane98

    Breath of the Wild E3 Trailer/Discussion

    I'm interested to see how this all plays out. It almost looked like an open world RPG to me, to be honest. Also, voice acting will take some getting used to with Zelda, even if it's used sparingly.
  11. thane98

    Breath of the Wild E3 Trailer/Discussion

    I thought I'd go ahead and get a thread a going since we have a name and a much more detailed look at the gameplay now. Official title is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here's the official trailer:
  12. thane98

    Breath of the Wild Zelda Pushed Back to 2017, Playable on Wii U and NX

    Eh, The dual release is something that I've been expecting for a little while, and Nintendo's reasoning behind the delay is sound... Still, things look pretty bleak this year now. Early 2016 has been pretty decent in terms of releases, but once we hit summer there's just nothing left outside of...
  13. thane98

    Breath of the Wild Zelda NX > Wii U content/performance fears

    I think it'll be difficult to tell how big the differences will be between versions. If Twilight Princess is an indicator, then the differences shouldn't be that drastic. However, I wouldn't rule out faster load times and higher resolutions on the NX version. I seriously doubt that we'll see...
  14. thane98

    TPHD-Wii U Which area looked best in HD?

    The lighting in the Goron Mines really makes the textures in the dungeon pop. The rooms with lava looked especially great with some higher resolution textures.
  15. thane98

    Zeldas you've played (in order)

    I played a little bit of OOT and WW before TP, but I never made any significant progress in either game, so I'm factoring them in with regards to where I finished them. TP>TMC>MM>SS>OOT>WW
  16. thane98

    The Official Fire Emblem Fates Thread

    I've had a tough time getting into the Fire Emblem games in the past. I put a few hours into Awakening, but my interest faded before I got too far into it. However, I picked up Birthright recently, and I'm hooked. I'm up to chapter 15 at the moment with around 11 hours in, and I'm loving every...
  17. thane98

    TPHD-Wii U Just Had My First Freeze-up...

    There were definitely some serious frame rate issues during my play through, but I never had a full on crash or freeze. I'd also be curious to hear about the circumstances that caused it.
  18. thane98

    What's Your Favorite Piece of Zelda Music?

    I'll go with an easy one: Midna's Lament. It's a great piece that helps to create one of Twilight Princess' best moments - not much more to be said with regards to it. Outside of that, I like the music that plays whenever you're inside a twilight area in Twilight Princess. It creates such a...
  19. thane98

    Breath of the Wild Will this game have levelling?

    I think that we'll see the Skyward Sword upgrade system return, and we might see some additional RPG elements included as well. But I doubt that we'll see a leveling system in the next Zelda game. I'm not against the idea, but I feel like a leveling system would have to be executed near...
  20. thane98

    Breath of the Wild Zelda Wii U In Ending Stages of Development, Appealing to Western Gamers like OoT

    I'm interested in how western influence will take form in Zelda U if this interview is any indication of what we'll see. Honestly though, I'm happier to see them acknowledge that Zelda U exists.
  21. thane98

    TPHD-Wii U TPHD First Impressions

    I just got through the Goron Mines, and the texture work in there makes everything look stunning. I can't make a call yet since I haven't seen what the rest of the remastered dungeons look like, but so far Goron Mines in Twilight Princess HD is the best looking area I've seen in a Zelda game.
  22. thane98

    TPHD-Wii U Thoughts on the controls?

    Well, now that most of us have had the chance to play a bit of Twilight Princess HD, I'm wondering how everyone feels about the controls. Obviously, the new controls mean a lot more to those who have only played the Wii version rather than the GameCube version, but there are definitely changes...
  23. thane98

    Breath of the Wild Twilight Princess is the Starting Point for Zelda U

    I'll have to go back and watch the video, but this does have me interested - I'd like to see another Zelda game with some heavy Twilight Princess influence. Obviously Zelda U's art style doesn't match up perfectly with Twilight Princess' aesthetic, but I think that Zelda U's art style could...
  24. thane98

    TPHD-Wii U TPHD First Impressions

    I just got through the Hyrule Castle Dungeon segment, and I'm really liking the graphical improvement so far. The lack of blur is definitely noticeable, and everything looks very sharp compared to the original. The only real issue I've noticed so far is framerate - it seems like the framerate...
  25. thane98

    TPHD-Wii U TPHD First Impressions

    Well I've got this sitting at home, I'm planning on jumping into it in a few hours. Is anyone currently playing with Hero Mode + Ganondorf? If so, how is that turning out? I'm considering playing with both on, but I get the feeling that the first few sections of the game could be more annoying...
  26. thane98

    The Nintendo Direct News And Discussion Thread

    I'd take the lack of Zelda U in the direct as an indication that it's likely become Zelda NX. The Hyrule Warriors stuff looked nice, and of course we've got TPHD coming tomorrow. But I don't think we'll get any information on the game we're actually waiting for until E3. As far as everything...
  27. thane98

    The Nintendo Direct News And Discussion Thread

    I was almost ready to get hyped for Paper Mario: Color Splash... and then I died a little inside.
  28. thane98

    Breath of the Wild NX or Wii U version?

    I plan on picking up an NX on release as is, so chances are if we get a dual release I'll just wait for Zelda to come to it instead of getting it for Wii U.
  29. thane98

    The Nintendo Direct News And Discussion Thread

    I'm interested to see what Nintendo actually has in store for this direct. We've already got a decent amount of games coming out between now and June, but past that I don't think we have much at the moment. I'd love it if Nintendo had one more new Wii U game to announce, though I think I'd like...
  30. thane98

    The Nintendo NX(Nearly Confirmed Rumours)

    I never really got the impression from Geno's leak that the NintendOS was optimized from a performance standpoint. It sounded more like it was set up to handle porting with minimal hassle. Now, it's certainly possible that the NX could contend with the PS4 from a power standpoint if NintendOS...
  31. thane98

    Could Skyward Sword ever work with analogue control?

    I remember hearing about people setting up analogue controls for Skyward Sword on Dolphin, though it required a complicated process. If I remember correctly, the analogue setup involved using a joystick in place of motion controls in combat - you'd move it around like you'd move the Wii remote...
  32. thane98

    The Nintendo NX(Nearly Confirmed Rumours)

    From my understanding, Geno's leaked a number of different things in the past that have all turned out true. I'm willing to bet that this leak brings us some real information as well. Anyways, there's some interesting stuff here and some very disappointing things as well. I'm really not too...
  33. thane98

    TPHD-Wii U Reasons To Like - Zelda: Twilight Princess

    Twilight Princess has always seemed a little odd in terms of public opinion - it's a very divisive game.From my observations, people tend to look at it as the pinnacle of the Zelda games or the butt of the franchise, with little to no middle ground. Still, the popularity and critical acclaim of...
  34. thane98

    TPHD-Wii U Are you getting TPHD?

    Yep, I've already got my pre-order down for it and everything.
  35. thane98

    Pokemon Sun & Pokemon Moon

    Normally I wouldn't believe leaks like this one, but there's far too much evidence to support this rumor. I guess we'll know whether or not it's true within a day anyways, so it's not a big deal either way. I'm hoping for a nice reveal tomorrow!
  36. thane98

    TPHD-Wii U Snowpeak ruins paintings

    http://nintendoeverything.com/zelda-twilight-princess-hd-has-zelda-wii-u-easter-eggs/ Well, looks like a couple of the paintings in TPHD have been changed into Zelda U references! I don't think we'll get much out of the paintings, but getting some more Zelda U stuff is always nice. I haven't...
  37. thane98

    Breath of the Wild Zelda Wii U Rumors

    http://www.zeldainformer.com/news/neogaf-moderator-verifies-source-of-zelda-nx-and-a-2016-release-for-nx Looks like the newest rumor circulating around about the NX has some stuff to say about Zelda as well. It claims that the NX will be releasing this year, and that a Zelda NX will be one of...
  38. thane98

    Breath of the Wild Thoughts on a companion?

    Every 3D Zelda game, along with a good portion of the 2D games, have featured companion characters who tag along with Link on his adventure. With that in mind, there's a good chance that Zelda U will include a companion as well, though we haven't seen one in any of the promotional content shown...
  39. thane98

    TPHD-Wii U WWHD 1.6 million units sold. What is to be expected of TPHD.

    http://www.vgchartz.com/preorders/ Twilight Princess HD appears to be doing quite well as far as sales go. Looks like it was already exceeding 600,000 sales in the US alone as of 2 weeks ago. Based off of those numbers, Twilight Princess HD could actually be one of the bigger releases on the...
  40. thane98

    TPHD-Wii U You can listen to samples of the official soundtrack here

    The Hyrule Field track definitely sounds different, but I can't really tell that any significant work's been done to the other tracks.
  41. thane98

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    Well, I finally got my perfect mod setup for Skyrim going again, so it looks like I'm going to be playing that for awhile. I'll probably detour from my run through when Twilight Princess HD comes out though.
  42. thane98

    Breath of the Wild Will it be the last straw for you?

    I doubt that I'll give up on any franchise even if the output dips in quality. I'll simply put more consideration into my purchases and be more wary of hype - though those are things that should probably be happening regardless. That being said, I've loved every 3D entry in the series so far...
  43. thane98

    Breath of the Wild Gameplay That Won't Get Stale

    I think the entire principle of making the game centered around how your going to get to your destination as much as what you'll do when you get there could do a lot for gameplay. If travel itself is a thought provoking experience, with a diverse range of ways to get to where you need to go...
  44. thane98

    Breath of the Wild A Reveal on the 21st?

    I suppose that it's a little too early to give up hope then. I'm hoping for something big - a new trailer would be a great way to end the week.
  45. thane98

    TPHD-Wii U Is TP really worth the full price of a new game?

    I think this kind of thing really does vary from individual to individual. In my case, I feel like it's worth it. But I know that I'll probably do at least 2 run throughs, which will come out to a decent amount of time sunk into the game - significantly more than a good portion of the games that...
  46. thane98

    Breath of the Wild A Reveal on the 21st?

    Well, we're within a week of the 21st and we've yet to hear anything. How far in advance do Nintendo usually announce a direct?
  47. thane98

    What games are you most excited for this year?

    Zelda U, Final Fantasy XV, and Mass Effect Andromeda, Twilight Princess HD. It's been a long time coming for Final Fantasy XV and Zelda U, but it looks like we're finally getting around to their releases this year. I'm still skeptical on them actually managing to make it this year considering...
  48. thane98

    Breath of the Wild A Reveal on the 21st?

    I thought that Nintendo would hold off on Zelda news until the 30th anniversary to show off TPHD and Zelda U, but now that all of the news regarding TPHD have been shown off, I doubt that we'll get anything significant on the anniversary. Showing off Zelda U would really only make sense in...
  49. thane98

    TPHD-Wii U 30 Minutes of TPHD

    The textures look really nice now. Looking back, it really does seem like Nintendo simply chose all the wrong areas to show off in the original trailer. The stuff we're seeing now shows a sizable improvement over the original game, and looking at some of the comparison videos released for the...
  50. thane98

    TPHD-Wii U Japanese Official Site Up, Bunch of New Info

    https://youtube.com/watch?v=9Ac-PGCfxFE Well, there's even more stuff out, like a new trailer. I have to say, this one actually impressed me a little bit - quite a few scenes look really good now. It looks like the trailer might offer some clarification on a few things as well.
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