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Breath of the Wild E3 Trailer/Discussion


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
I think this was the best E3 trailer.
It was as if Zelda took a page out of Team Ico's use of atmosphere, and boy, it pays off.

That music especially. That was so fantastic.
Dec 29, 2015
More gameplay going on now for anyone interested on the Nintendo stream. I think they're showing off the opening, but it's tough to tell.

Edit: Yeah, we're going full-blown RPG now by the looks of it.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
This has restored my faith in the franchise. I don't care about the lore in Zelda I just want great gameplay and design, the overworld certainly delivers that from what we've seen. I'm bursting to see the Dungeons though, I hope they look as varied as previous instalments.
Sep 21, 2014
Also, it looks like the Koroks are back, and looking pretty much exactly like they did in Wind Waker. That ought to give the Timeliners something to chew on, seeing as it creates rampant contradictions to the "timeline". Bwahahahahahaa!


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
You can sledge down a mountain on your shield and fire a burning arrow at butterflies, best game ever 100/100.
Dec 29, 2015
I've missed a good portion of the actual gameplay they've shown on stream. Have we seen any additional characters, or possibly even a companion?

I'm going to be a little sad if Breath of the Wild has no companion - everything about the gameplay and world looks spectacular, but I do enjoy having a companion with me in the Zelda games.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I've missed a good portion of the actual gameplay they've shown on stream. Have we seen any additional characters, or possibly even a companion?

I'm going to be a little sad if Breath of the Wild has no companion - everything about the gameplay and world looks spectacular, but I do enjoy having a companion with me in the Zelda games.

Well saw an old man by Resurrection Cave at the start. He said Hyrule was in ruin.

Also, the girl narrator might be the companion.
Dec 29, 2015
Sorry to double post, but I've gotta say - bombs look really different. They're going through a shrine that gives bombs on streams. You have unlimited access to bombs, and they don't explode on a timer - you choose when they detonate. It also looks like you have the ability to use bombs of different shapes (the people on stream mentioned spherical and square bombs). Definitely a little different.

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