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Breath of the Wild Zelda NX > Wii U content/performance fears

Hello my freaky dahlings.

I'm still fairly miffed at the Zelda U news (I cant remember when I heard any news about this game that wasn't negative...) and following on from the dual release news I've got a few things that I want to get off my chest...

It didnt really happen with TPgc/wii, but what if Zelda NX has better performance specs, what if they give Zelda NX more content than WiiU to sweeten getting a new console?

The NX is rumoured to be more powerful than the ps4, which means it'll be way more powerful than the WiiU, so could that mean there'll be less slow down, texture pops etc etc on NX than WiiU?

Think back to Shadow of Mordor, it was damn unplayable on ps3, ps4 however...

And what of extra content? Remember when Arkham Knight came out and Rocksteady said some of the mechanics (like the batmobile) wouldnt have been possible last gen? What if Nintendo hit us with a crappy excuse like that?

And what about the XCX trouble, where for faster loading, less popping etc etc you'd need a ten gig patch? What if Zelda U needs something like that and NX doesn't?

Am I the only one worried about these things?

I want to enjoy Zelda U and have it be the exact same ax the NX version in performance and Content but I really dont know if I can expect such a thing.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Given the fact that the specs for the NX are supposed to be leagues better than the Wii U I suspect the NX version will have better graphics, faster load times at minimum.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Nintendo is only showing the Wii U version of the game at E3. So, that means that the Wii U looks very good, and it also runs stable as well. It just is just that. So the Wii U version cannot be an unplayable mess like Shadow of Mordor, nor is it going to be heavily gimped.

Now, could Zelda U run at a better resolution and have faster loading times on NX? Yes of course, but these upgrades are pretty minimal.
Aug 12, 2015
It's possible, though I could also see the opposite happening. I've never played Twilight Princess Gamecube, but many people who have say that it's superior to the Wii version, simply because it was made for the Gamecube and the Wii controls felt shoehorned in.
Dec 29, 2015
I think it'll be difficult to tell how big the differences will be between versions. If Twilight Princess is an indicator, then the differences shouldn't be that drastic. However, I wouldn't rule out faster load times and higher resolutions on the NX version. I seriously doubt that we'll see something like a framerate difference, but a 60 FPS version on the NX doesn't sound entirely out of the realm of possibilities.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
It's possible, though I could also see the opposite happening. I've never played Twilight Princess Gamecube, but many people who have say that it's superior to the Wii version, simply because it was made for the Gamecube and the Wii controls felt shoehorned in.
if that version had classic controller support and the world wasn't flipped,it wouldn't be as big of a deal
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