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Could Skyward Sword ever work with analogue control?

The Wii U has seen both Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD remakes now, while WW never used motion control, many are going to have a culture shock/revelation when playing TPhd if they've never played the original Gamecube version which used traditional button based controls.

While TPwii was a cheap port with lacklustre waggle controls SS was a game built from scratch to incorporate motion controls.

With Aonuma stating that SShd isn't wholly out of the question, its worth wondering that if such a game where to release if it'd release once again with the motion control wii remote to ensure gamers could play it, or if Nintendo would attempt to map button based analogue controls instead...

Lets say Nintendo try the latter. Do you think there could be a credible way to map SS's unique gameplay to face button and stick commands?

What possibilities do you think button mapping SS's controls could bring to the game?
Dec 16, 2015
I guess so, Mainly the combat is what I fear , with the inclusion of diagonal attacks, along with some attacks just being simpler to use,(Like poking) I thing it'd be kinda awkward to revert them back to analog controls.
Every thing else I guess could work, like have Swimming, the beadle, and loftwing have the same control scheme and you're good.
I guess some puzzle mechanics would probably changed slightly, though I could be wrong, it has been a while sense I've last played SS.

Though the big question is weather or not they should change it, for those who did like SS, and was able to master the motion controls, were ok, maybe even good, it gave a great sense of you actually fighting.
To sum it up, if they were to remake SS anytime soon, yes they could revert the controls, but I don't think they should, the motion controls, gave SS a identity, and made the combat unique for those who were able to master the MC.
In my opinion
Jun 14, 2011
I'd say it would be a difficult task to give Skyward Sword analogue controls. Most of Skyward Sword relies on motion controls, mostly in combat. There are some methods you could do to make the controls analog, but for the nature of the game it would be more awkward and less efficient to input button commands than actually doing the motion with a swing of the Wii remote.

I guess one way you could, for example swing the sword, is by holding down the B button, point one of the analog sticks in a desired direction then release the B button to swing, but then you would probably lose the ability to move around while moving your arm.

To be honest, if Nintendo wanted to give Skyward Sword Analog controls, they would either have to sacrifice some controls or redo the game to the point where the charm of Skyward Sword would cease to exist.
Feb 9, 2016
They would have to simplify the combat, since they were puzzles based on motion controls. Maybe they could give us an option, but they would have to re-work every single enemy encounter, and that would probably break the game.
Dec 29, 2015
I remember hearing about people setting up analogue controls for Skyward Sword on Dolphin, though it required a complicated process. If I remember correctly, the analogue setup involved using a joystick in place of motion controls in combat - you'd move it around like you'd move the Wii remote around to fight. I can't say anything from personal experience, but from my understanding those controls actually function decently.

Though honestly, to get the best experience from Skyward Sword with analogue controls, the entire game would need to be reworked to fit them in. The combat and a good number of puzzles relied on things only available through motion controls, and replacing those sections with analogue control based alternatives would require a complete rebuild.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I suppose the right thumb stick could be used for slashing the sword and then you could do the directional slashing that way.


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
I don't think it would be too hard for them to figure out how to make the game function without motion controls. They could do something similar to what Platinum Games did with Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and have the analog stick control the direction the sword is going to swing. But... just because it works for that game doesn't mean it will work for Skyward Sword. Think about it, the game was built with motion controls in mind and if you take that away you're probably going to end up with a much more boring experience. Skyward Sword didn't have the best combat but the fun didn't come from exciting fast paced action, it came from performing the actions yourself. Now you're left with 2 options: you either suck the fun out of the game or rework it until it no longer resembles the game they set out to make in the first place.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
I cannot imagine this game actually functioning with analogue controls. The game was designed around the Wii Motion plus, so every part of the combat and puzzles involved motion controls. It wasn't a small part of the game, it was the basis of Skyward Sword. Each enemy you encountered required you to either slice horizantally or vertically, something you can't really to with traditional analogue controls.
May 4, 2014
It's not just that, they would need to map a lot of the unnecessary actions to buttons and the joystick and fix the swordplay to make me even remotely interested in buying this turd again.

I'd be okay with having a few things such as combat, chucking/rolling bombs and a few other things mapped to motion controls, but for ****'s sake, swimming? The beetle? Flying? Tightrope walking? No, no, no!

Get rid of the stamina meter and dowsing mechanic while they're at it.
Aug 12, 2015
To make swinging the sword even remotely like it works with Motion Control, the joystick it's mapped to would have to be extremely light and quick to move. I don't see that working out, unless a specific controller is made for that, and then, what's the point?
May 7, 2015
Would you play DDR without a pad?

I'm going to say the game cannot be reasonably mapped to analogue sticks. At least, not without significantly changing the gameplay and combat to a point where it is unrecognizable.

So much of this game is designed from the ground up to support the motion controls that they made sure to include the enhanced Wiimote with it. You're basically sparring with the Wii. I suspect that if there is ever a time that Nintendo drops the Wiimote from its consoles, they'll likely include one on any future re-releases of this game anyway.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
It'd be really hard to revert the game to analog controls. The only way I see it possibly working is if one anolog stick is for moving Link, and another is used for the sword. You move that analog stick in different directions and they move and swing the sword.

Sounds odd to me though, it'd be a headache to do, and to play.
May 7, 2015
I suppose if they really wanted to be creative, they could go first-person and use the touchscreen on the WiiU tablet. But once again, we'd practically be playing a different game at that point.
Mar 7, 2016
The Wii U has seen both Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD remakes now, while WW never used motion control, many are going to have a culture shock/revelation when playing TPhd if they've never played the original Gamecube version which used traditional button based controls.

While TPwii was a cheap port with lacklustre waggle controls SS was a game built from scratch to incorporate motion controls.

With Aonuma stating that SShd isn't wholly out of the question, its worth wondering that if such a game where to release if it'd release once again with the motion control wii remote to ensure gamers could play it, or if Nintendo would attempt to map button based analogue controls instead...

Lets say Nintendo try the latter. Do you think there could be a credible way to map SS's unique gameplay to face button and stick commands?

What possibilities do you think button mapping SS's controls could bring to the game?
I think it's possible that they will rerelease game for the Wii U before the next gen Nintendo console comes out, like Twilight Princess did for the Gamecube and the Wii.

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