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  1. Link-of-Lylat

    Twilight Princess Zelda Dungeon Showdown, Round 2

    I found the Goron Mines to be the most enjoyable. I'm not sure what it is about lava/fire dungeons in Zelda games, I just love them, and the Goron Mines certainly is no exception. I had tons of fun with the bow here and I found the use of the Iron Boots really cool here. It can be slow at times...
  2. Link-of-Lylat

    General Modern Favorite/Least Favorite Zelda Boss

    My favorite boss, final or not, is Majora. Not only is the sense of atmosphere heavy in the fight, but it's also a fun and challenging 3 phase fight! ...Assuming you don't cheap out and use the Fierce Diety's Mask.
  3. Link-of-Lylat

    General Modern Most Interesting Place You Were When Beating a Boss

    I beat the Giant Octo in Minish Cap while at the dentist. And later, I would beat Cragma from Spirit Tracks in the same dentist building! And this time it was my game and not my brother's! :cool:
  4. Link-of-Lylat

    Your Favorite Weapon???

    I'd say the bow because it can do so many things in the series, such as bomb arrows, freeze foes, dispel darkness, BURN, and snipe without the use of a mod! Though, I'd suppose the Four Sword is my favorite sword because you can turn into four of your own self, all at the same power! Seriously...
  5. Link-of-Lylat

    Majora's Mask Gyorg - Why So Infamous?

    Well, he's infamous to me because I had to fight him five times. I died the first two times, then I beat him, but the game froze on me as I was in the magic portal of magicry. Then, FINALLY, I beat him. And my brother asked me to beat him and the temple, which I did swiftly. I hate you, Great...
  6. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda Linear Limited or Open Free Rome

    I'd prefer an open world, but something like MM, not Metroid Prime. Metroid has it's own style of being in the same world (not counting prime 3) with many hidden areas for getting health/ammo expansions and abilities. Zelda should be non-linear, but not like that. It should be more in the style...
  7. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda What Age Were You when You First Started Playing Zelda?

    I've been playing zelda ever since I can remember. Though, I do remember my first one being aLttP, then my brother played Pokemon Stadium. After that, I decided to play Oot. I could kick ganon's butt when I was 3, and be haunted by the fire temple's controversial music because I had that version.
  8. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda What Zelda Game is the Hardest?

    For the 2D games, I'll say the first one is because it's not too puzzle heavy until the last dungeon and link controls like a tank. The hardest 3D zelda game is Majora's Mask because that is very puzzle heavy and you can only get four heart containers, so they make you do side-quests to get...
  9. Link-of-Lylat

    What Game to Play Next

    Go with minish cap. It's just what I think the most fun from the choices. Unless you'd play FSA with friends, then do that.
  10. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda In One Sentence

    Evil murdering chickens, awesome gameplay, fantastic music, giant worlds to explore, smexy NPCs, you better believe it!
  11. Link-of-Lylat

    Ocarina of Time Miyamoto Bonded with His Daughter Over OoT

    I actually remember me and two other guys all had Spirit Tracks on a field trip and we did some versus matches. Ever since, we've been friends. There was also a time a while back where I was drawing a zelda sketch from Wind Waker, and someone came up to me and said, "hey, you like zelda?", and...
  12. Link-of-Lylat

    Creepiest Pokemon

    Parasect because when it evolves from Paras, the mushrooms on it's back engulf it and the crab-like pokemon is used as a dead puppet for the mushrooms to control. This is why they have no pupils.
  13. Link-of-Lylat

    First Shiny Pokemon?

    My first shiny was in Pearl. I was going through Victory Road for the first time, and it appeared as I walked in. Later, I traded it to my brother with my Palkia because he needed help, and then he restarted it and went through the game with an AR!! :babby:
  14. Link-of-Lylat

    Skyward Sword Favorite Region In Skyward Sword

    I'd say Eldin volcano because it was the most fun to travel in and had in my opinion, the only land music that I can remember. It also has my favorite section when getting the parts for a certain song.
  15. Link-of-Lylat

    Do You Think They Should Make Team Rocket Playable in Pokemon

    If they add DLC or a new kind of mode to X and Y, then I'd think it's a good idea. Though, I'd be a bit skeptical if you did it in the main adventure, unless for a sidequest.
  16. Link-of-Lylat

    New To Pokemon

    You have to get Pokemon White 2 first. It's the best! Well, you actually should get the first white for more things to do and see. If not those, then go with Heartgold. It's like the originals, but adds much more to the plate, like the safari zone and more legendaries.
  17. Link-of-Lylat

    General Classic Is There a Separation Line Between Classic and Modern Zelda for You?

    While I don't believe the line matters, But I'd say after the oracle games, because after those, we got WW, which I love, but it gave Zelda a more modern feel that I think the past games didn't have. WW just felt like a reboot of sort. A really, really awesome reboot.
  18. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda What Are You Better At, Puzzles or Combat?

    Even though I have super fun with the combat, I'm just better at the puzzles. It's probably all the Professor Layton.
  19. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda How Fast Do You Tend to Complete Zelda Games?

    Well, considering if I replay them, since I don't put too much focus on them, and play them like I would replaying another game, to replay a game, maybe a week or two. If it was a new game, three days.
  20. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda Boss Repetition - Good or Bad?

    It depends on the boss, but for the most part, I enjoy a little refresher.
  21. Link-of-Lylat

    Funniest Legendary Pokemon Captures

    I believe my funniest legendary capture was when I caught an Articuno on my first try with a poke ball when it was in the green with no status effects.
  22. Link-of-Lylat

    Link's Awakening Link's Awakening or The Minish Cap?

    Minish Cap easily, but Spirit Tracks is my favorite handheld Zelda.
  23. Link-of-Lylat

    Twilight Princess Name Something Bad

    Dungeons. They were just all boring aside from gerudo fortress and the occoo place. The bosses are also mostly boring, except for Stallord and zant.
  24. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda Which Zelda Villan Would Win in a Fight?

    I guess :ghirahim: because he uses a buster sword and can teleport. As well as projectiles at an angle that no one but Demise could hit because they don't have 1:1 motion controls.
  25. Link-of-Lylat

    General Modern More Horror in Zelda?

    To make Zelda more scarier to me, all we need is more deep oceans/lakes that you can't see the bottom from the surface like in TP, and it's like what the Big Octo did to many from WW.
  26. Link-of-Lylat

    General Modern LoZ Timeline: Will It Restrict Them in the End?

    Oh, they can always do a reboot. I mean, it could be as awesome a reboot as pokemon's Hoenn region. Or it could be a pile of unused discs/cartridges like DMC.
  27. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda How Difficult Do You Like Your Zelda Games?

    I'd say I'd like mainly puzzles on par with the second half of a Professor Layton game considering the difficulty level. Y'know, puzzles you have to take time to figure out for the most part. Though I'd like some combat thrown in as well as well as some parkour, but I feel the puzzles should be...
  28. Link-of-Lylat

    What is the Most Recent Dungeon That You Completed?

    Great Bay Temple from MM. Thanks for reminding me.
  29. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda How Would You Have Improved Zelda's 25th Anniversary?

    Along with SS, I'd do a collection pack with aLttP, MM, WW (you know, the best of each system), and a handheld game, most likely MC. Or maybe a Zelda fighting game that came with the collection or SS, with special DLC where you could see Ganondorf fight with BATMAN!!!
  30. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda ZD Fan Game Project Dungeon Poll

    I'd say 8 dungeons, with 1 or maybe 2 of them mini, and one last one.
  31. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda What if BEN Was a Real Character?

    Put him in the 3DS version if it comes out. If you do something, like stay in Termina Field too long, when midnight comes, ominous, scary music slowly appears and BEN comes and if he catches you the screen goes black and you get a game over.
  32. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda One Play Zelda Game

    The first zelda. Because I just finished it.
  33. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda Which Installment Could the Series Do Without?

    Phantom Hourglass because it was practically a "what if" scenario, and was very boring to me.
  34. Link-of-Lylat

    Your Favorite Character?

    I'd have to say Crystal or Gold from the manga. As for the anime, I'd say Iris because I like both her personality and backstory. Plus she had one of my favorite bosses in the game (White 2, not White 1).
  35. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda Which Game Had the Best Use of Items?

    Majora's Mask by far because the masks, as well as the items you get make it a very diverse style of gameplay. Wether you're blowing things up with your face, wearing what is the equivalent of a forever alone mask, and a mask that helps you complete the sidequest you did to get it and get more...
  36. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 52!

    I would have chosen Vaati, but then I saw that it was for FSA, in which it felt dark link was better, so Ghiriahim.
  37. Link-of-Lylat

    Favorite Pokemon Soundtrack

    Hey, guys! Or girls, I can't see any of you, I'm still playing White 2 with one hand and typing with the other! Music in games, at least in the ones I've played, have always been a strong point, whether it enhances the atmosphere, like in the Metroid Prime series, or is just so good that you...
  38. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda If You Could Rename a Zelda Game, What Would You Rename It?

    I would rename SS The Legend of Zelda: Hero of the Skies.
  39. Link-of-Lylat

    Spoiler What Is Your Least Favorite Part of Your Favorite Zelda Game?

    The first 3 days in Majora's Mask. It's just too slow and boring, and can turn off a lot of people from the game. And the waterworks temple. :(
  40. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda What Age Were You when You First Started Playing Zelda?

    A Link to the Past when I was 3, but it was my brothers.
  41. Link-of-Lylat

    A Link to the Past Virtual Console

    Well, with the new game that looks like it's gonna play like aLttP, I'd say it has a very high chance!
  42. Link-of-Lylat

    General Zelda Which Zelda Game Have You Replayed the Most Amount of Times?

    Wind Waker. The only problem was my brother using tingle, wasting my ruppees, and killing me with bombs and, "HEEEEYYYYY!!!".:(
  43. Link-of-Lylat

    Add New Types?

    Well, I wouldn't mind it, and I might love the type(s)! I'd choose a music type. I mean, we've had musical attacks since gen 1!
  44. Link-of-Lylat

    Which DS Game is the Best to Start With?

    White 2. It has the most content, awesome pokemon before the first gym, and it's just SO EPIC!!!
  45. Link-of-Lylat

    Which Game Was Your First?

    Well, my first one was Blue, but it was my brother's. Crystal was the first one I actually played and beaten, but again, my brother's. My first one that I got was Pokemon Pearl. Just another reason I love Empoleon! :D
  46. Link-of-Lylat


    TYPES: Bug: Volcarona Dark: Zoroark Dragon: Druggidon Electric: Ampharos Fighting: Machamp Fire: Emboar Flying: Skarmory Ghost: Chandelure Ground: Golem Grass: Ferrothorn Ice: Froslass Normal: Castform Poison: Roserade Psychic: Gallade Rock: Rhyperior Steel: Scizor Water: Empoleon LEGENDARIES...
  47. Link-of-Lylat

    Spoiler The Strange House...

    O_O Oh crap I'm in there now. Uhh... hey, who wants a master ball for a spell tag?
  48. Link-of-Lylat

    Pokemon Original Series (1-151) Favorite Episode?

    I'd say one of the episodes when Ash got the three starters.
  49. Link-of-Lylat

    What Are You Currently Doing in the Pokémon World?

    Wandering around Unova in White 2, raising a shiny Dratini named Dumple, and looking for the rest of the pokemon I need in my pokedex.
  50. Link-of-Lylat

    If You HAD to Date Any Video Game Character Who Would It Be & Why

    I guess... I'd have to say empoleon.
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