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Add New Types?


I'm baack. Who missed me?
Sep 7, 2011
United States, Michigan
The second generation of Pokemon has seen something no other generation has seen ever, the adding of new types, specifically dark and steel. This added a new variety not only to the types there are, but to the different strength and weakness strategies to battles. Now that we've seen plenty of generations with this type line up, do you think it's time to add more and if so what one(s)?

I think that Pokemon should have a light type. This mostly came from the fact that there was a dark type, so why not a light?


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
I don't really think the Pokémon franchise should add another type. There's been a lot of heated discussion over the possibility of a Light type, but we'll have to wait and see in Gen 6. If I see the Pokémon franchise doing anything at all with types, it'd be including several more dual types.
Aug 7, 2011
Malibu, CA
If another Pokemon type was added, it would basically screw everything up. Some of the types would become incredibly overpowered, and others would become incredibly weak. I think the Pokemon franchise is fine as it is.


Spoony Bard
Jan 13, 2013
Light could only be done if it was throughly tested over and over so it didnt break the PKMN format,id must rather see more uncommon dual typing such as Water/Fire that would be a very intresting pokemon who had this typing and could have both a water and fire movepool.

Also id like to see a few triple typing done but not very common at all maybe 5 to 10 pokemon max.
Apr 5, 2008
Chula Vista, San Diego, CA
The addition of the two new types were purely for balancing reasons. In Gen I both Psychic and Fighting type were so horribly broken that no one used Fighting types, and everyone used Psychic types. If you'll notice, both those types are weak to Fighting, and Dark is strong against Psychic. This was to give Fighting a boost and nerf Psychic. Honestly the amount of Steel and Dark types were pretty low for awhile so it didn't help a ton, but it was enough of a boost to give Fighting type the edge it needed.

Adding a Light type would, no offense, be completely pointless.
Feb 23, 2011
Some stuff from that other thread of yours regarding a hypothetical Light type...

A Light type was proposed at several points in this past, and was determined that its inclusion would break the game....

...I surmise that no new types will be introduced; however, there will likely be a managerie of new type combinations to be found, one of which will probably belong to Xerneas. Your inquiry has piqued my curiosity, though... (what new types could there possibly be, if any?)

As to the supposed "Light type", "broken" is the perfect word to describe what its inclusion would do to the games. The term "broken" in the world of gaming simply refers to something that could cause some MAJOR balance issues. Types are only added to the games to FIX balance issues, not because "omg it wud be so c00l if!!!!1!11uno!"; Dark and Steel types were introduced in Gen II for this very reason.

While scouring the internet, I have stumbled upon numerous topics concerning the fallacies of including a Light type - many of which Xinnamin has explained for us (thanks ;j). To give you the benefit of the doubt, I'll just come out and say... The only way that I'd be in favor of a Light type is if the kinks are ironed out and it actually helps to balance the games, not ruin them...

Also... regarding new types... it'd be neat if a Sound type were added to accentuate the many sound-based moves in the series, such as Hyper Voice, but a wolf can only dream, as its conclusion would probably break the game. For that very reason, the current seventeen shall suffice... can't wait to see what the series has in store with regards to type combinations, though...

Sir Quaffler

May we meet again
I've said something similar to others in regards to the addition of a new type, so I'm just gonna paste what I've said before cuz I'm being lazy right now:
I'm in agreement with the others, a new type would throw things way outta whack. Especially considering that they would need to make some older Pokemon Light-type to populate the typing, or make a bunch of the new ones Light type which would throw off the balance for the new generation. Unless it would be used to fix some glaring hole like what happened with the Psychic types (and I can't see any hole in the current set; even the all-powerful Dragon types are weak against other dragons and ice, and can't do much damage to Steels) I don't see the point.

From where I see it the 17 types work together quite gracefully to make a system I have come to deem "perfectly imbalanced". A perfectly balanced system has all its parts completely even with the other parts, but as a result is kinda bland and uninteresting on the meta level. Think water-earth-fire-air. But the way Pokemon types are set up, there are some that have certain advantages, like Dragon types having access to extremely strong moves and Steel types having a lot of resistances. These slight imbalances cause certain strategies to be developed among trainers, which cause OTHER trainers to use strategies that counter and work against the first trainer's strategy due to some critical weakness in his typing (like ice and fighting); and so on and so forth until it gets to the point where any one strategy may be entirely advantageous or disadvantageous depending on what the other person does, with no one strategy coming out as a clear winner above all others. A system in perfect imbalance.

And besides that, there are still a lot of dual-typings that have yet to happen, like a fire-water type or a dark-psychic type. I'd like to see even more experimentation on that; Golurk, Volcarona, Galvantula, and Hydreigon are among my favorites now precisely because of the wacky typings.


It's me!
Mar 20, 2012
Well, I wouldn't mind it, and I might love the type(s)! I'd choose a music type. I mean, we've had musical attacks since gen 1!
Jun 14, 2011
The reason Gen II introduced new types was because type match ups were a bit unbalanced in Gen I. Now that the types are balanced there isn't really any reason why Game Freak should add anymore types. I highly doubt Light Type will be introduced because Psychic is pretty much the Light Type, Light Screen and Reflect are evidence of that. Alot of non-Psychic Pokémon can learn those moves meaning that Psychic powers aren't used to materialise those moves.

Though there are traits of the Light Type in Psychic, there just isn't enough to become it's own Type, plus there is no need to introduce more types if the current 17 types work really well.
Dec 11, 2012
Dark is overpowered, add in light to be super-effective against it so we can finally be rid of all the Hydregon in competition, also I'd like something else to kill fighting types.
Jun 14, 2011
Dark is overpowered, add in light to be super-effective against it so we can finally be rid of all the Hydregon in competition

Dark isn't that overpowered, it has it's fair share of strengths and weaknesses.

In all honesty if Light were introduced, that would be over powered. I'm guessing logically it would be strong against Dark and Ghost, weak against Dark and resistant to Ghost. It pretty much would be the Gen I psychic type of Pokémon X & Y if this was the case.
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Feb 23, 2011
Dark is overpowered, add in light to be super-effective against it so we can finally be rid of all the Hydregon in competition, also I'd like something else to kill fighting types.

I take it you weren't around to witness a certain thread that was basically an encyclopedia on why the Light-type would be a terrible idea in practice. It went into how new types are added to fix balance issues, and the reason as to why Dark and Steel types were introduced in Gen II.

Quite frankly... It took a great while to balance the current 17 types as is, so why add something that might potentially muck all of that up?

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