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General Zelda How Fast Do You Tend to Complete Zelda Games?


Jul 1, 2012
This thread is basically to discuss your pacing in a Zelda game. So on average, how fast do you complete Zelda games? Try and leave out speed runs and other playthroughs, this just focuses on any average playthrough.

Me personally, I like to take my time, I like to experience the whole thing and due to my ocd when it comes to games, I tend to check every place, talk to every npc, collect every item/upgrade etc. I wouldn't say I'm necessarily slow though, maybe not the fastest of players but I think I can advance and figure out puzzles somewhat quick.


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
I tend to finish the Zelda games pretty quickly, really. They're not challenging in any way, especially recent ones, I just MLG the entire way through, so it's not like the game forces me to take it slowly. And there's nothing to really pay off taking it slow. It has some great settings I like to take in but there's only so far that'll get you. So, compared to other games, yeah, Zelda's done quite quickly.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I do the main quest and sidequests I find worthy of my attention. These sidequests are either easily accessible, good sidequests, or offer a decent reward. This varies between games. In OoT/TP I'll end up with 4-5 more hearts than needed and a few other goodies. In tWW, I'll be lucky to complete 1 non-dungeon heartpiece at the end of the game, but with some fairies, more magic, and maybe an extra bottle. In MM I'll get all the masks and a fair number of hearts.

I generally don't like wasting my time. I wouldn't say I'm rushing, but I'm not dawdling either. How long it takes me depends on the game. Some of the easier title like MM and tWW I beat in a day or two. Some of the "harder"...wait...not enough quotations. *ahem* Some of the """""harder""""" games like TP and SS take me a little under a week. OoT is somewhere in the middle ground.

Twilight King

The Actual Hero of Time
Jun 17, 2013
It's really varies on the game that I wish to play, quite honestly. If I'm playing Ocarina of Time, I can finish that in a day, maybe like 13-15 hours at the most?

But that's only because I used to play that constantly and I know the game like the back of my hand (Which bears the Triforce, just saying). If I'm playing a game like SS, a much longer game, it takes me about a week. Of course, I don't play all day, so these times would vary if I chose to just sit down and finish a game.

For games like WW and TP, I can probably finish them in maybe 5 days, just playing for like a few hours a day.

Those are basically the only games I see fit to play over and over (Might just be that I lost my DS games and I don't have MM.... or any others anymore).


May 18, 2013
first playthrough, takes me a looong time.

second playthrough and more, I try to speedrun it, just to see how fast I can go.
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Burning Beast

Go to Hell 4 Heavens Sake
Dec 6, 2012
Zelda Dungeon
It usually takes me awhile, not so much total time playing, but days spent playing since it's difficult for me to play for long periods of time due too various outside factors, but, I tend to progress through the game fairly quickly when I'm playing. I usually will have one or two non-dungeon heart containers filled by the end of the game and will have done a few side-quests, but for the most part I just focus on the main quest.

So at the end of the day, I'd say that I go fairly quickly, but certainly not speed-run speed. :)


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I think I play through the games relatively quickly. I like to collect everything in early playthroughs, but I still play with some urgency. The one exception is Majora's Mask because there are so many subtle things in that game that require you to stop and look around once in a while to catch.


Innocent but not fearful.
Jul 27, 2012
Canada, eh
For the first play through, I play exactly how you described. I love to experience the whole thing, and try to take my time. I fully explore every area, get all items/upgrades, do all side quests, etc. As I realize that new Zelda games take at least a few years to be released, I feel the need to savour every moment.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Bar MM, I skip all heart containers and unnecessary sidequests (...exception: Biggoron Sword sidequest in OoT). I get Zelda done pretty quickly, but that has nothing to do with my opinion of the games.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
First playthrough of all the games I've beaten.

ALttP - A couple months
OoT - A month or 2
MM - 7 years (I was on and off with that game a lot at first but I used the same file so I guess it is 7 years. :P)
OoA - About a week
TWW - 3 or 4 years (Same as MM)
TMC - A couple months
TP - A couple weeks

I'll say that it takes me awhile to beat Zelda games, but now that I'm used to some of these games though, I can beat them in less time.

I can beat OoT in a day if I wanted to, and I have. I could probably beat TP in a day too.
Jun 16, 2013
Desert Wastlands
It depends. If I'm just going through the main quest, I can get it done around 2-5 days. If I'm going to 100% complete the game, then it can take me 1 to 3 weeks (depending on how long I play each day).


It's me!
Mar 20, 2012
Well, considering if I replay them, since I don't put too much focus on them, and play them like I would replaying another game, to replay a game, maybe a week or two. If it was a new game, three days.

The Jade Fist

Kung Fu Master
Jul 17, 2012
Depends on my mood, or if its a first play or not.

Adventure of Link is still going on several years here, so I'll have to figure that one into my average if I ever get around to surviving the great palace and thunder bird and shadow link with in 3 lives.


for the record I own the GBA port of Zelda 2, that makes its even harder, maybe I'll just get around to emulating it so I can play it on a screen I don't have to squint at to tell where the enemies shield and sword are.
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Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
If I haven't played them before, they're difficult, or I'm just not that interested, typically a year or two. AoL took me a year (and I really enjoyed it; I just had trouble), Oracles are probably going on two sometime soon (and I find them rather boring). My second playthrough of MM is lasting about three years, now. XD

But then if it's something I'm really interested in or I've played it before, it'd probably take about two weeks. Skyward Sword was a week and two days, if I remember correctly.

I do always try to complete sidequests and the like, though, unless it's specifically a three heart run or something.

...I know. I'm awful at video gaming.

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