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Majora's Mask Gyorg - Why So Infamous?


Jul 1, 2012
Time and time again I always see the same name pop up when discussions revolve around challenging bosses - that being Gyorg from Majora's Mask.

Now I will admit, I found this boss particularly challenging, definitely in comparison to the 3D bosses, but I can't help but think that sometimes he gets too much credit in terms of challenge. Now while some of you may disagree with this general opinion, I want to know your thoughts on this boss.

Do you think Gyorg is one of the most infamous bosses in the series? - if so why? Or do you think he Gyrog is slightly overrated in this aspect?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
See Gyorg is infamous because one of the frst things he does - depending on luck (rng) iirc - is bash you into the water pool. If you aren't in Zora form, goodluck getting back to shore (central plate thing) without taking damage.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Are you kidding? Gyorg is insanely easy. The only reasonable way he has of damaging you is if he jumps out of the water and hits you. Not only is this rare, but it takes...quarter of a heart? Half a heart? The poor thing is defenseless otherwise.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Gyorg isn't as hard as he is annoying.

Avoiding his ramming while on the arena platform can be challenging, and his piranhas make hurting him tedious and burdensome.

I usually fight him from afar, trying to reposition myself in the middle of the platform to avoid taking damage, but I can see people failing if they dive Gyorg head-on.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
His ramming is annoying, yes...but is there a reason to dodge it? Just wait for him to ram, then you know where he is and you can simply shoot at arrow at him, knowing he won't do two quick consecutive attacks.


Aug 1, 2013
Upstate SC
It might be the influence of others, if you read about it before playing. I remember my first playthrough I was pretty young (9 or so?) and I didn't have any more difficulty than any other boss.

But I'm coming up on him again here soon and now I'm a bit intimidated because I keep reading what a pain in the butt he is :P.


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
No i honestly don't think he is that hard. In fact i enjoy his boss battle because it's decently challenging but still fun. Good end to a good dungeon.

3/4 bosses in ALttP alone were harder/ more annoying than Gyorg. I don't think he's that infamous
Jan 13, 2013
First time: "Of f*ck!!!"
Second time: "Huh? Why did I found it so hard the last time?"

I think the problem just was that I didn't understand how to beat him/her.
Just like with those dragon bosses in Zelda 1. Yes, even a level 1 aquamentus lol. I hadn't even been born back when Zelda 1 originally came out...


Apr 22, 2011
No, to be honest I found the eye monster (wart?) more challenging than Gyorg. Maybe it's because I've mostly played MM with 3 hearts so everything is almost of equal difficulty to me, only the long fights being a little harder? :)


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
In a normal playthough, when I have plenty of hearts and magic, I'm extremely aggressive. It works out, for the most part. That is not a sign of a hard boss. Granted, in a three day challenge or something alone those lines, it's... tougher, I guess. Still a rather simple process of shooting him with an arrow and attacking. Not seeing the challenge.


May 18, 2013
because his fight involves swimming, and I think a lot of people found swimming difficult in early 3d games in general.


It's me!
Mar 20, 2012
Well, he's infamous to me because I had to fight him five times. I died the first two times, then I beat him, but the game froze on me as I was in the magic portal of magicry. Then, FINALLY, I beat him. And my brother asked me to beat him and the temple, which I did swiftly. I hate you, Great Bay Temple. :mad:

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