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Creepiest Pokemon


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
I got to watching Pokemon a moment ago on an anime site when the question hit me, out of all of the Pokemon, which one of 'em do you personally find to be the creepiest?

As for me, I choose Jynx. The way they made Jynx look makes my skin crawl


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
inb4 Odd

Jynx is easily one of the more creepy Pokémon, same goes for Smoochum. Hypno and Drowzee look strange to me, but not necessarily creepy. Truth be told, any Pokémon can be made to seem creepy. Thanks to Lavender Town, Cubone and Marowak give off a eerie vibe to me. Then of course you have the Pokémon that were intended to appear somewhat scary, such as Gengar.


It's me!
Mar 20, 2012
Parasect because when it evolves from Paras, the mushrooms on it's back engulf it and the crab-like pokemon is used as a dead puppet for the mushrooms to control. This is why they have no pupils.

Sir Quaffler

May we meet again
Yamask freak me out, because they're bona fide human ghosts instead of mere ghost-like Pokemon. You're capturing the souls of the dearly departed and controlling them to place hexes and curses on unsuspecting victims.

Also the fact that Parasect is just a mushroom zombie is pretty unsettling.


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
I think Cubone is pretty creepy... wearing it's mother's skull or something, right? *shudder*
May 14, 2011


brb putting everyone of you who mentioned Jynx on my death list.

Anywho, I would have to say that Glalie is a little creepy since "Glalie has the ability to freely control ice. For example, it can instantly freeze its foe solid. After immobilizing its foe in ice, this Pokémon enjoys eating it in leisurely fashion." according to the Sapphire Pokédex.

And then I find Gorebyss kinda creepy since of "Although Gorebyss is the very picture of elegance and beauty while swimming, it is also cruel. When it spots prey, this Pokémon inserts its thin mouth into the prey's body and drains the prey of its body fluids." also from the Sapphire Pokédex.

Oh, forgot about
. . . . :sick:
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Snow Queen

Mannceaux Signature Collection
Mar 14, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI
Transwoman (she/her)
Cryogonal. "Hey, let's make a snowflake pokemon! But instead of making it cute, let's make it a giant icy death shuriken!"

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