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  1. B

    Breath of the Wild When the Zelda Game for Wii U Comes Out, Will It Be Another Remake?

    A little improvement is still a little improvement. A Wii U remake could be potentially better (from a technical point of view, not opinion). In general, I highly believe most players would find It more comfortable to play on a console than on a portable, which is one of the reasons I'd support...
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    Breath of the Wild When the Zelda Game for Wii U Comes Out, Will It Be Another Remake?

    Visuals and controls are part of the experience, but that's not only It, portables are very uncomfortable for some people, I just can't get used to them. If you have to choose between playing the same game on 3DS with It's tiny screen screen and small buttons or on Wii U on a 55 LED/Plasma TV...
  3. B

    Skyward Sword Should Nintendo Have Waited a Year?

    No because Wii lacked an exclusive Zelda title. To not put Skyward Sword beatiful graphical potential to waist, they should recycle It on Wii U first Zelda title to also shorten It's development time and open room for a 2nd and perhaps even 3rd Zelda title on the console. Of course, by recycling...
  4. B

    Breath of the Wild Which Type of Villain(s) Would You Like to See in Zelda Wii U?

    Hope you don't mean something like Twilight Princess Ganon. That was unexpected, but just didn't fit that well. I felt like he was there just for some manservice.
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    Breath of the Wild Which Type of Villain(s) Would You Like to See in Zelda Wii U?

    ...that's actually very unique. Those kinds of villains tend to have a better development and makes the ending much more emotional as you feel like **** for killing him. As for antihero, why not Ganon? I know It would be odd to not have him as final boss, but I don't really see why not. To...
  6. B

    Breath of the Wild Zelda U: How Many Dungeons Do You Wanna See?

    More than 12. Dungeons doesn't have to be huge by size but by the amount of time you spend on It. Challenging puzzles, exploration and hard boss battles are a great way of doing that. As the above poster said, It would be interesting If there were multiple ways of doing a dungeon but sadly, I'd...
  7. B

    Breath of the Wild Which Type of Villain(s) Would You Like to See in Zelda Wii U?

    I'm not sure how well this would fit Zelda series, but an antagonist that's not truly evil would be interesting. Someone with good intentions but want to save the world by extreme means. I see nothing wrong with having Ganon on that game too though, or at least make him a part of the plot...
  8. B

    Breath of the Wild What if Zelda Wii U Supported Mods?

    Well, officially, It won't, really depends on the homebrew scene. It was amazing on Wii and I just hope It gets as good on Wii U. There are quite a bit of hacks for Zelda games on Wii though, Super Smash Bros even more. There are more mods for PC games because they're easier to hack, you don't...
  9. B

    Breath of the Wild Do You Want ZeldaU to Be a Light-Hearted Game or Dark?

    There is a big difference between not liking realistic graphics and thinking It doesn't fit the series. It was just a discussion with another member, am I not allowed to do that? I doubt most people buy Zelda mostly for the graphics, that's just something the series ain't known for, you're an...
  10. B

    Breath of the Wild When the Zelda Game for Wii U Comes Out, Will It Be Another Remake?

    Agree with these guys, Wii U first Zelda won't be a remake. I do hope Wii U gets remakes though, I really hate playing long games on portables. I loved OoT but I just can't play the 3DS version, playing for hours on that small screen is just awful, I just wish more remake won't go to waist such...
  11. B

    Breath of the Wild Do You Want ZeldaU to Be a Light-Hearted Game or Dark?

    We had under water sections on Skyward Sword didn't we? And just because you fail to picture that Wind Waker could do the same, It doesn't mean that It doesn't. As I said, realistic is more time consuming and takes more disc space, that will directly impact the game length, gimmicks, engine...
  12. B

    Breath of the Wild Do You Want ZeldaU to Be a Light-Hearted Game or Dark?

    So you're telling me Nintendo should sacrifice gameplay just to show off Wii U full potential? Sorry guys, but It's because of this kind of s***** logic that games are getting worst every gen. There is a lot to improve on Skyward Sword/Wind Waker colorful cartoonish style and It could easily use...
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    Least Favorite Zelda Game

    I know quite a few things you've mentioned are a matter of opinion, but bad motion controls isn't, It's pretty much flawless with minor glitches, It's your Wii Mote that's to blame, not the game. Play It on a decent Wii Mote and you'll love you accurate It is.
  14. B

    Least Favorite Zelda Game

    My least favorite so far is Twilight Princess. I care about the full package (story (don't find It very important on Zelda though), graphics, exploration, sidequests, songs, dungeons, use of items, etc) and I highly believe that Twilight Princess failed at that. It's a good game, but not a good...
  15. B

    Breath of the Wild Co-op?

    While that doesn't sound bad, I can see this having too much impact on story mode, making It less puzzle filled and more action oriented and I highly believe most zelda fans would hate that. Sure, you can turn off coop, but the impact will still be there and won't change the fact that the game...
  16. B

    Breath of the Wild The Overworld to Be More Like Twilight Princess or More Like Skyward Sword?

    I always felt like the transition was pretty much non existant due to only a very small portion of the overworld not blending Itself with the dungeon at all and that small portion was barely used. Any sidequests that involved going to one of the three provinces you ended up going to where the...
  17. B

    Breath of the Wild Thoughts on Zelda WiiU?

    As for dungeons being 3 hours long, I remember when Nintendo said Twilight Princess main story would be 100 hours or SS being 80 hours, It didn't take more than 30 hours to 100% both. So even If that rumor is true, we can clearly see Nintendo have some pretty bad gamers to play the game and see...
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    Breath of the Wild Zelda Wii U - Taking Advantage Of Multiple Control Schemes or No?

    Sincerely, Nintendo could go on forever with Wii Mote + Game Pad but since they like to inovate so much It's very possible we'll be getting a new controler next gen and at some point It will just be too hard to keep up with multiple control schemes. I really think this gen will last a whole...
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    A Link Between Worlds (Rumor) Majora's Mask 3DS to Be Announced Friday

    It's been confirmed that It's fake.
  20. B

    Breath of the Wild Zelda Wii U - Taking Advantage Of Multiple Control Schemes or No?

    At some point all those controlers will get messy. Unless they reuse the GamePad and Wii Mote for the next gen instead of creating a new one we can expect the support to one of those controlers to get dropped, I'd say that one will be the Wii Mote. Anyway, I expect this gen to last very long...
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    A Link Between Worlds (Rumor) Majora's Mask 3DS to Be Announced Friday

    This + Time's End + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyazYYev7Nw = Orgasm It's sad how It's all fake though, Nintendo just missed a huge oportunity here.
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    Breath of the Wild Zelda Wii U - Taking Advantage Of Multiple Control Schemes or No?

    I'm not saying you closed your mind because you aren't agreeing with me, I'm saying that because you pretty much refuse to accept any other solution than the one you thought for multiple control schemes which didn't work and made you not support It. If you want the GamePad experience, PLAY...
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    Breath of the Wild Zelda Wii U - Taking Advantage Of Multiple Control Schemes or No?

    I haven't read what everybody said, but multiple control scheme isn't as time consuming as you guys are making It out to be. The Wii Motion plus engine is done, Nintendo can easily port that to Wii U. Actually, porting It would be less time consuming than creating a new engine for Wii U Game...
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    Breath of the Wild Should Zelda U Be More Like Skyrim?

    He was talking to the topic creator and I believe he was asking which Skyrim elements he would want on Zelda.
  25. B

    Breath of the Wild Do You Want ZeldaU to Be a Light-Hearted Game or Dark?

    I'd support a darker Zelda, but more like Majora's Mask and not like Twilight Princess. As for the graphics, they should never be realistic, actually, the game itself, should stay as cartoonish as It ever was (Even TP was), that's just something that works for the series, It's unique, If you...
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    A Link Between Worlds Circle Pad Pro

    I find It very odd how people want CPP, most zelda games didn't even support a second analog stick and we were always fine with It, never minded the camera control. Oddly enough, that's actually a reason to not support It, but since It could be optional there would be nothing wrong with It. I...
  27. B

    Breath of the Wild The Overworld to Be More Like Twilight Princess or More Like Skyward Sword?

    Zelda would be cool with a big and lively overworld, with animals, enemies, hidden optional dungeons and NPCs. There should be things happening there and not just what TP had with nothing going on. In SS the overworld kinda blended itself with dungeon a bit too much, that should never happen again.
  28. B

    Who else Would Like to See Majoras Mask in Toon Shading?

    What? I don't think the sea had any impact on my opinion about WW graphics, that doesn't make much sense actually as at least during main gameplay, we probably spend more play time outside the sea then in It. I mean, dungeons don't have sea, yet they're still beatiful, so are towns. I have to...
  29. B

    Breath of the Wild Zelda Wii U - Taking Advantage Of Multiple Control Schemes or No?

    Ventus, you're just too negative on Skyward Sword, you didn't like the game and end up voicing your opinions with bias about every SS aspect. Motion controls on a perfectly working Wii Mote are amazing, It's smooth and very accurate with very minor glitches every now and then, even so, that's...
  30. B

    Have You Ever 100% a Modern Zelda Game Without a Guide?

    Usually having all heartpieces and all optional equips (like biggoron sword on OoT) is a good sign you've 100%'d. There are sometimes collectibles such as gold skulltula which doesn't give any of those things when max amount but I'd say It's still required for 100%, or SS Cubes, It really varies...
  31. B

    Upgrades - Which Items Benefit Most?

    You had to get the required items for the upgrade and that could be kind of boring sometimes, such as getting the required tumbleweeds. It's not much of an issue on Skyward Sword, but I could easily see Nintendo making It harder and require more grinding on future titles and I would hate that...
  32. B

    Breath of the Wild Should Zelda U Be More Like Skyrim?

    As for Zelda being more like Skyrim, just no. You may love a game, but that isn't enough reason to have It's elements on Zelda. Most of the times, you can't just have 1 element and make It look natural, you'll need a lot more and before you notice, Zelda isn't the unique series you used to like...
  33. B

    Item-Based Dungeons: A Tired Concept?

    I have no idea why an dungeon focusing on one specific item is a good thing, that isn't, It grealty harms the puzzle making them easier then what they're supposed to be. An item shouldn't be extremely useful in one dungeon, It should be extremely useful for the whole game, make It required for...
  34. B

    How Would You Label Difficulty Levels?

    I'd actually support the creation of just 2 modes, Normal and Hero. Hero mode should have different puzzles and more boss battles, while also making you take 3 time more damage than usual and the AI smarter and more resistant. This would actually add a plenty of replay value and please the...
  35. B

    Upgrades - Which Items Benefit Most?

    I hated the grinding stuff upgrade system and sadly I'm a perfectionist, I just couldn't ignore It and not 100% SS... I'd support DarkestLink idea though, that worked very nice on MM with the gold dust sidequest for the upgraded sword. I also think upgrades should be more limited, the upgrades I...
  36. B

    Skyward Sword ZD Community Gives No Love to SS? :(

    DarkestLink: Dowsings in a way, gives you too many hints. As for puzzles, that doesn't make much sense, did you somehow use dowsing to make Sky Keep easier? I think not, because It doesn't help you with puzzle, It just gives you location. The example you gave of OoT was actually the main...
  37. B

    Have You Ever 100% a Modern Zelda Game Without a Guide?

    Actually, I've beat all of those without a guide. I didn't do It by myself though, had some help from cousin and uncle, but I doubt they actually bothered themselves to read walkthroughs. From OoT to WW I didn't have a computer, by the time I got TP I already had one, but I already got used to...
  38. B

    Breath of the Wild Is It Time for the Zelda Story to Go to the Next Level?

    Sincerely, I don't think is about story but gameplay. I highly believe the only reason Nintendo confirmed the timelines was to please the fans but there isn't actually one, the games justs lacks enough connections between them to say Nintendo actually spent some time to develop a better story...
  39. B

    Item-Based Dungeons: A Tired Concept?

    I wasn't really trying to say you were wrong, just voicing my opinion on the subject.
  40. B

    Item-Based Dungeons: A Tired Concept?

    I get It, but I think getting the targets being well hidden isn't enough, there should be a bigger diversity on the things the items can do, I think I've never seen you use clawshot, hookshot or w/e get used to pick items from far, I believe you can do that, but It's never really required as an...
  41. B

    Skyward Sword ZD Community Gives No Love to SS? :(

    DarkestLink, I'm against dowsing too, but I still have to completely disagree with your arguments. People already took down most of them and you're pretty much just repeating the same things over and over again. In case you haven't noticed, I get It that you wouldn't like to explore all the map...
  42. B

    Item-Based Dungeons: A Tired Concept?

    A Link In Time, I'd say that the main issue is item uses being too obvious. Bow targets are very easy to spot, so are the hookshot. It's very easy to know when to use items, that takes away any value It has of being on a decent puzzle. As an result to that, the hardest puzzles we get don't use...
  43. B

    Skyward Sword ZD Community Gives No Love to SS? :(

    I forgot to mention this before, but dowsing isn't as optional as people think it is, It made an direct impact on the gameplay, opening doors to all those fetch quests which didn't happen that often on other zeldas. I really think those codec hints shouldn't be compared to Fi, especially...
  44. B

    Favorite Zelda Song Ever?

    It would have to be either Twilight Princess "Don't want you no more" or Majora's Mask "Song of Healing", both are amazing for piano and violin duet.
  45. B

    Skyward Sword ZD Community Gives No Love to SS? :(

    Darkest Link: I don't get you, to the point where I'm not sure If you're trolling or being serious. Actually, I'm not even sure If you're defending dowsing or not anymore. Your arguments are pretty much base on the impossibility of exploring the map for some mysterious reason. That "you can't...
  46. B

    Breath of the Wild Do You Think Nintendo Could Work Harder to Release Zelda at a More Pleasable Date?

    WHAT? The first time I 100% Skyward Sword It took less than 35 hours, second time, about 20 I think. I have to agree with ya about the broken thing though. JRPG gets time consuming due not only to leveling, but huge amount of sidequests and farming, which is something Zelda already have...
  47. B

    Item-Based Dungeons: A Tired Concept?

    I'd say whats lacking is the use of those items on a more creative manner. It's pretty obvious when to use an specific item and when we get an item at a dungeon, we use pretty much that one only, I mean, how hard It is to make a challenging puzzle filled dungeon that requires you to use 3~4...
  48. B

    Skyward Sword ZD Community Gives No Love to SS? :(

    While different, It's still the same province, so we had 3 different dungeons using that same desert look. OoT on the other hand, had what, 5~8 dungeons looking completely different with very different puzzles, that's what I meant by diversity.
  49. B

    Breath of the Wild Do You Think Nintendo Could Work Harder to Release Zelda at a More Pleasable Date?

    Dude, about Zelda game being broken, It's all a matter of opinion. It's quite different from the older Zeldas, It isn't hard to picture how much It can disappoint people who really liked them and was hoping Nintendo would keep up with It. I also have to agree with Ventus, Wii U will have at...
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