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Breath of the Wild Co-op?


Jul 1, 2012
I personally don't see the point in that. Out of all the games I have played that feature co-op, they have always had the same story to the single player mode. by making a Co-op separate from the main story, you are practically making an entirely new game just for two players, which I don't think makes much sense.

In general, DLC should absolutely stay way from Zelda. There are some games that don't need it and Zelda is one of them. If Nintendo do mysteriously include co-op they should keep it equal to the single player, it wouldn't be right or fair if co-op players could do more then traditional Single players. I'm open to new ideas for Zelda, but personally I think co-op won't benefit Zelda at all since it's targeted at a single player audience.

Keep in mind this is just an idea am not an expert....but for me co-op seems like a very cool idea I've always wanted to explore the world or a dungeon with friend or someone online and compare Zelda skills etc.
I think the FS(A) games were enough of a lesson for nintendo to know not to try co-op again.

Even in a separate mode i don't think it'd work out all to well, it'd be nice taking down a boss with a friend that loosk as epic an one of the bosses found in TP but if that were the case the boss would still need to be able to be put down be one single player so that they could progress should the other person die or if the boss itself was ripped from the main one player game which would make the co-op pretty much moot.


Apr 22, 2011
If it's a co op mode where a 2nd Link can just jump in and play with me, the main story then I'd love something like this. However I'm not fond of the idea where they "waste" development on creating specific co op mode levels.


Maybe a Co-op feature could be a three player co-op functionality. Main player as Link, secondary as a fairy, and the third as Tingle (He thinks that helping a fairy and fairy boy can allow him to become a fairy)

The fairy hovers around Link and is controlled by a single Wii Remote. The fairy has a magic bar which increases when Link defeats enemies or gets a "Du Du Du Duh!" The magic bar can be used to:
  • Ram enemies with your fairy body for some damage.
  • Heal Link for one heart.
  • Spawn an enemy native to the area.
  • Take an incoming attack for Link. (Takes damage fairies have three hearts)
  • Heal itself.
  • Distract an opponent.
  • Change the background music. (For fun)
  • Ect.

Then Tingle uses split screen, Wii and like fairies, he is really only for support. He can:
  • Shoot opponents with a slingshot (Hurts half as much as Link's basic sword) (Uses up 1 slingshot ammo from Tingle (10 ammo max)) (Cannot be used to solve puzzles unless Link has a slingshot)
  • Throw a boomerang at an opponent (Stuns for half as long as Link's) (Cannot be used to solve puzzles unless Link has a boomerang)
  • Taunt opponents to make them attack him. (Tingle has 5 hearts(Assuming Link starts with 6 like in SS that is)
  • Strap a balloon to his butt to be able to get aerial shots at opponents (Lands next to Link at descent)
  • Yell out his catch-phrase to parry attacks (Like shield hit in SS)
  • Sing an annoying song (Link can hit him if he does this)

What do you think? I personally say that as long as Nintendo adds a few more enemy spawns for while Co-op is enabled, it'll be acceptable. I do however, have doubts on the balance of the fairy. Maybe only half a heart of heal?


Jul 1, 2012
Maybe a Co-op feature could be a three player co-op functionality. Main player as Link, secondary as a fairy, and the third as Tingle (He thinks that helping a fairy and fairy boy can allow him to become a fairy)

The fairy hovers around Link and is controlled by a single Wii Remote. The fairy has a magic bar which increases when Link defeats enemies or gets a "Du Du Du Duh!" The magic bar can be used to:
  • Ram enemies with your fairy body for some damage.
  • Heal Link for one heart.
  • Spawn an enemy native to the area.
  • Take an incoming attack for Link. (Takes damage fairies have three hearts)
  • Heal itself.
  • Distract an opponent.
  • Change the background music. (For fun)
  • Ect.

Then Tingle uses split screen, Wii and like fairies, he is really only for support. He can:
  • Shoot opponents with a slingshot (Hurts half as much as Link's basic sword) (Uses up 1 slingshot ammo from Tingle (10 ammo max)) (Cannot be used to solve puzzles unless Link has a slingshot)
  • Throw a boomerang at an opponent (Stuns for half as long as Link's) (Cannot be used to solve puzzles unless Link has a boomerang)
  • Taunt opponents to make them attack him. (Tingle has 5 hearts(Assuming Link starts with 6 like in SS that is)
  • Strap a balloon to his butt to be able to get aerial shots at opponents (Lands next to Link at descent)
  • Yell out his catch-phrase to parry attacks (Like shield hit in SS)
  • Sing an annoying song (Link can hit him if he does this)

What do you think? I personally say that as long as Nintendo adds a few more enemy spawns for while Co-op is enabled, it'll be acceptable. I do however, have doubts on the balance of the fairy. Maybe only half a heart of heal?

This is actually a really good idea but I think it would be too controversial among Zelda fans....


no text
Dec 16, 2011
I think Co-Op could be done well, if it isn't tied with the story line. Like, if there's a seperate 'Co-Op Story' and Single Player Story, that would cool.
Feb 1, 2012
Maybe a Co-op feature could be a three player co-op functionality. Main player as Link, secondary as a fairy, and the third as Tingle (He thinks that helping a fairy and fairy boy can allow him to become a fairy)

The fairy hovers around Link and is controlled by a single Wii Remote. The fairy has a magic bar which increases when Link defeats enemies or gets a "Du Du Du Duh!" The magic bar can be used to:
  • Ram enemies with your fairy body for some damage.
  • Heal Link for one heart.
  • Spawn an enemy native to the area.
  • Take an incoming attack for Link. (Takes damage fairies have three hearts)
  • Heal itself.
  • Distract an opponent.
  • Change the background music. (For fun)
  • Ect.

Then Tingle uses split screen, Wii and like fairies, he is really only for support. He can:
  • Shoot opponents with a slingshot (Hurts half as much as Link's basic sword) (Uses up 1 slingshot ammo from Tingle (10 ammo max)) (Cannot be used to solve puzzles unless Link has a slingshot)
  • Throw a boomerang at an opponent (Stuns for half as long as Link's) (Cannot be used to solve puzzles unless Link has a boomerang)
  • Taunt opponents to make them attack him. (Tingle has 5 hearts(Assuming Link starts with 6 like in SS that is)
  • Strap a balloon to his butt to be able to get aerial shots at opponents (Lands next to Link at descent)
  • Yell out his catch-phrase to parry attacks (Like shield hit in SS)
  • Sing an annoying song (Link can hit him if he does this)

What do you think? I personally say that as long as Nintendo adds a few more enemy spawns for while Co-op is enabled, it'll be acceptable. I do however, have doubts on the balance of the fairy. Maybe only half a heart of heal?
While that doesn't sound bad, I can see this having too much impact on story mode, making It less puzzle filled and more action oriented and I highly believe most zelda fans would hate that. Sure, you can turn off coop, but the impact will still be there and won't change the fact that the game now has fewer puzzles and more action.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Co-op should, in my opinion, be two fold: it should have a totally separate "co-op mode" accesed from the options, but at the same time it should also be fully integrated into the "traditional single player" mode as an option.

For the co-op mode, it'd include much more grand stages (because two people in a small dungeon would be really hectic). I'm not sure if the players should play side-by-side or if the players should be plopped in differing areas of the dungeon/temple and clear out their own respective rooms, solving puzzles and ridding Hyrule of the enemies for good. I just want it done.

For the single player mode, it would be "opt-in" based, something like the feature in Resident Evil 5. Of course, we wouldn't have a compulsory AI partner if a human player isn't present, as Zelda is traditionally single palyer...


The Angry Mask Salesman
Aug 18, 2012
It would only work if it were like Super Mario Galaxy, where Player 2 was purely optional and didn't do much. P2 could control Link's companion. Possibly from the Wii U Gamepad.


If it was a different mode like in Phantom Hourglass, then yes. I always thought the multiplayer was fun over Wi-Fi.
However, if it was just in the regular game, I'd be opposed to it. In the future though, I'll want to see games like this. But not the NEXT Zelda game.
Jul 1, 2011
Tournament Of Power Arena
It would be a good way to utilize the gamepad. A screen for each player.

It would have to have it's own mode. With normal enemies you just have to attack them from both sides, unless they come up with a way for them to block both directions. They could have solely coop bosses, such as ones where one player must distract the boss while the other sneaks around to it's weak point, or onesimilar to the WW final boss, or volleying an energy ball between each other, letting it build up sufficient energy before knocking it towards the boss, etc.

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