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Breath of the Wild Thoughts on Zelda WiiU?



I've read up and researched as much as i can of it, and so far I've found out that it is supposed to have a Forest Temple bigger than the Hyrule Field in OoT!

If you think about it for the first dungeon that is extreme, also I've heard that dungeons will take up to 3 hours or so to complete, i think this would be tedious, don't you?

I think they might be sticking with Skyward Swords colorful art style, which is bad because I enjoyed the darker tone of Twilight Princess, i thought it was more realistic. Meh.

What do you think?


Jun 19, 2010
All of the things you listed are just rumors, otherwise known as things that are most likely false. It's hard for me to have thoughts on a game we know nothing about, but as for a Wii U Zelda game in general, it's expected, confirmed, and i'm exited for it, simply because it's Zelda, and Zelda has never let me down before. Not to mention the excellent graphics possible with the Wii U, and all of the unique and innovative features. If the game is anything like the tech demo, then it looks great.


default setting: sarcastic prick
Dec 17, 2012
Three hour dungeons? Stretch it to four and give me eight of them.


In a completely irrelevant note can someone tell me how i can get a signature? :L

I'm kind of new.


Apr 22, 2011
If it's really true and not just rumors then like Mr. Curry said I'd love to have even longer dungeons than 3 hours & lots of them,, dungeons that are extremely big and can take a while to fully complete. The main quest shouldn't be the only one to pursue in these kinds of dungeons, we should have a big variety of side quests with their own little storyline too within the dungeon itself IMO. I would hate for them to keep the SS art style for ZU since it's a game on a new console, the art style in SS amped up to HD wouldn't appeal to me and doesn't fit Zelda to me, I'd rather they just go with an updated & polished version of the N64 art style they had.


no text
Dec 16, 2011
In a completely irrelevant note can someone tell me how i can get a signature? :L

I'm kind of new.
At the top of the page, it says your name to the right. Next to your name there's 'Notifications' and 'settings', click 'settings'. When that page has loaded, along the left hand side there should be blue outlined boxes. Scroll down until you get to the box that is titled 'My Settings', then look for 'Edit Signature'. Click that and then it should be pretty straight forward.

ON TOPIC: As many others have said, there's just a bunch of rumours at the moment. Of course, I'd absolutely love it if a forest temple were to be the size of hyrule field, but we just don't know right now. We'll have to wait and see before making bold assumptions.


At the top of the page, it says your name to the right. Next to your name there's 'Notifications' and 'settings', click 'settings'. When that page has loaded, along the left hand side there should be blue outlined boxes. Scroll down until you get to the box that is titled 'My Settings', then look for 'Edit Signature'. Click that and then it should be pretty straight forward.

ON TOPIC: As many others have said, there's just a bunch of rumours at the moment. Of course, I'd absolutely love it if a forest temple were to be the size of hyrule field, but we just don't know right now. We'll have to wait and see before making bold assumptions.

thanks, i got it :)
Feb 1, 2012
As for dungeons being 3 hours long, I remember when Nintendo said Twilight Princess main story would be 100 hours or SS being 80 hours, It didn't take more than 30 hours to 100% both. So even If that rumor is true, we can clearly see Nintendo have some pretty bad gamers to play the game and see how long It takes you to do stuff.

I think they might be sticking with Skyward Swords colorful art style, which is bad because I enjoyed the darker tone of Twilight Princess, i thought it was more realistic. Meh.
I don't get the love for TP graphics, I always thought It was Zelda at It's worst. Seriously, I find even the N64 graphics more pleasing to look at, at least for those you can blame the console for the horrible textures. The polygon count also amazes me, It's 6900 while even more realistic games don't need that much, FF Xlll is 6000. I doubt even Nintendo were proud of those graphics.

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