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  1. Hylianhero91

    (Opinion) What size should a world be in a Zelda game?

    Me too. I think a world that is too big takes away from that.
  2. Hylianhero91

    (Opinion) What size should a world be in a Zelda game?

    I might be in the minority, but I prefer smaller worlds. In all honesty, the bigger worlds in TP and BOTW killed the experience for me. It felt like a chore to get from place to place. In short, it felt like I was really traveling (and dealing with all challenges that come with that) and I...
  3. Hylianhero91

    Link's Awakening Switch Do You Like the New Link's Awakening Art Style?

    Not really. Frankly, I don't get why Nintendo keeps changing the art style in every new entry in the series. In my opinion, the official artwork for Link's Awakening looked really good. Why not render that look in 3D? I just dont get it. I will still play and enjoy the game though.
  4. Hylianhero91

    Zelda 2 took a few years off my life...

    I have beaten all of the old school Zeldas except Zelda 2. To me, Zelda 1 and ALTTP have a perfect level of difficulty because they are challenging without getting so difficult that it becomes a chore to beat them. Honestly, I wish nintendo would make modern Zeldas as difficult as those games...
  5. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild I still hate the weapons breaking mechanic

    ...core experience is absurd. The series has been just fine without breakable weapons for 30 years. Why is it a good idea now? The vocal minority? H***, this game was made to please casual fans who griped that Zelda was just about a boy in green saving a princess. This game does not feel like a...
  6. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild I still hate the weapons breaking mechanic

    See... These are the arguments I see made by those in favor of the breaking weapons and I dont agree with them at all. To me, the fact there are billions of weapons to find that break right away kind of cheapens the experience. In past Zelda games, you found fewer weapons but it was rewarding...
  7. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild I still hate the weapons breaking mechanic

    Here we are months after launch and I still hate the weapons breaking mechanic in BOTW. Am I one of the few oddballs who absolutely hates it and thinks it ruins the experience? Everyone I talk to seems to love it and tries to rationalize why it is good, but I still fail to see it. It seems...
  8. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild Do you like the music in BOTW?

    I personally think that it has the weakest soundtrack in the Zelda series. The only tunes I like are the Hyrule Castle theme and the Zora's domain theme. I have always loved the music in Zelda games and am of the opinion that great music is part of what makes Zelda... Well Zelda. I can play...
  9. Hylianhero91

    Zelda 2 took a few years off my life...

    Zelda 2 has a few huge flaws that make it so difficult that it is nearly impossible to beat. The difficulty level goes way past rewarding and gets deep into throw your controller in a fit of rage difficulty level. The experience system would be ok if enemies did not take away experience points...
  10. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild BOTW Main Story Length

    Beat OOT in 5 hours? I dont believe that...
  11. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild My thoughts on BOTW

    I may be committing the cardinal sin here, but I do not think BOTW is that great of a Zelda title. I think Nintendo tried too hard to be different with this game. Don't get me wrong, some aspects of the game are truly incredible.... I love the amount of content and how open and alive the world...
  12. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild [SPOILER] Zelda Breath of the Wild Weapon Discussion

    No, I understand that perfectly and still don't like it. For one, it is totally unrealistic to have swords breaking after a few uses. It's also very annoying. Aonuma said they put the weapons breaking mechanic in the game to encourage players to experiment with a wide variety of weapons. In...
  13. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild [SPOILER] Zelda Breath of the Wild Weapon Discussion

    Well, correct me if i'm wrong, but aren't most of the shields early in the game wooden or the rusty shield? I haven't seen any of the nicer metal shields break yet.
  14. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild [SPOILER] Zelda Breath of the Wild Weapon Discussion

    The weapons break too quickly. It's one of the few annoying things about the game. The short lifespan of the weapons is very unrealistic. Even an azz crappy weapon wouldn't break after a few dozen uses in real life. I understand that nintendo wanted to encourage players to use a wide variety of...
  15. Hylianhero91

    I want to see a 3D Zelda game with the NES artwork aesthetic

    How can you tell it doesn't capture the world of ALTTP? Its dark and stormy like the opening scene in the game. We havent seen the world in the daytime yet. Also, I'll admit that Link doesnt exactly capture ALTTP Link. It looks more like the NES Link which is why I like it. When I imagine the...
  16. Hylianhero91

    I want to see a 3D Zelda game with the NES artwork aesthetic

    This should give you an idea. This looks amazing to me. It's the beginning of ALTTP re-imagined in 3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d100lwy3NVA
  17. Hylianhero91

    I want to see a 3D Zelda game with the NES artwork aesthetic

    Am I the only one? I really like the look of the original artwork that was in the Zelda 1 and 2 manuals. It would be interesting to see a game with an artstyle inspired by that.
  18. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild What concerns me about BOTW

    What Nintendo has showed us so far all looks amazing, but what concerns me is what they haven't shown us. I'm mainly referring to dungeons. We haven't seen a single second of dungeon footage yet. This is disconcerting because dungeon play has always been a main emphasis in 3D Zelda reveals. I...
  19. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild What form will Ganon take in this game?

    Obviously, we've seen that Ganon appears as a cloud spirit that looks like his pig form outside, but its hard to imagine he will be in that form when you fight him at the end of the game. Do you think he will ultimately be in his pig or human form when you confront him? It will be really...
  20. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild Confirmed - It's Possible to Beat the Game Right Away

    They actually said "You can go right to the final boss within 20 minutes or so, but you'll probably get killed" or something along those lines.
  21. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild What I want to hear in Breath of the Wild

    I really think it should be the most difficult/epic dungeon if it is only in one. I really think the dungeon should be one with a dark sinister atmosphere. omg. this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJC3zKWhxFo or this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPcLnqeguME or this...
  22. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild What I want to hear in Breath of the Wild

    It would be so awesome if they have re-created the difficulty of those dungeons too. The music perfectly matched the urgency of running around in rooms full of dangerous enemies trying to kill your ass.
  23. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild What I want to hear in Breath of the Wild

    Given that this game is drawing so much from the original NES Zelda, I really hope at least one of the dungeons has a kickass remastered version of the dungeon theme from NES LOZ. It would be so epic to go into a dungeon with a dark and foreboding atmosphere and hear that playing.
  24. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild Zelda Breath of the Wild (Some Fans don't like it?)

    What you are forgetting is that Aonuma said they will get bigger and increasingly more complex as the game goes on. We only saw a few, and there are 100 of them.
  25. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild Miyamoto on technology in the new game

    I don't mind some technology in the games, but I don't want them getting too crazy with it. For example, it would be really stupid if they made Hyrule into a modern city with skyscrapers where Link chases bad guys on a motorcycle through the streets. I think the series should mainly stick to...
  26. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild Early Final Boss

    "Anybody who can go straight to the goal without doing anything else — there's two possibilities," Aonuma said. "Either they're a really good gamer, or they could be somebody that's a little bit crazy. But it's not impossible. I created the game like that.
  27. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild Early Final Boss

    Aonuma specifically said "Really ambitious gamers might be able to get to the final boss as early as 20 minutes into the game"
  28. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild Early Final Boss

    Yes he did, he said iit during the livestream.
  29. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild Timeline: Where is the game going to go?

    It's very obvious that it will be around the era of Zelda 1 or 2.
  30. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild Early Final Boss

    Aonuma confirmed that it is possible to get to the final boss within 20 or so minutes, but he also gave the disclaimer that people who took that course of action would most likely get killed. What I take away from that is that it is remotely possible to kill Ganon early on, but it would be...
  31. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild Zelda Breath of the Wild (Some Fans don't like it?)

    No, Shrines are mini dungeons. They confirmed that there are over 100 and the later ones get increasingly bigger and more complex. We only saw the warm-up ones in the demo.
  32. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild Zelda Breath of the Wild (Some Fans don't like it?)

    There are always going to be people who ##### and complain, that's just a fact of life. This is especially true of game nerds. The game looks amazing and is everything 99% of the Zelda fanbase has been asking for, but some people are still complaining. lol
  33. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild How long will this game be?

    When I was watching the gameplay footage of one of the shrines, the people playing the game said there would be over 100 of them.That's not even counting the regular dungeons which will be in the game too. I am thinking this could easily be a 150 hour game considering the number of shrines and...
  34. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild "Ganon" is back

    So I was just watching a gameplay video that showed one of the shrines (mini-dungeons), and at the end you meet a monk. He mentions that "we are here to help those who want to defeat Ganon" ("we" being the shrine monks/guardians). I think this is a big clue to the timeline placement. Generally...
  35. Hylianhero91

    Origins of the Hero of Hyrule? (NES Link)

    The official story says he was an adventurer who traveled into Hyrule and got drawn into saving Zelda.
  36. Hylianhero91

    Skyward Sword Wasn't Aonuma's Fault

    I will never understand why people are so critical of SS. I loved that game! Maybe it has some flaws, but the good parts more than make up for them. For one, the story was simple, but it was great. I loved the relationship between Link and Zelda. It made you feel connected to her and want to...
  37. Hylianhero91

    An awesome idea I have for a future Zelda game

    Guys, I don't see my idea encouraging linearity at all. As for backtracking I clearly mentioned backtracking in my original post. In my vision of the game the world would be open from the start for the most part. You can travel as you please if you can figure out how to overcome obstacles that...
  38. Hylianhero91

    An awesome idea I have for a future Zelda game

    I don't see why Nintendo couldn't make an 80-100 hour Zelda game. Keep in mind i'm envisioning a big world where you have to overcome obstacles like crossing rivers, defeating monsters etc. I got to thinking about this after I played Skyward sword back in 2011. As much as people griped about...
  39. Hylianhero91

    An awesome idea I have for a future Zelda game

    Ok.... So the game should start out with Princess Zelda getting captured by a new villain from a mysterious faraway land that is physically connected to Hyrule (This is an important detail). I don't want it to be a parallel world where Link warps there like other games in the past. I want it to...
  40. Hylianhero91

    Is there a chance we'll see a remake of the original NES Zelda for the 3DS this year?

    You specifically said "The atmosphere" of MM3DS was completely different. That's what I was responding to when I said the two games were identical. MM3DS was still the same game with the same story, but it had some superficial differences. What handholding in ALBW??????????? Yes, there were...
  41. Hylianhero91

    Is there a chance we'll see a remake of the original NES Zelda for the 3DS this year?

    What are you talking about? I played Majora's Mask years ago and MM3DS and they are identical. ALBW was originally supposed to be a straight up remake of ALTTP, but nintendo ended up making it into a brand new game and a remake at the same time. ALBW is a fantastic game, i'd even go as far as...
  42. Hylianhero91

    Is there a chance we'll see a remake of the original NES Zelda for the 3DS this year?

    How would it ruin the game? I think it would be awesome.
  43. Hylianhero91

    Is there a chance we'll see a remake of the original NES Zelda for the 3DS this year?

    In my opinion, that would be a great 30th anniversary surprise. I could see Nintendo remaking it for the 3DS with graphics like ALBW. Maybe they could even change it up a bit and make it into a spiritual successor like ALBW was for ALTTP. I don't know.... I just know I want to experience the...
  44. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild Zelda Wii U In Ending Stages of Development, Appealing to Western Gamers like OoT

    I think he means he is trying to make a game that will appeal to a wider audience of Western gamers. Zelda games do sell reliably, but it would be a lie to say they are really popular . Zelda has a decent sized hardcore fan base. Nintendo will always sell atleast a million copies when they...
  45. Hylianhero91

    TPHD-Wii U Twilight Princess HD confirmed

    guys, you have to realize that the graphics in the original twilight princess aged really well. I don't see how they could have improved the look of the game much more without giving it a completely different look.
  46. Hylianhero91

    Zelda at E3 2015

    ALBW came out in November 2013, which was about a year and a half ago. A few months later Nintendo pretty much said that they were working on a brand new Zelda game for the 3DS. When they said that I don't think they were talking about Majora's Mask 3DS, although I could be wrong about that...
  47. Hylianhero91

    Zelda at E3 2015

    Obviously we already know that Zelda Wii U won't be coming out this year and it won't even be shown at E3. But..... Is there any chance that we get a pleasant surprise and Nintendo reveals a new 3DS Zelda title? I think there's a strong possibility! Shortly after ALBW came out Nintendo pretty...
  48. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild The Cloak

    The two trailers we have seen thus far have looked amazing but left us with more questions then they answered. We didn't get any details on the plot/story of this game but there was one little detail that gives us some hints imo. In case you are wondering what i'm referring to i'm talking about...
  49. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild Who Do You Think the Zelda U Villain Will Be?

    Well guys... Aonuma confirmed that we will be seeing a new villian in this game so ya'll can cut out the arguing about dark link. Personally i'm excited that we will be seeing a new villain. I can't wait to see what they will be like.
  50. Hylianhero91

    Breath of the Wild Who Do You Think the Zelda U Villain Will Be?

    I would like to see the oracle villains again.
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