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Is there a chance we'll see a remake of the original NES Zelda for the 3DS this year?

Feb 23, 2014
In my opinion, that would be a great 30th anniversary surprise. I could see Nintendo remaking it for the 3DS with graphics like ALBW. Maybe they could even change it up a bit and make it into a spiritual successor like ALBW was for ALTTP. I don't know.... I just know I want to experience the world from the original Zelda with updated graphics. Just imagine the remix of that cool dungeon music.... We can only hope Nintendo is doing this...


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
It wouldn't you'd be translating a 2d game into a 3d game and everyone knows the developers would get cocky and mess with the landscape. Not to be blunt it's all well and good for a 3D game to get a graphical update but why the hell would a 2D game even require that, the first zelda was fine as it is, the only reason there have been remakes is to line nintendo's pockets as well as to correct some mistakes. the First one bar translation error on Ganon was fine.

No sense in foisting the game off to someone else who'll destroy what was a good game, just take a look at MM, that was a nice game with good atmosphere and that was already 3D then they updated it and now it has no atmosphere or at least one that doesn't match the games plot not to mention the screwing around with mechanics and the boss' oh yeah zelda 1 could do with that, i think not.
Feb 23, 2014
It wouldn't you'd be translating a 2d game into a 3d game and everyone knows the developers would get cocky and mess with the landscape. Not to be blunt it's all well and good for a 3D game to get a graphical update but why the hell would a 2D game even require that, the first zelda was fine as it is, the only reason there have been remakes is to line nintendo's pockets as well as to correct some mistakes. the First one bar translation error on Ganon was fine.

No sense in foisting the game off to someone else who'll destroy what was a good game, just take a look at MM, that was a nice game with good atmosphere and that was already 3D then they updated it and now it has no atmosphere or at least one that doesn't match the games plot not to mention the screwing around with mechanics and the boss' oh yeah zelda 1 could do with that, i think not.
What are you talking about? I played Majora's Mask years ago and MM3DS and they are identical. ALBW was originally supposed to be a straight up remake of ALTTP, but nintendo ended up making it into a brand new game and a remake at the same time. ALBW is a fantastic game, i'd even go as far as saying it's probably my favorite in the series now. I always loved and still love ALTTP too. ALBW did not ruin ALTTP by any stretch of the imagination. I'd love to see Nintendo do something similar for the original NES Zelda.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
What are you talking about? I played Majora's Mask years ago and MM3DS and they are identical. ALBW was originally supposed to be a straight up remake of ALTTP, but nintendo ended up making it into a brand new game and a remake at the same time. ALBW is a fantastic game, i'd even go as far as saying it's probably my favorite in the series now. I always loved and still love ALTTP too. ALBW did not ruin ALTTP by any stretch of the imagination. I'd love to see Nintendo do something similar for the original NES Zelda.

So if MM and MM3DS are identical why was there graphical updates, Mechanic changes and boss changes clearly you need to replay the original.

ALBW ended up becoming a new game, hell you could likely argue it's a successor to OOT as well seeing as OOT was ALTTP 3D and ALBW is a remake of ALTTP it therefore can be argued as a spiritual successor to OOT.

Not to be blunt ALBW did things wrong when ALTTP did them right, oh don't get me wrong it did some good things, but reliance on stupid mechanics such as the baseball or hint ghosts when the original didn't kinda brings the game down and the makers will definitely do that to make it "modern" when all that means is Gimmicky.

Nintendo would ruin the Original by remaking it, just bluntly, they'd feel the need to do their patented handholding which would just nuke the point of remaking the original in and of itself, not to mention they'd end up pandering to the whiny children and take out some of the more amusing memory required challenges, I.E the door moblins who force you to pay and i believe the maze in northern hyrule.

So no i don't think Nintendo would do it well. Nor would anyone else, they might give it a good run but the recreation isn't as good as the original.
Feb 23, 2014
So if MM and MM3DS are identical why was there graphical updates, Mechanic changes and boss changes clearly you need to replay the original.

ALBW ended up becoming a new game, hell you could likely argue it's a successor to OOT as well seeing as OOT was ALTTP 3D and ALBW is a remake of ALTTP it therefore can be argued as a spiritual successor to OOT.

Not to be blunt ALBW did things wrong when ALTTP did them right, oh don't get me wrong it did some good things, but reliance on stupid mechanics such as the baseball or hint ghosts when the original didn't kinda brings the game down and the makers will definitely do that to make it "modern" when all that means is Gimmicky.

Nintendo would ruin the Original by remaking it, just bluntly, they'd feel the need to do their patented handholding which would just nuke the point of remaking the original in and of itself, not to mention they'd end up pandering to the whiny children and take out some of the more amusing memory required challenges, I.E the door moblins who force you to pay and i believe the maze in northern hyrule.

So no i don't think Nintendo would do it well. Nor would anyone else, they might give it a good run but the recreation isn't as good as the original.
You specifically said "The atmosphere" of MM3DS was completely different. That's what I was responding to when I said the two games were identical. MM3DS was still the same game with the same story, but it had some superficial differences. What handholding in ALBW??????????? Yes, there were hint ghosts available if you needed them, but you didn't have to use them! I know I didn't use them. ALBW had a great story, great music, and the wall painting gimmick made puzzles unique and fun. Furthermore, the item shop gave you complete freedom to complete dungeons in whatever order you wanted to. It also rewarded you for exploring more than any other 3D Zelda... And you want to focus on the baseball game and hint ghosts? Really? You are the typical Zelda fan who would complain no matter what nintedo does. You would even complain if Nintendo did everything your way and designed a game with only you in mind.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
You specifically said "The atmosphere" of MM3DS was completely different. That's what I was responding to when I said the two games were identical. MM3DS was still the same game with the same story, but it had some superficial differences. What handholding in ALBW??????????? Yes, there were hint ghosts available if you needed them, but you didn't have to use them! I know I didn't use them. ALBW had a great story, great music, and the wall painting gimmick made puzzles unique and fun. Furthermore, the item shop gave you complete freedom to complete dungeons in whatever order you wanted to. It also rewarded you for exploring more than any other 3D Zelda... And you want to focus on the baseball game and hint ghosts? Really? You are the typical Zelda fan who would complain no matter what nintedo does. You would even complain if Nintendo did everything your way and designed a game with only you in mind.

Did you not actually read the first post about MM? Or in your mania for having everything remade blind you? It seems like it.

Every zelda game to some degree has Hnadholding, the only ones that truly didn't were the earliest two, from ALTTP onwards there started handholding. In ALBW you had the Hint system everywhere (as it's gimmicky crap) not to mention it used the same tired formula so if you didn't actually know where you had to go one look at the actual map showed you everything anyway, It didn't have the best music to be frank, it had some of the better music but no best. The wall Gimmick was crap to be blunt they forced it into so many areas that didn't need it, granted there were good times to it. The item shop didn't give you complete freedom either, if you died you lost your item unless you bought it and not rented it, and the dungeons still had to be completed in a certain sequence due them locking the Sand wand in a dungeon.

So yell you what instead of labeling someone something that you clearly know crap about think, unless of course you want to "remake" thinking.

Nintendo hasn't made a solid zelda game in recent years, they've relied on gimmicks to get them through, and that's fine for the game but hell there was barely any continuity and with them making remakes it just makes it even more muddled than previously.

You've not made any good points about why the remake would be good you've instead replied to each of my comments, you aren't holding up your side of the argument then you go for both the weakest and most pathetic of the reasons "oh you must be the typical zelda fan, doesn't like anything done" funny enough i was raised with zelda from a baby my first game was OOT and you know something i went back and played the earlier games and i loved them for the fact there was no hand holding and back in the 90's early 2000s there was no internet to aid you, you had to work it out for yourself (and by internet i mean no dedicated websites to give it to you) and what makes me laugh is you say you want a remake when in reality all that means is you want a very good game made to today standards which when looking at the likes of SS or ALBW is flagging and in some cases almost dead, there was no true difficulty to either game after the initial curve and it got quickly repetitive, the only true plus with ALBW is you could kill the bosses in any order you'd like.

So yeah i may be a "typical zelda fan" but at least i've been there to see the series progress, at least i've seen some of the best games nintendo has made, and do y'know it's people like you who kill a franchise "oh remake this, remake that, we want it easier than it actually should be" Nintendo needs to focus on new games not pandering to the remake generation such as yourself.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
I'd have to agree with Hylianhero91 here. All he's really saying is that Nintendo should bring us back to the world of the original Zelda one more time with new graphics and twists similar to ALBW, where it may be a new adventure with a new Link, but you get to see a familiar world that brings back so many good old memories of the original game in a good way.

There was nothing wrong with ALBW. ALBW was a great game. While ALttP will always be classic, ALBW really successfully take what made ALttP great and made it better. ALBW really was a true successor to ALttP, so much that even surpassed it! I love ALBW for that reason. So I would like them to do the same for the original Zelda.

If Nintendo is working on a new handheld game already, than new game may not release this year, but I can definitely see it releasing next year or the year after that.

I can imagine the game could be a prequel to TLoZ/TAoL and a sequel to ALBW/TFH, a different gen of Link and Zelda. I believe Nintendo's current focus for the current gen of handheld Zelda's, is further emphasize on the backstory of TAoL, explaining how Hyrule went into decline and why Ganon is still present in TLoZ.
Aug 12, 2015
Not to be blunt ALBW did things wrong when ALTTP did them right, oh don't get me wrong it did some good things, but reliance on stupid mechanics such as the baseball or hint ghosts when the original didn't kinda brings the game down and the makers will definitely do that to make it "modern" when all that means is Gimmicky.

What's wrong with the hint ghosts? They're completely optional, and you don't even have to get the glasses. If anything, Zeldas should always feature a completely optional, non-intrusive help system for those who need it in the future instead of, say, Fi.
Dec 16, 2015
I'm up for the idea, I tried the original, and I just couldn't get used to the contols, I know it's me, but it would still be nice to see the game at least updated a little bit.

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