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Worst Movie You've Ever Seen in Your Life?

Jan 7, 2012
yea i agree as well, I am one of the people who didn't see it in theaters right away.. then went and saw it because everyone said it was the best movie of all time. It was a decent movie i guess, but for a nearly 3 hour movie that copied everything from classic i just start to hate it with a passion. And yea i didn't find myself liking any of the characters at all either.


Viceroy of Area 11
Dec 24, 2010
Fahrenheit 451 - We read it in school last year and watched the movie with it. It's TERRIBLE! It was made some ungodly age ago and it's just AWFUL.

The Art of Getting By - What a waste of millions of dollars.

Woman In Black - I just laughed the whole time. Daniel Radcliffe, I love you. But that movie SUCKED!!!


The Rising Legend
Jan 31, 2012
close to a bathroom
The Last Air Bender. I thought it was just terrible. I actually fell asleep in the theatre during the invasion of the northern water tribe.

M. Bulteau

Nov 28, 2011
The Happening.

Nothing beats that in bad acting, bad directing, bad EVERYTHING! Except perhaps Plan 9 From Outer Space, but I haven't seen that yet.

Just so you get how much I think it sucks, when I go see a movie with one of my friends and it turns out to be bad, we say "well, at least it isn't The Happening."


(I. Am. Going. To. Get. It. For. This. But. w/e.)
I absolutely hated Inception. And people thought the Matrix was confusing? This takes it to the next level. I couldn't stand more than 25 minutes of it. It's a giant mess that confuses me to no greater end. I refuse to even try to comprehend this piece of garbage. I hate Leonardo Dicaprio.

Avatar the Last Airbender was also one of my favorite shows of all time, so naturally the Last Airbender movie made me very upset. That movie was trash.

I very rarely ever watch movies, although I refuse to watch anything with Dwayne Johnson, Leonardo Dicaprio, or Nicholas Cage in it.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
A lot of JC's Avatar and Avatar: The Last Airbender film opposers out there.

There aren't really any movies that I absolutely hate enough not to watch. It depends on what I feel like viewing, and what holds my interest. Some types of films are simply eyesores, such as modern-day cowboy genres (Temple Grandin, for example; not Westerns), and most Disney Channel movies. I walk out of the room anytime someone's playing those, because I can't stand them, unless it turns out they intrigue me. But that's not the case for the most part.


didn't build that
Avatar. On top of the clumsy environmentalism/anti-capitalism/noble savage/white guilt theme, which is just a perfect stew of every possible annoying moral message you could possibly put into a movie, it was just badly done. It had virtually no pacing to speak of, and characterization was insanely shallow.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
The Happening.

Nothing beats that in bad acting, bad directing, bad EVERYTHING! Except perhaps Plan 9 From Outer Space, but I haven't seen that yet.

Just so you get how much I think it sucks, when I go see a movie with one of my friends and it turns out to be bad, we say "well, at least it isn't The Happening."

I didn't like it the first time I saw it, and then I realized that it's so bad that it has some value to it. I read some reviews of it and learned that it was actually intended to have a B-movie kind of quality to it. I mean having Mark Wahlberg talking to a plastic plant is actually funny when you realize how out of place the comedy is. For this reason my friends and I always use another M. Night Shyamalan movie, The Village, as our benchmark for bad movies. The reasoning is that in the Happening things that make you laugh because "it's so bad" might have actually been intended, but in The Village I don't think they were intended. When the words "magic rocks" were used in The Village literally everyone I was with laughed so hard we could barely breath because the story was so ridiculously illogical. Just my opinion though. Still even from this perspective The Happening isn't good, I just think it has more value than The Village.


Feb 4, 2012
San Diego, CA
I'd have to say almost anything that was made fun of by the guys at MST3K. The last really bad movie I saw was probably Sucker Punch by the guy who directed 300.

(I. Am. Going. To. Get. It. For. This. But. w/e.)
I absolutely hated Inception. And people thought the Matrix was confusing? This takes it to the next level. I couldn't stand more than 25 minutes of it. It's a giant mess that confuses me to no greater end. I refuse to even try to comprehend this piece of garbage. I hate Leonardo Dicaprio.

I very rarely ever watch movies, although I refuse to watch anything with Dwayne Johnson, Leonardo Dicaprio, or Nicholas Cage in it.

While I liked Inception, I felt that it was overrated and didn't get most of the film, especially going through scenes with multi-level dreams and not knowing whether or not the characters were dreaming or not.
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Jan 2, 2012
For me, the worst movie without a doubt is Demon Pinata Island. The worst part of the movie is that it takes itself seriously.

Why so much hate for Inception? I understood it quite well (the second time watching it :P) It's extremely intriguing and really makes you think. It's one of my favorites.

Luke's Wife

peaked in 2015
Aug 15, 2011
the abyss
wouldn't you like to know, weather boy
I don't know of any movies that I really hate. There are types I don't like, like basically every romantic comedy to ever exist because you know exactly what's going to happen in the end and they always have cheesy predictable plot lines (same goes for Disney Channel movies, which are also disgustingly stereotypical and unrealistic and lame and when they burst out singing in the middle of a class or something it makes me want to throw chairs through my TV which is also why I hate Glee with a deep passion.) If I had to pick a least favorite movie, it would probably be any romantic comedy I've been forced to watch, or..OHWAIT. Got one. The entire Twilight sage (although I only saw the first 2) is TERRIBLE. HORRIBLE. The acting is awful and boring and Kristen Stewart looks like a deer in headlights and the plot is unrealistic (even for vampires/werewolves.) I mean, in New Moon, Edward leaves or whatever and Bella's just like "oh, my boyfriend dumped me. Instead of being sad for a bit and moving on, I'm going to become incredibly depressed for 4 months and do stupid reckless things so I can see visions of him again." And Breaking Dawn basically comes down to this: "Edward, our demon baby has broken my spine! Quick! Make me a member of the undead that SPARKLES in the sunlight (don't even get me started on the sparkling.) and then 10-pack Jacob's all like "Wait, Bella! Me and your demon baby are soulmates!"

You can't help but sit there and think "Seriously.WTF am I watching?"

Also, I don't understand the dislike for Inception, I understood it perfectly and it's actually my favorite movie of all time (aside from my special Disney cartoons from my beloved childhood that I miss dearly.) But, opinions are opinions.
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Jun 25, 2011
For a movie to be viable for me, it has to have a valid story, and either action, comedy (actually GOOD comedy, not the corny crap), or both. Based on this, the worst movie I have ever seen is Happy Feet 2. No story, no action, and bland jokes made this movie awful, if that was all that it was.

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