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Official Suggestions Thread


Staff member
Is it possible for Scrapper to announce whenever someone starts a new RP thread, without announcing every post in the Roleplay section?

Unfortunately this is not a feature that is in the chat add-on we use. You can always make a post in the shoutbox yourself to invite others to check out the new thread in this situation though.

We need an Ordon Goat Cheese emoji, AZ's vote does not count on this suggestion.

Since I don't like cheese either, it's a no from me :P

Could the cancel button on mobile be moved so its not right near the save button. When I edit a post, I often hit cancel accidentally because of touch screen trials and tribulations.

Which theme do you use?

Daku Rinku

Servant to the Sand Goddess
Jun 1, 2023
Spirit Temple
Unfortunately this is not a feature that is in the chat add-on we use. You can always make a post in the shoutbox yourself to invite others to check out the new thread in this situation though.

Since I don't like cheese either, it's a no from me :P

Which theme do you use?
Dungeon vv.2.

Saint Ravenboo

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
Oct 9, 2023
Unfortunately this is not a feature that is in the chat add-on we use. You can always make a post in the shoutbox yourself to invite others to check out the new thread in this situation though.

Since I don't like cheese either, it's a no from me :P

Which theme do you use?
Damn it, okay time to annoy everyone in the shoutbox again. Oh wait, I do that anyway.
Last edited:

Saint Ravenboo

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
Oct 9, 2023
Certain posts in this thread have been removed, please remember to keep your posts relevant to the thread you are posting in. The emote suggestion thread is currently closed so we can review pre-existing requests. We'll notify everyone when it is open again.
Thank you for the notification.


Hum dee doo
Mar 30, 2020
Can we get an option to differentiate between emoticons and emojis?
This could be just me, but a lot of the time, I prefer using the emoticons over the emoji it defaults to, but the site always tries to autocorrect me to the emoji rather than the emoticon. (e.g. I prefer : D over :D - but even then I have to add the space between characters and it doesn't feel like it conveys the same thought lol; there are several other examples.)
Maybe there already is one and I just didn't know lol, but I've poked around with it and I can't get much to work with what I'm going for lol. I know this could be a huge change and very jarring for people, so I understand if it doesn't work out lol. Thanks!

Daku Rinku

Servant to the Sand Goddess
Jun 1, 2023
Spirit Temple

Would be cool to have a red template for the forums, plenty of blue ones, the gray one (The Lost Woulds), and the green of Dungeon v.22. The red could be modeled on Link’s Red Tunic and Eldin designs.


Staff member
Nov 17, 2011
The Makai
Can we get an option to differentiate between emoticons and emojis?
This could be just me, but a lot of the time, I prefer using the emoticons over the emoji it defaults to, but the site always tries to autocorrect me to the emoji rather than the emoticon. (e.g. I prefer : D over :D - but even then I have to add the space between characters and it doesn't feel like it conveys the same thought lol; there are several other examples.)
Maybe there already is one and I just didn't know lol, but I've poked around with it and I can't get much to work with what I'm going for lol. I know this could be a huge change and very jarring for people, so I understand if it doesn't work out lol. Thanks!
You can wrap the emoticon in [plain][/plain] BBCode to stop it from parsing.

Eg: [plain]:D[/plain] = :D

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