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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
What do each of you care about in this game?
Can I say getting my revenge on Storm for mod killin without mod killin me in his most recent Chaos Game? :lol: :lol: :lol:
also getting an OOT chat with spiderman
An Ocarina of Time chat with Spidey? Wait! Spider-Man plays Zelda?? He's cool now! :lol:
Wait wait, what if I'm the ONLY town right now o_O

That would be wild
No one respond to this, please. :pp
Or what?
Fry Squint.jpg

speaking of money, i'd also like to make money
im willing to sell services for money or shares (:
Interesting/temting [me on the fence] kinda sus(see above meme)

oh you know this and that
well to keep it simple for now i'm willing to sell my vote and any communal ability activations (and subsequent results, obviously)
if you want anything else, well, i'll think about it hm?
[leans towards the interested side]

Oh, by the by, FYI, Vote Count is delayed. As is the Daily Bugle. Shortage of um... Ink! That's right, there's a shortage of Ink in New York City right now. Someone bought it all up. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Who stole the DBs ink? Was it you Storm? Or, or maybe Ex!
This is NAI, Neon is like this every game she plays.
From what I've seen coming from Neon, I'd say it's vastly different. Before you ask, I've seen her posting gifs throughout the majority of time in various games I've seen her play in..

Killjoy gives strong "posting just to post" vibes
I've more or less been like this in every game I've been in.
they thought it would be hard to ascertain why lurkers are lurking given the number of reasons one might lurk in this game
I'm not lurking because, I want to, Y'all being up between 9:30 PM and 4AM has me unable to do anything. ...Dang night owls...

ah, i sort of glossed over that part, that makes more sense

i wonder who the kingpin's message was meant for
i guess within that context the most intuitive interpretation is that we're working with isolated mafiosos with some ability to band together, and that kingpin needs to find them, thus the message.
I would assume the Kingpin is addressing whoever lives in the shadows. Whoever that is.
Either 3+ Mafias or 2+ gangs or a combination maybe?

It's not so much "lol mech" as it is "mech makes my head hurt and Vro is wolfy overall how about I focus on that"
What make you see Vro in a red(scum) light?

Question for the masses... How would y'all feel about me extending the Day 1 deadline to account for the fact that I was way more backed up than I thought I'd be? Or do y'all think it is fine?
If I have to wake up and take an hour or more to catch up while making a wall post like this, nah. I want this to go on as normal.

Generally speaking when people appear from nowhere to make one post telling me I'm wrong after I go out and explain a read and than they disappear again...I find that it's likely I'm just right.
When did you say anything about your read? Please elaborate.

i don't understand what the neon-vro interaction is and i feel like its not important
It probably isn't I'm finally about caught up, and coffee is taking time to kick in. But, I'm probably gonna wonder later on.

...I think I hate everyone this game
[hands over a cookie] Can we be friends? :lol:

Vro is scummy.

The opening is performative and out of place. The iso lacks actual intent and is ultimately not attempting to solve. They are bringing things up to look useful but going nowhere with them. They are fishing for info.

It's literally I'm scum 101 class and everyone is acting like I'm freaking insane for like pointing it out?

Its... so... bad...


But pls go back to deciding what we should do with Freddeh for the next 3 days or whatever.
If you iso me wouldn't that put me in the same or a similar boat?

Now this read did start as kinda like a mild tongue in cheek this felt weird thing to get out of rvs that I would've let go within like a day except... than Vro just kept being wolfy.
Can you quote some posts that seemed that way?
Jun 26, 2020
So, I have every reason to expect from these interactions that Kingpin is bad news. Some of these reasons are more convoluted than others but a big one is... well, he's already Kingpin using the Kingpin sock. He's not facing his origin story like Norman.

The question is, who is Kingpin? Zinger has been known to have non-random roles at time, which throws some shade in the direction of KoD (who Zinger has often referred to as "Kingpin" in the past) but that's an extremely meta argument and while I feel obligated to present it, I'm not comfortable moving forward on it specifically.

I agree that Vro's play is off from a town perspective.

Now, the Kingpin posted at 9:56. The posters active within 10 minutes of that either way are Vro, Neon, KoD, and Rubik.

Why is this relevant? Well, I've played in mafia games before where I've had to live multiple identities, and one of the things I tried to do in order to keep them separate was spoof my active hours, making sure to not post (anywhere) in the temporal vicinity of my other identity. For the record, it was as me in the thread or as a sock puppet in a deliberately insecure mafia QT because players in that game revived when killed and Maf could revive as town (and vise versa). I was that paranoid, but the other mafia members... weren't, and post timing made them stand out like sore thumbs once I flipped and then went over the timestamps. Therefore, I think it's more likely, ESPECIALLY at this early juncture, that Kingpin's player would be active in the thread at the same time as Kingpin... limiting it to four possibilities, of which two are serious suspects for one reason or another.


I want Kingpin behind bars and I think there's better than even odds that Vro is it.
Jun 26, 2020
The other consideration on my mind is that Kingpin's post was very "in character", rather than being a functional post, but I don't think that would really help disambiguate from among the four posters in the ten-minute window.


Jan 19, 2018
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Cool than why is my pushing of it something bad? I'm trying to play mafia

I never said you pushing anything was bad, just that i was lost about the whole thing.

Now, the Kingpin posted at 9:56. The posters active within 10 minutes of that either way are Vro, Neon, KoD, and Rubik.
Given what people have breadcrumbed KoD is the most suspicious person on this list by process of elimination. I tihnk Vro is very likely origin aligned and as you said the kingpin appears to be in fullswing, and so wouldn't fit the origin flavour. Rubik is extremely likely to be robbie and so is very unlikely to be kingpin (who is apparently fisk, i was wondering who that was). That leaves Neon and KoD, but based on her recent claim of "being able to form a neighbourhood with a canonically male character" i would guess she's a less good fit than KoD.

Of course, it could easily be someone who wasn't active during that time as well.
Sep 6, 2017
From what I've seen coming from Neon, I'd say it's vastly different. Before you ask, I've seen her posting gifs throughout the majority of time in various games I've seen her play in..
And she’s posted the sip gif already a few times. What’s your point?

I guess we agree to disagree here. In my experience Neon is trigger happy & jokes a lot about killing people regardless of alignment. I’ve only played a few games with them but they have a very distinct style of posting that more or less matches up with what they’re doing here regardless of alignment.

That being said I think their push on Vro makes sense & I like her vote more than whoever was voting for Vro because he *might* be kingpin based on the fact that he was around during the kingpin post, which is just baseless conjecture anyway because there’s nothing to say Kingpin wasn’t just someone who wasn’t active during that time.


Jan 19, 2018
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That being said I think their push on Vro makes sense & I like her vote more than whoever was voting for Vro because he *might* be kingpin based on the fact that he was around during the kingpin post, which is just baseless conjecture anyway because there’s nothing to say Kingpin wasn’t just someone who wasn’t active during that time.

i don't think its unreasonable to think that its unreasonable to think that kingpin is more likely someone who is active around the time kingpin is than someone who isn't. Its not conclusive, but its also not baseless.
Jun 15, 2020

Day 1: First Vote Count

a.k.a. The "Your Mod is officially burnt out and will probably Modkill the next person who tries to activate an ability while I'm still trying to resolve the ones from 24 hours ago and it's only Day 1" Vote Count

Vroendal (1): Neon Princess Abigail
The Kingpin of Crime (1): The Daily Bugle

Not Voting: Aaarrrgh, Asfinyti, Asfinyti, Asfinyti, Captan_Lunch, DaRkStAr Andjalo, Doc, dragonteacup, ExLight, Freddeh, HangryHangryHippo, lain, Killjoy262, KingofDominaria, Morbid Minish, neosilk Paranoid King, Ragnarokio, Rubik, Silverfish, Skystone, Spiritual Mask Salesman, Stability, Storm, theatog, TheCapsFan, Turin, Vroendal

With 21 available votes, it takes 11 votes to reach a Majority (now whether or not Maj is required to Remove someone is another matter).

Day 1 will end on August 19th, at 5 AM, Eastern Time (click here for an accurate to the second countdown timer).

  1. Killjoy votes Storm
  2. Killjoy unvotes
  3. Neon Princess Abigail votes Vroendal
  4. The Daily Bugle votes The Kingpin of Crime [404: Error, vote link not found]

Last edited:
Sep 6, 2017
i don't think its unreasonable to think that its unreasonable to think that kingpin is more likely someone who is active around the time kingpin is than someone who isn't. Its not conclusive, but its also not baseless.
Maybe baseless is the wrong term for it - it's not unreasonable, you're right. I just prefer Neon's reasoning based on in-thread conclusions rather than...it looks like Tevish's, which is more meta-based.

Speaking of, @Zinger2099 did Tevish's vote against Vro not count, or did you just not see it while you were writing up your post?


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
why not

Vote: The Kingpin of Crime
Jun 16, 2020
Hey all! Glad I was finally able to join you. In honor of our esteemed host, I will be operating under a No Lie Policy (NLP) this game. This means I will not make any statement about the game state or mechanics which I know to be false. The one exception is information which would confirm my alignment or otherwise unfairly solve the game.

I'm just leaving work now, so I'll try to have more content coming soon.

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