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  1. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Thinking about getting a pair of ferrets. Been heavily considering what kind of pet I want to get lately now that I have my own space, and couldn't decide. A recent encounter outside with someone walking their ferrets reaffirmed why they used to be one of my favourite pets. They're incredibly...
  2. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    How does that work lol
  3. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I've had this set of pencils for like a year. Been using them as my main pencils for most of that time. I just realized I can twist them to extend the eraser. Mind = freaking blown
  4. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Nonsense that movie is an Oscar worthy masterpiece for sure! :whistle:
  5. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I've never watched TLA but I have heard very similar sentiments before. I have watched the live action movie from many moons ago so I'm good, no need to watch the series! :cool:
  6. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    There are a lot of places around the world now that are opening up "baby boxes" at local hospitals or firehalls, a place for a mother to safely and anonymously give up an unwanted baby. It's unfortunate that such things need to exist, but it's good they do, especially for those who are opposed...
  7. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Last Monday, I submitted my 2-week notice for a position I hold. The position was on summer hiatus and is set to start again next Wednesday, so I did my due diligence and submitted my notice just over 2 weeks in advance. The problem is I am the only one in said position, and it's a highly...
  8. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Thinking about getting my tongue pierced. Hubby doesn't want me to but idc, been wanting to do it for a while. Hype up not being able to talk for a week!
  9. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    The fact that it took John Williams until 2024 to win the Disney Legends award should be considered an absolute crime of the highest level.
  10. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    This heatwave combined with extremely unhealthy levels of air pollution from nearby wildfires have made the past few days incredibly miserable, especially as I've had to spend a lot of time outside. Unusually high temperatures + stupidly long northern days + thick wildfire smoke + musty, humid...
  11. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Today marks 6 years since Jamie died. Wish I could say this day gets easier every year but it really doesn't.
  12. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I often feel like I've accomplished very little in my 27 years but this year has been extremely good to me and is just getting better; I've been living with roommates for 9 years and have finally signed a lease to move into my own place in 2 weeks! Both excited and terrified to live on my own...
  13. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    The last year and a half or so, whenever it was that I left this forum, has been hectic, chaotic, stressful, intense, and every other synonymic adjective you can think of. Many times I questioned whether everything I had been doing was worth it. I am happy to say that, especially over the last...
  14. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I had a really great Christmas! BF came to visit, we drove 14 hours through severe winter conditions to be with my family, then we got to experience a Santa Claus Christmas morning together from the adult perspective for the first time. Following this was a great dinner at my sister's house with...
  15. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I've been thinking a lot lately about how everything I have tried to do in my life has led to failure. It's as if it's my destiny to do nothing but fail. Job searches, promotions, keeping friends, family ties, hell even my relationship is likely going to be over very soon. And it's ok. I've...
  16. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    First off, welcome welcome! Secondly, congrats!! Thirdly, absolutely not and in fact I encourage that 100%. Best of luck with being a cool Zelda dad! :D
  17. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Today's wordle is fantastic!
  18. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    A cyclist got hit by a train yesterday and died. I normally go home between my morning class and work, but yesterday I didn't. I thought about the timing of it and realized had I gone home instead of staying at school I would've likely been on that train.
  19. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Someone in class called Michael Buble the poor man's Sinatra and I can't stop thinking about how true it is.
  20. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Got some nifty ideas for a Zelda tattoo and I'm planning on going for a consultation sometime very soon to work out a design. My birthday is next month so my plan is to get it done as a birthday present to myself!
  21. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Capes are great, you can use them to reflect literal fireballs and plasma blasts. Who knew simple pieces of fabric were stronger than steel and pretty much every other material we have.
  22. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    This entire school year has me feeling incredibly anxious since, on top of beginning student teaching in November, the two months leading up to that are going to be possibly the busiest of my life, on top of working a full-time job and having other career commitments. Was talking to someone...
  23. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Been thinking about ZD recently and how important it is to me. I'm not really active here anymore and I'm sure there will eventually come a time when I stop signing in completely, but this forum will always hold a place in my heart. To say joining changed my life would be an understatement; I...
  24. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Finalized my registration so I'll be student teaching this year! Also been working tons so I'm super looking forward to having a little over a week off starting next week. Got a wedding to attend, seeing some family, and spending a few days in Seattle!
  25. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Some recent posts in this thread remind me of the "_ years old" meme and I am "downloading hundreds of viruses on Limewire at 5kb/s" years old
  26. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Today is Canada Day! Which also means due to the fireworks downtown work is gonna be hella busy and I'll likely be putting in 10-11 hours. But I get double time and a half for the holiday so can't complain too much lol.
  27. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Within 2 hours of making my last post, I got clipped by a turning car while riding my bike and ended up with scrapes on my face, knee, belly, and hands. Funny the way coincidences like that tend to work out. Remember to shoulder check, friends!
  28. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I have a 12km commute to work. With how ridiculous inflation has gotten, I bought a bike a couple weeks ago and decided to stop driving as much as possible. So I've biked to work and back almost every day for the past 2-3 weeks and while I've definitely felt it in my legs here and there (haven't...
  29. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Pretty sure my time just slowly walks everywhere, waiting at all red lights on the way.
  30. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Had an interview on Monday for a job I've been trying to get for a long time. Got an email yesterday saying I'd been denied. I am sad about it. It seemed like a really nice place and the owner and I seemed to have a pretty good connection when we were chatting. But, to be honest, I am just glad...
  31. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I have taught private lessons before and have been actively searching for work in that field, but even that hasn't struck me as something that would make me happy. I've always kinda just liked doing music related stuff as a hobby or as freelance work, which is incredibly difficult to sustain and...
  32. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Been wondering a lot whether I'm following the right path. I've had a few classes in which I had opportunities to practice teaching, and I taught a clinic late last year. It's not that I haven't enjoyed those experiences, but I feel unsure whether it's really for me. I feel like I used to think...
  33. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Advance Wars: Re-Boot Camp has been delayed again, presumably due to the conflict in Ukraine (the reason given was simply "recent world events"). Seeing as the game features an army based on Russia, it makes sense as it could be considered poor taste, but it makes me sad because I was genuinely...
  34. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    The former! Even my piercer said that in an 8 year career he'd only performed this on males maybe 5 times.
  35. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I got my belly button pierced last week. So far, I really really love it. Pain was about a 4/10, but lasted for roughly two seconds and then was over, and the healing process has been really smooth so far (though only a week in, it's hard to say, navel piercings are temperamental and prone to...
  36. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I sad reacted because I sympathize with your teacher. For the most part, at least.
  37. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    This is page 2022 of this thread :eyes:
  38. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Idk why I was happy that I'd be able to spend Christmas with my family this year after being unable to last year, because so far this trip has just been miserable. Christmas is supposed to a happy time in which you hang out and laugh with your family but for some reason I always seem to feel...
  39. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    This says literally nothing about society.
  40. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Wait lmao is this a thing? First I've ever heard of it.
  41. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I'm sorry, but this is a really bad take.
  42. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Update: clinics went well! I had to spend 3 hours teaching 10 middle school students how to play percussion and I discovered if you give 10 middle schoolers a pair of wooden sticks they get overly excited and want to hit everything! But outside all that, it was a good time.
  43. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I'm working as a clinician at a middle school today. It will mark my first experience of standing in front of a classroom of kids so I'm a bit anxious, but also quite excited. Apparently it's a fairly laid back school too so the environment should be relatively stress-free!
  44. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    With border regulations having been steadily easing over the past couple months for vaccinated individuals, I had the opportunity to visit my bf in Georgia for the first time since Christmas 2019 for 2 weeks. Got to spend some time in Atlanta and check out the Coka-Cola museum and hang out at...
  45. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Went for a walk earlier and did some geocaching. Never really did that before and I'm starting to realize it's actually a lot of fun!
  46. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    The bike I bought a month ago was stolen last night after the lock was cut. It was used and I used cash from my tips to buy it so not a massive loss but certainly an annoying one, especially considering the amount of money I've been saving on gas lately.
  47. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I got an email saying my Tumblr account with the username "Homo Erotic Sloth Attack" turned 6 and I don't even remember making a tumblr account and I definitely don't remember why I named it that and I don't know what to think, my brain just took a Tumblr down the stairs.
  48. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    This is incredibly timely because I brought a little spider outside from my bedroom earlier. I could've left him but my bedroom is too messy, didn't want the little guy getting lost somewhere!
  49. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    WHAT WHAT did i mention WHAT I swear I watched that movie like every weekend as a kid and never noticed that
  50. Mellow Ezlo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I drove to the grocery store today but walked around the store for about 10 minutes and walked my groceries back to the house from the car does that count as exercise?
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