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Things That Are on Your Mind

Jan 29, 2024
rather not say
I would rather not interact with people who use the term "normies" unironically. There is nothing wrong with wanting to seek employment or something to make you feel like you are doing a service for others. It is actually healthy to be doing something other than sitting around at home all day (illness or disability notwithstanding). Of course your life shouldn't be your employment, but you are going to need money somehow so you may as well make the most of whatever your sitation is.
Only people who are what i mentioned would get offended like it if you ask me.


The Haunter of the Dark
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
It was a requirement for garduation in my area nad its a ****ing stupid one like it should be get your credits based on finishing courses and go like all that extra **** is beyond pointless honestly like you don't need to suceed in life playing a ****ing recorder.

Meds and therapy are the real solutions, not being forced into being an extrovert and talking and going up to random strangers no wonder why ted bundy would be having a field day these cause of these extroverts being the denser than a harem mc they are, they have 0 self preservation skills.

And to quote odb i don't owe the hood anything period.
Don't put words in my mouth.

What I said was literally, that volunteering HELPS with mental health. There's other things that help with mental health, such as exercise, eating right, mindfulness, reframing, and so on.

There is no one best strategy that works for everyone, and I won't apologize for making statements of fact. If you have a problem with a statement of fact, that's your problem, not mine.

Furthermore, there is no "cure" for a condition, just supports and accommodations, and honestly this view that you can pop a pill and think it magically solves every problem shows you don't know what you're talking about.

I'm autistic and ADHD, and I take stimulant medications for my ADHD. Did it make my ADHD magically go away? No. It's still there, and always will be there, regardless what I do. I am currently in therapy to learn some supports and accommodations for them, and I go to a support group.

Did that "solve" the problem of ADHD and autism? No, because there is no cure.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I would rather not interact with people who use the term "normies" unironically. There is nothing wrong with wanting to seek employment or something to make you feel like you are doing a service for others. It is actually healthy to be doing something other than sitting around at home all day (illness or disability notwithstanding). Of course your life shouldn't be your employment, but you are going to need money somehow so you may as well make the most of whatever your sitation is.
Normie take tbh

I agree
We must tend to the garden


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
It was a requirement for garduation in my area nad its a ****ing stupid one like it should be get your credits based on finishing courses and go like all that extra **** is beyond pointless honestly like you don't need to suceed in life playing a ****ing recorder.

Meds and therapy are the real solutions, not being forced into being an extrovert and talking and going up to random strangers no wonder why ted bundy would be having a field day these cause of these extroverts being the denser than a harem mc they are, they have 0 self preservation skills.

And to quote odb i don't owe the hood anything period.
Only people who are what i mentioned would get offended like it if you ask me.
Why do you hate people so much?


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
It was a requirement for garduation in my area nad its a ****ing stupid one like it should be get your credits based on finishing courses and go like all that extra **** is beyond pointless honestly like you don't need to suceed in life playing a ****ing recorder.

Meds and therapy are the real solutions, not being forced into being an extrovert and talking and going up to random strangers no wonder why ted bundy would be having a field day these cause of these extroverts being the denser than a harem mc they are, they have 0 self preservation skills.

And to quote odb i don't owe the hood anything period.
I do disagree with the idea of being forced to do volunteer work to graduate. At that point you’re not doing it because you legitimately want to help the community, you’re doing it for your own personal gain. I guess from a utilitarian perspective it is a good thing, but if the goal is to teach people the mental benefits of giving back to the community than I don’t think it works. If you have to force people to give charity, then it’s objectively not charity.

That being said, Oocoo clearly finds purpose and joy in doing this, so who the hell are you to tell us that it’s not a “real solution?”


The Haunter of the Dark
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I do disagree with the idea of being forced to do volunteer work to graduate. At that point you’re not doing it because you legitimately want to help the community, you’re doing it for your own personal gain. I guess from a utilitarian perspective it is a good thing, but if the goal is to teach people the mental benefits of giving back to the community than I don’t think it works. If you have to force people to give charity, then it’s objectively not charity.

That being said, Oocoo clearly finds purpose and joy in doing this, so who the hell are you to tell us that it’s not a “real solution?”
On this, I agree wholeheartedly with you, mate.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
dont people usually drop off an unwanted newborn baby at a church or at least right outside a hospital?
There are a lot of places around the world now that are opening up "baby boxes" at local hospitals or firehalls, a place for a mother to safely and anonymously give up an unwanted baby. It's unfortunate that such things need to exist, but it's good they do, especially for those who are opposed to abortion. Surrendering a baby in one of these official boxes relieves the mother (and/or father) of any legal and financial burdens that come with raising a child, and helps them avoid the stigma that often comes with abortion. Much better than the baby ending up dead in a recycling centre, or anywhere else.


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
Staff member
ZD Champion
Comm. Coordinator
LOL, i rather NOT be forced to interact with normies against my will its as if one wants to enjoy being a workaholic slave till they crash and burn out to literally karoshi lol all i can to say to one who wishes that lifestyle is hey enjoy it they brought it on themselves.

This isn't the thread for this sort of debate, maybe.
Let the topic die, please.
Since it was my post that started all this I'll respond to this post, then we can all let the discussion die out :sweat:

As someone with anxiety, I totally understand not wanting to be I'm environments where I need to interact with too many people. I don't like talking to people, I am a major introvert, and try to avoid human interaction as much as possible. But being stuck in my house doing nothing the past 2 years has in fact taken a big toll on my mental health. I don't like going into details, but I do deal with fairly regular depressive episodes as a result. So while I don't like people, I know that the library is a place where I can do something meaningful while also not stressing myself out with too much interaction. I do know my limits and try to avoid applying to jobs that I know will stress and upset me, whether it be with too much interaction or too many hours.

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
I've been thinking about a friend I had a long time ago when I was in preschool. I lost contact with them, and I had a chance to reconnect with them when my mom died, and I chose not to. Now I regret that decision, and it's too late. I have no way of contacting them anymore.

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