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Things That Are on Your Mind

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
The last year and a half or so, whenever it was that I left this forum, has been hectic, chaotic, stressful, intense, and every other synonymic adjective you can think of. Many times I questioned whether everything I had been doing was worth it.

I am happy to say that, especially over the last month or two, many changes have begun happening in my life that are propelling me forward in increasingly positive ways. I am not sure how many of the legacy cast are still around here, nor especially who even really remembers me since I haven't been active since 2021 or so, but those who do may remember me as being mostly cheerful all the time even when my life was a mess. Wearing a mask has always been important to me because I enjoy positive environments, and I feel like being positive on the outside promotes such. I have been that way my whole life, trying to keep everyone around me happy often at the cost of my own happiness.

I plan to write a lengthy blog detailing what my life has been like for the past several years, and what its trajectory is like now. There are some amazing things happening this month that I simply cannot wait to talk about and I think my state of mind at this time is the best it has been in a very long time, if not ever. For the first time, I don't feel as if I need to wear a mask, as I finally have a genuine positive outlook on the future and I'm really excited to move forward. Things are truly great, and it's nice to finally mean it.

I've missed this site, and while I don't know if I'm going to be active again, I think I can afford myself to sign in every now and then to say hi and check in! The break was nice and much needed.


Staff member
The last year and a half or so, whenever it was that I left this forum, has been hectic, chaotic, stressful, intense, and every other synonymic adjective you can think of. Many times I questioned whether everything I had been doing was worth it.

I am happy to say that, especially over the last month or two, many changes have begun happening in my life that are propelling me forward in increasingly positive ways. I am not sure how many of the legacy cast are still around here, nor especially who even really remembers me since I haven't been active since 2021 or so, but those who do may remember me as being mostly cheerful all the time even when my life was a mess. Wearing a mask has always been important to me because I enjoy positive environments, and I feel like being positive on the outside promotes such. I have been that way my whole life, trying to keep everyone around me happy often at the cost of my own happiness.

I plan to write a lengthy blog detailing what my life has been like for the past several years, and what its trajectory is like now. There are some amazing things happening this month that I simply cannot wait to talk about and I think my state of mind at this time is the best it has been in a very long time, if not ever. For the first time, I don't feel as if I need to wear a mask, as I finally have a genuine positive outlook on the future and I'm really excited to move forward. Things are truly great, and it's nice to finally mean it.

I've missed this site, and while I don't know if I'm going to be active again, I think I can afford myself to sign in every now and then to say hi and check in! The break was nice and much needed.
It’s nice to see you around and hear you’ve been doing well. I look forward to reading more about what’s been happening when you post your blog entry!

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Said goodbye to my kiddos today. I won't see them over the summer like last year because I'll be at a different location this time. I needed the change of pace, but I'll still miss them... It's possible I won't find another position and I'll be at high school with most of them anyway, but one of them isn't going to the same high school as the rest. I've known her since she was a third grader. :( I'm sure she'll do well though. I worry, but ya gotta let em spread their wings.

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
There is a great deal on my mind, my Father’s cancer, my disillusionment with life, and that being a caregiver is getfing harder & harder.

In The Matrix films the goal was to wake up and escape the dream world, I say plug me in.. my dreams is where I’m happy…

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Thinking how sad it is that constancy has become so rare nowadays.. every week I face another shattering of what was and have to adapt. Its getting harder to cope.. I have to fight all the nostalgia toys & plushies at the department store that take me back to days when I played Sonic Adventure 2, played Pokemon, watched Retro TMNT, watched Dragon Ball GT, and etc. The truth is when I indulge in buying them it does not help, rather they become a reminder of bygone era of my life…

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
I often feel like I've accomplished very little in my 27 years but this year has been extremely good to me and is just getting better; I've been living with roommates for 9 years and have finally signed a lease to move into my own place in 2 weeks! Both excited and terrified to live on my own but really it's about freaking time. Nice to finally be in a stable enough financial position to do so.

More amazing things happening very soon and I truly cannot wait to talk about them!

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