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  1. bigflyingpotato

    Nostalgic Music

    For starters, several Cake songs give me nostalgia. We used to listen to them in the car on long road trips. Short Skirt Long Jacket by Cake Love you Madly by Cake And some other Cake songs I don't know the name of but could remember well. Of course, The Pokemon Theme song I...
  2. bigflyingpotato

    Secret Santa- Come Check It Out! Sign-up OPEN

    *_* Thank you whoever made mine, don't know who you are, but I love it. I feel like I don't deserve it, but thanks so much ^_^
  3. bigflyingpotato

    Secret Santa- Come Check It Out! Sign-up OPEN

    I guess I'll follow the format above Things I'm into: Legend of Zelda--Mostly TWW, TMC, and MM Music Queen, Sonata Arctica Nerdfighting Clean humor Kirby Fire Emblem Dragons Snow Dr. Horrible Rent Ouran (HSHC) I guess that's it?
  4. bigflyingpotato

    Secret Santa- Come Check It Out! Sign-up OPEN

    All right, go ahead and sign me up. I can pull something together :)
  5. bigflyingpotato

    Zelda Art Zelda: Twin Chronicles

    Fascinating fascinating. The fighting was a bit confusing, but battles are chaotic anyway, so no big deal. Awesome work, as always.
  6. bigflyingpotato

    Google Me!

    ...I have no idea
  7. bigflyingpotato

    Google Me!

    Er, one of the more interesting texture hacks I've seen
  8. bigflyingpotato

    Name Game

    bigflyingpotato bigflyingpotato bigflyinghpotyastyo iogfdik8ughrfi9urtsti Wow, the last one looks nothing like my name,:lol:
  9. bigflyingpotato

    Zelda School (sign-ups)

    Ok, sounds fun. Sign me up 30303030
  10. bigflyingpotato

    Rate the Siggy!

    9/10 for picture 20/10 for Mega Man
  11. bigflyingpotato

    Rate the Siggy!

    9.5/10 Great picture, and I really like the little Link sprite and the rotating Triangles.
  12. bigflyingpotato

    Biggest Noob Thing You Ever Said

    Playing Adventure of Link earlier- "HEY! You can't use your sword! You can't attack me! Only I attack you!!"
  13. bigflyingpotato

    Zelda Art Zelda: Descent Into Madness

    I don't have a problem with the gore, at all. I'm just pointing out that it's a lot more of an intense start than TC.
  14. bigflyingpotato

    Zelda Art Zelda: Descent Into Madness

    You never cease to amaze me MC. Except this time there's gore right from the start. Not that I have a problem, it just makes things that much more interesting :)
  15. bigflyingpotato

    Lets Count to 1000!

    747. I'm wearing comfortable shoes :)
  16. bigflyingpotato

    Can Your Mom Talk Zelda?

    My mom can crawl around in Wind Waker, she knows Link's name, and I think she knows the names of the 3d titles, but that's about it. I think she thinks I'm weird for liking the series so much, but oh well.
  17. bigflyingpotato

    Zelda Art Zelda: Twin Chronicles

    Hey, are you going to draw anymore pictures? Or were you just planning on drawing them for the first few chapters? I know it takes time to draw them I'm just wondering :)
  18. bigflyingpotato

    Rate the Character Above You

    9/10, because he's not perfect ;) Link!
  19. bigflyingpotato

    Rate the Avatar!

    8/10 hah, that's cute. Pretty funny avatar. Just a bit bright I suppose.
  20. bigflyingpotato

    Zelda Art Zelda: Twin Chronicles

    Sorry I haven't commented in a while again, it's a real shame because your chapters are only getting increasingly interesting.
  21. bigflyingpotato

    Post your desktop or phone wallpaper

    Pretty simple, but I love it.
  22. bigflyingpotato

    Rate the Siggy!

    *Insert previous Enemytracker score here*
  23. bigflyingpotato

    The Animated GIF Thread

    Just a few small ones that I like
  24. bigflyingpotato

    Zelda: Descent Into Madness Sign-Up

    On that note, I assume Tsukino will be in this story as well? Sorry to bother if the answer is obvious.
  25. bigflyingpotato

    A Catch Phrase?

    Catchphrase= talking. Link+talking= many many unhappy people. Including Nintendo. He should just stick to his overdramatic and unnecessary grunts. Those are enough for me :)
  26. bigflyingpotato

    Zelda Art Zelda: Twin Chronicles

    Cliffhangers cliffhangers! I have to say, that was one of your best chapters MC. I haven't really noticed your writing getting sloppy, except for being a few spelling errors, but not much else.
  27. bigflyingpotato

    Rate the Siggy!

    8.5/10 Great picture, and I like the Triforce and font. The red X is annoying, there's a lot of words that are kind of hard to read, and the words are just a bit hard to read. Don't get me wrong, I do like your sig.
  28. bigflyingpotato

    Official Graphics/Art Thread

    Here's one I threw together really quick. I might use it, but until it's used there's no name on it.
  29. bigflyingpotato

    Zelda Art Zelda: Twin Chronicles

    You draw just like you write, quick and well. Great pictures, I especially like the one just above chapter 3.
  30. bigflyingpotato

    Zelda Art Zelda: Twin Chronicles

    Gah, I never know what to say when I finish reading your chapters besides how much I love them. Keep it up :)
  31. bigflyingpotato

    Rate the Siggy!

    Mega Man gets 15/10 Picture above gets 9/10
  32. bigflyingpotato

    Zelda Art Zelda: Twin Chronicles

    It's not a problem, I thank you for putting your time in to write a story purely for our and your enjoyment.
  33. bigflyingpotato

    Zelda Art Zelda: Twin Chronicles

    Hmmm character and plot developement, always a pleasure to read. Nice that you have plans for your story MC, and you're not just making it up as you go.
  34. bigflyingpotato

    Zelda Art Zelda: Twin Chronicles

    Ah you do know how to make a good cliffhanger. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Great chapters as always.
  35. bigflyingpotato

    Lets Count to 1000!

    559. WHAT? We're already more than halfway to 600?!
  36. bigflyingpotato

    Zelda Art Zelda: Twin Chronicles

    I think the gore makes it more realistic, you can more easily picture the scene and just how violent Poder or whoever is being. Looking forward to your pictures, will you be drawing scenes or characters?
  37. bigflyingpotato

    Zelda Art Zelda: Twin Chronicles

    ............... Somehow, Majora's Cat, you always leave me speechless.I don't mind the gore, it adds depth to the fights.
  38. bigflyingpotato

    If You Lost All Your Zelda Games but Could Only Keep Three.

    Hmm, what about VC? I don't think I'd lose those, so I'll say I'd keep Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Minish Cap I suppose. Hard question since it'd be hard to lose any of them. I can't believe I lost Spirit Tracks :(
  39. bigflyingpotato

    Truth or Dare Game

    Delete the first part of your sig for a day, the part with red font screaming DON'T READ THIS
  40. bigflyingpotato

    Lets Count to 1000!

    487. Man I remember when this game had only like 4 posts and I wasn't sure we'd make it very far Don't I feel silly
  41. bigflyingpotato

    Dungeons of Darkness Sign Up Thingy

    Sorry, just saying. I'd like to have signed up as a Hylian, but those spots are filled. I'd rather not choose a non-human-like race, but I just don't know if there would be any advantage from being Kokiri. Hah, sounds like I'm taking this so seriously.
  42. bigflyingpotato

    Dungeons of Darkness Sign Up Thingy

    .... Still doesn't sound good for fighting at all.
  43. bigflyingpotato

    Dungeons of Darkness Sign Up Thingy

    Seems like most people want to be Hylian... I did too. I could be Kokiri but they don't seem like they'd be great fighters.
  44. bigflyingpotato

    Rate the Siggy!

    7/10 I like the idea, but the blurriness is distracting and I don't like the expression on Link's face
  45. bigflyingpotato

    Zelda Art Zelda: Twin Chronicles

    ........................ Intense. Gorey, but intense.
  46. bigflyingpotato

    Zelda Art Zelda: Twin Chronicles

    No problem, her name isn't exaclty obvious what gender she is. At least you didn't say he the whole time.
  47. bigflyingpotato

    Zelda Art Zelda: Twin Chronicles

    Again, sorry for not reading your chapters earlier. I really like what you did with Tsukino, even if you did call her a man XD Very addictive story, I'm surprised you write so well so quickly.
  48. bigflyingpotato

    (De)Motivational Posters. ZD EDITION!

    Inspired by Chuggaaconroy
  49. bigflyingpotato

    Rate the Character Above You

    20/10 Lyn from Fire Emblem 3030
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