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Your Opinion of Minish Cap

May 16, 2008
Kentucky, USA
I'm still working on beating it. Not because I can't, but because it bores me so much that I usually just find something else to do. So far, its definitely not one of my favorite Zeldas. Maybe after I beat it I may change my mind, but if it can't even hold my attention long enough to get to that point, I don't know if that will end up happening.

I beat the game today, finally. My perception changed a bit, not by much though. It still remains one of my least favorite Zelda titles. For me, the game got too confusing at points. There isn't a whole lot of direction in the game, so you basically have to go to a certain spot which you aren't exactly sure is right, then make Ezlo tell you something to trigger an event of what to do next. Sure, this sounds like most Zelda's, but in MC it was worse because you don't really know where to go half the time.


Sep 15, 2008
I beat the game today, finally. My perception changed a bit, not by much though. It still remains one of my least favorite Zelda titles. For me, the game got too confusing at points. There isn't a whole lot of direction in the game, so you basically have to go to a certain spot which you aren't exactly sure is right, then make Ezlo tell you something to trigger an event of what to do next. Sure, this sounds like most Zelda's, but in MC it was worse because you don't really know where to go half the time.

I never had that problem, of course it thoughens up for you cause you were already thinking from the beggining that the game was crappy. Also, having lots of stuff wich you can possibly do between dungeons is awesome, like a breath of fresh air... If you wanna relax from dungeon-tripping, go fuse some kinstones, or go get some tiger scrolls, etc etc etc, i love it


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
I think it's an okay Zelda game, but it's not one of my favorites, I couldn't get into it very easily, but I played it to the end.


Hello World
Nov 20, 2008
i thought the game was good vatti got on my nerves i was trying to beat the game without dying the game could of been a bit harder now minish cap is a dust collector


The Geekette
Nov 25, 2007
i thought the game was good vatti got on my nerves i was trying to beat the game without dying the game could of been a bit harder now minish cap is a dust collector

You know, now that you mention it, the Minish Cap is probably one of the insanely tiny amount of games from the Legend of Zelda series that will not have a random desire to play anytime soon. There have been games where as soon as I beat it, I'd love to play again - but to me, it was just so simple that it really has no challenges that make it undesirable and lacking concerning replay value.
Nov 26, 2008
Minish Cap: Best Modern Zelda?

Some of you may know that recently I bought and played Minish Cap, and I've just beaten it. I enjoyed it very much, and it made me start thinking.

Is this possibly one of the best of the recent Zelda games? Keep in mind I'm not thinking of the N64 games as recent.

It takes the classic Zelda gameplay formula (well, more or less, it changes it a little for the overhead perspective, but it's mostly the same as the 3D games) like most of the games do. But it added great new elements, particularly the shrinking, to make it very unique. Then there was the whole Kinstone system, which was fresh, unique, and fun, IMO. And it was the first Zelda game to incorporate the idea of learning various sword skills (at least other than the Spin Attack, which is learned in most of the games.)

The items were great, too. You had all the classic Zelda "staples," such as the Bow, Bombs and Boomerang, but they added tons of great, unique new items like the Gust Jar, plus creative spins on older items, like the Flame Lantern and Mole Mitts.

The game was also well designed. Nice sidequests between dungeons, and secrets to find. The dungeons themselves were well designed and unique, offering tricky design. A good example is giving you the Boss Key early on in some dungeons, particularly the Temple of Droplets and Palace of Winds. Unique and interesting. Plenty of it kept you on your toes.

And then there was the bosses, which I also thought were great and well designed. They had interesting weaknesses and attacks, and I felt they were more challenging than most other recent Zelda games' bosses were. Vaati especially, but the other bosses too.

It's biggest fault was perhaps it's length (six dungeons is a pretty small Zelda game.)

Bottom line is... I think the game managed to be more unique and well-designed than all the other recent Zelda games. It also managed to throw in a little more challenge, which I think has been the big thing the series has been lacking.

So what are your guys' thoughts on this? Is it just my opinion of the game, or do you think I might be right, to a degree at least?
May 16, 2008
Kentucky, USA
No I hated playing MC. I had to actually make myself beat the game. I started playing it once, then quit for a long time after getting completely bored with it. When I started back, I didn't know where I was or where to go because I was so uninterested in playing it before. But, it is a Zelda game, so I finally ended up beating it. Definitely not one of the best newer titles though in my opinion. I'd probably play it over Phantom Hourglass, and that's about it.


Sep 15, 2008
The game is good, yes, but it is kinda meh, imo.
The first and second playthroughs were okay, but after that the game gets boring.
In my opinion, the best modern 2-D Zelda is Four Swords Adventures
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
No, most certainly not. It's definitely not one of my favorite Zelda titles, and there are many other Game Boy Advance titles I would rather play. I didn't "hate" it, and it was a fairly entertaining game, but I feel like it could have done much better. On my "Modern Zelda" favorites list, I'm afraid that the only game Minish Cap beats is Phantom Hourglass, which was a pretty bad game in every aspect. There's no way I would ever prefer to play MC over, say, Twilight Princess. I also felt like it didn't do the past Zelda hand held titles justice. I enjoyed both Oracles and Link's Awakening much more actually.
May 16, 2008
Kentucky, USA
I also felt like it didn't do the past Zelda hand held titles justice. I enjoyed both Oracles and Link's Awakening much more actually.

Exactly. Maybe that was what made me dislike it so much. There is another thread here about "missing the old graphics", but pertains to the 64 bit games. I can say that I would love it if they made a new handheld title using the engine and graphics from the Oracles. Of course, storyline would have to be a factor, but I just feel that as basic as it was compared to MC, OoX/LA's engine/graphics were top notch and actually "felt" like a handheld Zelda is supposed to feel IMO.


Apr 19, 2009
I did really enjoy MC. It was the first Zelda I played and therefore has always had a place in my heart. I've played it to the death. However, I have to disagree with your statement. To me, most of my favourite games are the newer ones. I just like them being updated and such. Take TP, the feel of it is astounding, this is my favourite game of all time and is newer than MC.

Something else I have to disagree with, Is you say it brings a challenge. MC is Without a doubt the easiest Zelda I have played. Furthermore, On my first completetion, It probably took me 10 hours MAXIMUM. Now, I could probably do it in 5 or 6. It is short and easy. The bosses can be difficult (Vaati especially,) but nothing compared to alot of other games. This is the ideal 'Introduction' game in my opinion as it is just so easy and simple with a good, basic storyline, however, for veteran gamers and long-time fans of the franchise I'd predict it'd be less popular.


Sep 15, 2008
I did really enjoy MC. It was the first Zelda I played and therefore has always had a place in my heart. I've played it to the death. However, I have to disagree with your statement. To me, most of my favourite games are the newer ones. I just like them being updated and such. Take TP, the feel of it is astounding, this is my favourite game of all time and is newer than MC.

Something else I have to disagree with, Is you say it brings a challenge. MC is Without a doubt the easiest Zelda I have played. Furthermore, On my first completetion, It probably took me 10 hours MAXIMUM. Now, I could probably do it in 5 or 6. It is short and easy. The bosses can be difficult (Vaati especially,) but nothing compared to alot of other games. This is the ideal 'Introduction' game in my opinion as it is just so easy and simple with a good, basic storyline, however, for veteran gamers and long-time fans of the franchise I'd predict it'd be less popular.

Phantom Hourglass is easier, in case you haven't played it.
The only boss that can be a challenge is the boat Bellum, just because it keeps rocking back and forth and makes hard for every shot to land clearly.


Apr 19, 2009
Nah i'v played Phantom hourglass. I found them about equal difficulty, but PH is longer. At least, it is for me. This is why I said MC was the easiest. Also, I did not find the boat Bellum hard, as all you have to do is touch the eye you are aiming for, if the boat moved you canon ball would still hit it. Hoever, I did find the Dodongo thing quite challenging. The one where you play as Gongoron aswell as Link, just because I found it SOOOOO annoying to have to keep switching between players so that Link didn't die.
Jun 16, 2008
New York, US
I'd say I have to agree with you on several points, Axle. MC is an awesome game. It certainly has it's place, and I might prefer it over TP even. Maybe it's just that it was really the first Zelda game of my own (the other ones I'd played were all my brothers), or maybe it's that the game really is that good, but whatever, I like it quite a lot.

What I do have to disagree with is the bit on difficulty. Even though it was one of the first few Zelda games I'd played, I really had no trouble at all completing it. That being said, some of the sidequests were pretty tough: for example, getting every single Kinstone Fusion, which I only succeeded in with a checklist.

So overall, MC is a great game, but definitely could've been a little harder. As for it being the best of the newer games, I'd prefer WW over it.

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