Gah! This is going to be incredibly tough!
#5. Super Smash Bros Brawl
A giant among fighting games. Seriously, with so many classic characters like Mario and Luigi, a kick butt adventure mode, the ability to make stages, and tracks from the many games that the characters are from it's hard not to put it in a top five games of all time list.
#4. Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
Yeah that's right, I like ST more than OoT and it was still only number four! I still love it, as well as all the other Zelda games and stuff, but it's so dang hard to decide!
#3. Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver
This is a truly awesome game. Not only is it flipping Generation II, it's also got a ton of awesome added stuff like the Kimono Girls becoming characters who help you (and add a bit of mystery) throughout the Johto quest (whom were just some random trainers you fought in Ecruteak City in the original versions), your Pokemon follow you, PokeAthalons, and so much more!
#2. New Super Mario Bros Wii
What can I say? It's a terrific game, and by far the best Mario game yet. It's one of the hardest games I've ever played, and for all the right reasons!

I enjoy it so, so much!
#1. WarioWare DIY
Okay, if you saw this coming, you seriously deserve a cookie right now. WarioWare DIY is a very fun game, what with being
able to make your own games, music, and graphics! Sorry about all that, but I can't streess enough that you get to do just about
everything that a game designer would do, all in a neat little user friendly package. The tutorials are actually pretty funny and entertaining, and I sometimes go through them just to go through them! I just cannot stress enough the fact that you can do
everything on your own!
Honorable Mentions
Super Mario Galaxy
Every LoZ game except AoL, LA, OoX, FSA, and FS because I haven't beaten/played AoL, LA, OoX, FSA, and FS yet
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy V
Super Mario Bros 3
Super Mario Bros 2
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
Pokemon Colosseum
Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness
Metroid Prime
Metroid Zero Mission
Paper Mario
Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time
Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story